Pot is Harmless

..Guess everybody reacts a bit different, and I can only speak for myself.

Correct, I have been a full time pot smoker since the age of 16. I love the way it mellows me out while alcohol can make me more aggresive and not to mention the whole geee I feel like crap the next day scenario. I am definatly pro cannabis over here in NZ, I also dont condone what or how this woman went about smoking it tho, thats just wrong. To throw otherwise perfectly law abiding citizens into court or jail just because they enjoy a puff or two and hurt no-one in the process is a waste of police resources and time. The amount of friends life's I have seen ruined through alcohol is horrendous, at present my best friend is currently doing time in a dry out centre because he is an alki, somehow I think when the laws were made they got the two mixed up, weed should be legal but strictly governed, alcohol should be illegal.
staffrodore said:
To throw otherwise perfectly law abiding citizens

Jeffrey Dahmer was a real sweetheart....when he wasn't killing & eating you.
staffrodore said:
So drawing a conclusion here, pot is in the same catagory as killing and cannabilism?

Yes and no, pot is illegal, but cannibalism is acceptable if it's done in the manner of Donner party.
staffrodore said:
Correct, I have been a full time pot smoker since the age of 16. I love the way it mellows me out while alcohol can make me more aggresive and not to mention the whole geee I feel like crap the next day scenario. I am definatly pro cannabis over here in NZ, I also dont condone what or how this woman went about smoking it tho, thats just wrong. To throw otherwise perfectly law abiding citizens into court or jail just because they enjoy a puff or two and hurt no-one in the process is a waste of police resources and time. The amount of friends life's I have seen ruined through alcohol is horrendous, at present my best friend is currently doing time in a dry out centre because he is an alki, somehow I think when the laws were made they got the two mixed up, weed should be legal but strictly governed, alcohol should be illegal.

Notice the emphasis? Otherwise. That's what the tie-in to Dahmer means. He was a perfectly law-abiding citizen...when he wasn't killing, and eating, other human beings.

1. If you break the law...any law, then you are not a law abiding citizen. You are now a part-time criminal.
2. There is nobody alive today who knows all the laws, so we have all broken laws...not even lawyers...so now we have degrees of lawlessness.
3. The amount of friends I've seen who have ruined their lives through pot is horrendous. My cousin, who smokes on a regular basis, cannot hold down a job for more than a couple months at a time because all that weed has damaged his brain. So much for weed being harmless. :rolleyes:
4. The effects of alcohol are completely gone in 24 hours...provided you don't have any more in that time period. The effects of marijuana last for at least one month. Don't believe me? Have one joint, wait one month, and take a urinalysis. None of those tricks like the green tea, or overloading yourself with water, either. No changes to diet, or exercise. When you lose your job for popping a positive, remember...I can drink one drink 12 hours prior, and have nothing show up.
Gato_Solo said:
Notice the emphasis? Otherwise. That's what the tie-in to Dahmer means. He was a perfectly law-abiding citizen...when he wasn't killing, and eating, other human beings.

1. If you break the law...any law, then you are not a law abiding citizen. You are now a part-time criminal.
2. There is nobody alive today who knows all the laws, so we have all broken laws...not even lawyers...so now we have degrees of lawlessness.
3. The amount of friends I've seen who have ruined their lives through pot is horrendous. My cousin, who smokes on a regular basis, cannot hold down a job for more than a couple months at a time because all that weed has damaged his brain. So much for weed being harmless. :rolleyes:
4. The effects of alcohol are completely gone in 24 hours...provided you don't have any more in that time period. The effects of marijuana last for at least one month. Don't believe me? Have one joint, wait one month, and take a urinalysis. None of those tricks like the green tea, or overloading yourself with water, either. No changes to diet, or exercise. When you lose your job for popping a positive, remember...I can drink one drink 12 hours prior, and have nothing show up.

I still think the tie in with Dahmer is a little extreem, he was a serial murderer. How many people do you see having a puff and then saying or doing, I have the munchies now, I'll go out and find someone to eat?? Cases such as Dahmer are maybe genetic or a result of society and should not be used as a comparison.

Your cousin blaming pot for not being able to hold down a full time job sounds too much like a cop out for his own failings, fark many people I know both full time smokers (very heavy) have and are able to hold down a job even to the point of being managers. Sounds like your cousin needs serious help!

Yes I know the effects of smoke stay in the body for thirty days, but you are wrong with the alcohol leaving after 24 hrs, try losing your drivers license indefinatly, having a drink or two a week prior to undertaking a medical examination with the goal towards obtaining your license back and failing because they find alcohol still present? Sure too much of anything will have harmfull effects on our bodies, though I am sure you know that even smoking a little herb every now and then does have medicinal benifits?
staffrodore said:
Yes I know the effects of smoke stay in the body for thirty days, but you are wrong with the alcohol leaving after 24 hrs, try losing your drivers license indefinatly, having a drink or two a week prior to undertaking a medical examination with the goal towards obtaining your license back and failing because they find alcohol still present? Sure too much of anything will have harmfull effects on our bodies, though I am sure you know that even smoking a little herb every now and then does have medicinal benifits?

So now who's being extreme? Did I say drink and drive? Nope. Considering this thread is about a woman who toked and drove, the results would be the same...only alcohol is, at least, legal. :p

BTW...did you know that alcohol also has medicinal benefits? One drink a day for women, and up to two a day for men. Look it up for yourself. The only thing medicinal about marijuana is that it gives chemo patients the munchies...even glaucoma patients are better off with other perscriptions. Your argument is falling apart.

Now back to my cousin...who was just an example. How many drug tests do your manager friends take per year? If they test, how do they keep their jobs? Perhaps they have to cheat? :grinyes: Not a great way to live.

One more thing...besides the mass exodus of brain cells with heavy weed usage, there's also a risk of psychosis, and/or paranoia. Hearing those footsteps outside your door yet? :D
Thank you, yes I do in fact know about health benefits via alcohol. I will however leave you to research some more in your own time about the medicinal benefits pot has, I'm sure if you google it you'll find lots on the subject.

Now as for the drug testing, we dont have that in this country, so no cheating involved, nor are they ever fired for being lazy slackers, unmotivated slackers with no sense of direction.... but then kiwis have always had a rep for being hard workers. With that in mind I would gladly hop in a car knowing the driver had been smoking but would never hop in a car with a drunk driver...

You have given your views, I have given mine, you have friends who have had lives ruined by pot, where I come from alcohol is the disease.... sorry we cant see eye to eye on this but I will never change my stance.

Hehehehe must go answer my door now, someones walkng outside lol.
staffrodore said:
Yes I know the effects of smoke stay in the body for thirty days, but you are wrong with the alcohol leaving after 24 hrs, try losing your drivers license indefinatly, having a drink or two a week prior to undertaking a medical examination with the goal towards obtaining your license back and failing because they find alcohol still present? Sure too much of anything will have harmfull effects on our bodies, though I am sure you know that even smoking a little herb every now and then does have medicinal benifits?

1. Losing your drivers license indefinately - that happens if you get caught drinking and driving. Not if you sit in a room and drink like a fish. Likewise, if you get caught with your harmless little herb, you lose your freedom and a substantial amount of pot money to fines and court costs. Cuts into those late night Taco Bell munchie runs in a hurry.

2. Try smoking pot before a medical exam. Wanna hear a doctor call you a worthless piece of shit? Show up for major medical procedures, take the routine blood tests, and let them find your precious herb in your system. Your doctor will never believe another word you tell him/her.

3. Name your medicinal benefits. Be sure and include the reduced sperm count. Don't forget (pun intended) the short term memory loss. Let us not omit the increased cholesterol and triglyceride count from eating your munchies. Bear in mind that I am a cancer patient. I was offered Marinol and medicinal marijuana prescriptions. I refused both. I work in law enforcement; I will not open the door to hypocrisy accusations.

Pot is illegal. It's illegal for a reason. It is not a harmless little herb of nature, wrongfully suppressed by evil and thoughtless trolls of authority whose sole purpose is to piss you off. Come to work with me some day. Sit and hear what I have to listen to. Go to these people's homes and see their hungry kids playing with old broken bongs for toys. Look at the parents with their hearts broken because they blame themselves for somehow failing their kids who end up in prison because of your little weed. Then talk your shit. Right now, I ain't quite ready to hear it.

Gotta go. I'm on my way to court to throw a man in jail for getting high and beating his wife to a pulp in front of their six year old daughter. Mom's eyes were both blackened, a rib cracked, and her privates kicked repeatedly by this pot smoking hero while he was wearing his work boots.

Harmless guy, right? Real mellow.

Save it. I don't want to hear it. You'll grow up some day. Maybe.
Now throw a few statistics at us for those you throw inside for drinking and beating their partners, or drinking and driving...

Oh and "gettin high" can mean a number of things, not just pot, lets say for example, crack or P or likewise... but I am sure you know that.

2. Try smoking pot before a medical exam. Wanna hear a doctor call you a worthless piece of shit? Show up for major medical procedures, take the routine blood tests, and let them find your precious herb in your system. Your doctor will never believe another word you tell him/her.

Have done before, never had a doc call me a worthless piece of shit before for doing so either. In fact we have doc's over here who would love to see it legalised. That so called doctor of your who abuses patients in such manner should be struck of the list.
staffrodore said:
Now throw a few statistics at us for those you throw inside for drinking and beating their partners, or drinking and driving...

Oh and "gettin high" can mean a number of things, not just pot, lets say for example, crack or P or likewise... but I am sure you know that.

Have done before, never had a doc call me a worthless piece of shit before for doing so either. In fact we have doc's over here who would love to see it legalised. That so called doctor of your who abuses patients in such manner should be struck of the list.

Struck of the list? Sorry, does not translate. Maybe you should sober up first.

Yes, I can tell you a lot of things. You won't hear them. You've heard them before and didn't listen; what makes me think you'll listen now? The man I am going to see off to prison was high on marijuana. Make your own defense; mine speaks for itself. But when you do reply, how about mailing it to the guy's wife? She's in a battered women's shelter at the moment trying to raise her daughter in that environment.

I can honestly say that for every case I see where alcohol was the underlying drug that led to the arrest or violation, I see a dozen for marijuana, half a dozen for cocaine, four for methamphetamine, and at least one for pain pills like Oxycontin or Lortab or Morphine.

I'm waiting for you to pick a day to come with me. My schedule looks fairly open. Pretty much any day you like, I can let you make your case all you want.

Doctors who get in a patient's ass for breaking the law and doing damage to the very body they are wanting the doc to repair should not be "struck of the list" (whatever that means), they should be commended. Insurance premiums are costly enough without having to pay for potheads who intentionally ruin their bodies and crowd up emergency room waiting times.
rrfield said:
Is this "Reefer Madness: The Blog" or what?

I think it's 'What'.

I hear this quite often..."Weed isn't harmful." "Pot is completely natural." "Alcohol is more dangerous than weed". What a load of horse-hockey. :rolleyes: I know more pot-heads than I do alcoholics...but I do know both are dangerous. One, at least, is legal to consume. One isn't. While both have medicinal properties, one has more side effects, which is why doctors only prescribe 'medicinal' marijuana in extreme cases. Since the main proponent of marijuana usage is in NZ, then he, of course, can giggle about drug tests, :shrug:, but sooner, or later (probably sooner), he's going to realize that he's wrong. When his sperm starts mutating, or his intelligence factor starts to plummet, or my joke about paranoia, which really isn't a joke, comes around. Question is...will he care by then, or will he have killed off enough brain cells not to?
Let me get this straight.

A blow job is not sex & breaking the law is not comparable to breaking the law. No wonder there's so much confusion.
I actually admitted to my doctor that I recently quit smoking weed because I was afraid it was giving me heart palpitations. His response? "Aah, who doesn't smoke a little weed every once in a while?" And this guy is an internist specializing in pulmonary issues. I think I trust him more than I do someone with out such training. (And, no, he didn't attend Crackhead U.)

The bottom line is that anything in excess is bad for you or, as my long deceased Italian grandmother used to say, "Too mucha no good". A lot of weed will make you paranoid, lazy, and possibly give you lung cancer. Unless it's spiked with something nasty, it's not going to make you want to beat your wife. Psychosis will do that. A lot of alcohol, on the other hand, while it may not get you thrown in prison (unless you're driving under the influence), can make you extremely violent and poison your blood to the point of death.

Caffeine will do the same. Apparently, 10 grams of the stuff equals death, yet it's a perfectly legal drug. But don't fool yourselves into thinking that this stamp of legality means either alcohol or caffeine is necessarily healthy. Coke and Pepsi have a tremendous stake in keeping caffeine legal because their businesses depend on it. It doesn't arrive in your can of Coke by accident, or as the byproduct of some natural process. All that caffeine that is extracted from coffee beans to produce decaffeinated coffee is actually sold to soda companies to add to their sugar-water products. Why do they do this? Because caffeine is physically addictive. You may think you're grabbing that third latte or fourth Dr. Pepper simply because you enjoy the taste, but you'd be fooling yourself. Soda companies are drug peddlers, plain and simple.

I know this thread is about weed, but the analogy is relevant. Go on rationalizing even excessive alcohol consumption and feel good about yourselves because it's legal. I know better.