A webcam shot of my desk, not the best quality (besides the fact that I couldn't take a better overall shot due to cable limitations), but I'm still saving for that digital camera...

And in case you're wondering: I got the MS Internet keyboard Pro, which kicks Logitech's ass big-time when it comes to media-support. Got the Logitech keyboard at work, and I really like the scrollwheel, but it won't recognize Winamp when it's minimized, that sucks...


desk.jpg, 16.83kb

What a bunch of slackers. A clean desk is a sign of a do-nothing-lazy SOB. Clutter than desk, look like your doing something for chists sake. Here is a great example of my dungeon

i could not work in your "dungeon", i need a clean desk, and i always keep it that way, after all, everything i need is in the puter or accesible with the puter, not on paper.
My basement is where I dissect, experiment and create new machines.
(My main system is upstairs-photos later.) :headbang:


basement computers2.jpg, 143.88kb

Right on, Gonz! I just noticed the BoR and Constitution on your wall. I've been looking for that myself. All I have is the "original" version, but I want the BoR to hang on my wall. If you'll notice, the 2nd picture of mine, right next to the chair under the desk is a corner of the Consitution that I have. It's actually the folder that it came in. I have not gotten around to finding a frame for it yet.

Where did you get yours?
*looks at desk*

*looks at clock*

*looks at puter that was almost broken but she just spent 3 hours and brought it back to live*

*goes to bed without taking a pic because she has to get up in 4 hours*

Plus, I don't have a digi cam anyways!
plus i have so much stuff on my desk

unless stuff unrelated to computers or homework in anyway!
I had a lot of stuff on my desk a few days's a little bit better now :D


dsc00191.jpg, 74.58kb
