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I don't know how many inches 60cm is
2 feetMitchSchaft said:I don't know how many inches 60cm is.
Rounded off to the nearest inch it gives 24 inches which equals 2 feet.unclehobart said:60 Centimeters = 23.622047 Inches
Huh? Engineers round off when communicating with other people in a common environment. Its only in the profession itself that you don't round off. When writing in English to non-Engineers, you use easily recognizable terms unless the high accuracy is needed.... English 101...unclehobart said:rounding off? an engineer? hang your head in shame.
unclehobart said:24 foot river? no problem... heres your 23.622047 foot bridge! *splash*
Read my post about English vs Engineering again. I'm not going to argue a point I already made and you ignored.unclehobart said:Thats the sound of the bridge hitting the water for failing to span the gap.
mhh, sorry, I didn't exactly get that as a joke though... I'm a little slow sometimesunclehobart said:I didnt ignore it. I'm just laughing at how anal retentive you get when someone pokes a smidge of fun.
unclehobart said:rounding off? an engineer? hang your head in shame.