Pot is Harmless

greenfreak said:
Thanks Gato, you just prompted a memory.

Boo, this was the car I told you about that I had a picture of me with. That my nascar friend took me to; to try to snag me into liking racing. :) Sterling Marlin's Kodak Ford. I had completely forgotten the name, or the car.

Sterling Marlin's Kodak car was never a Ford. Morgan/McClure Motorsports has never built a Ford. Only General Motors products such as Chevrolet (shudder), Oldsmobiles, and Pontiacs. I don't think they ever built a Dodge either, but I know they never built a Ford.
greenfreak said:
Thanks Gato, you just prompted a memory.

Boo, this was the car I told you about that I had a picture of me with. That my nascar friend took me to; to try to snag me into liking racing. :) Sterling Marlin's Kodak Ford. I had completely forgotten the name, or the car.
I'd trust SN'P on his knowledge of NASCAR any day over my own. :)

But, as an aside, no wonder you never got into NASCAR. Now, if you'd been toting around a photo of someone a little cuter... ;)
SouthernN'Proud said:
Struck of the list? Sorry, does not translate. Maybe you should sober up first.

Yes, I can tell you a lot of things. You won't hear them. You've heard them before and didn't listen; what makes me think you'll listen now? The man I am going to see off to prison was high on marijuana. Make your own defense; mine speaks for itself. But when you do reply, how about mailing it to the guy's wife? She's in a battered women's shelter at the moment trying to raise her daughter in that environment.

I can honestly say that for every case I see where alcohol was the underlying drug that led to the arrest or violation, I see a dozen for marijuana, half a dozen for cocaine, four for methamphetamine, and at least one for pain pills like Oxycontin or Lortab or Morphine.

I'm waiting for you to pick a day to come with me. My schedule looks fairly open. Pretty much any day you like, I can let you make your case all you want.

Doctors who get in a patient's ass for breaking the law and doing damage to the very body they are wanting the doc to repair should not be "struck of the list" (whatever that means), they should be commended. Insurance premiums are costly enough without having to pay for potheads who intentionally ruin their bodies and crowd up emergency room waiting times.

Nice, funny you can throw people in jail yet you make assumptions as to whether I'm sober or not. I was in fact sober at the time of writing what I wrote. Now for your info, struck of the list means having his medical certificate revoked, see plain and simple.

And if you bothered to read fully my ealier posts I did say also that anything in excess is bad for you. Seeing as you are also dishing out invites for me to come over and listen to whoever it is you want me to see may I give you the same invite over here? And that goes for the same person who also states NZ is full of potheads..... No more rampant here than over there
SouthernN'Proud said:
Sterling Marlin's Kodak car was never a Ford. Morgan/McClure Motorsports has never built a Ford. Only General Motors products such as Chevrolet (shudder), Oldsmobiles, and Pontiacs. I don't think they ever built a Dodge either, but I know they never built a Ford.
Ding ding ding! The man is right... Found the pics (refuse to scan the pic of me due to horrible clothes and hairstyle) and it is definitely a Chevy.

SN'P, I had told abooja that a friend of mine years ago was biiiiiig into Nascar and tried to get me into it but it just never took. This was probably 10-12 years ago, before the big push in NY for Nascar racing. It just wasn't something that a lot of NY'ers watched. But enough of them to show the races I guess.
Dutch Magazine Includes Marijuana Seeds

Wed Jan 26, 5:52 PM ET Strange News - AP

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - A Dutch magazine was including an unusual freebie with its latest issue — two marijuana seeds in a small plastic bag.

Nieuwe Revu Editor-in-Chief Mark Koster said the move was a publicity stunt accompanying the Jan. 26 issue, which advocates legalizing marijuana and other banned substances.

Although Holland is famous for tolerating the sale of small amounts of marijuana and hashish in coffee shops, both are technically illegal and the government prosecutes possession of more than several grams.

"We're saying, stop the war on drugs, which costs a fortune and there are no results," Koster said.

Koster said public prosecutors usually ignore the sale of marijuana seeds and had not contacted the magazine about the stunt. But several major supermarket chains either removed the seeds or kept the issue off the shelves.

He said the seeds were "OK" in quality.

"We had an expert test them, and he said they were a 4 out of 5," Koster said.

Marijuana testicular cancer link

Regular smoking was linked to the most aggressive form

Frequent or long-term marijuana use may raise a man's risk of testicular cancer, American research suggests.

The study of 369 men, published in the journal Cancer, found being a regular marijuana user doubled the risk compared to those who never smoked it.

The results suggest that it may be linked to the most aggressive form of the cancer.

A spokesman for Cancer Research UK said that no previous studies had found a link between marijuana and the disease.

What young men should know is first, we know very little about the long-term health consequences of marijuana smoking, especially heavy marijuana smoking

Testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers in younger men, with approximately 2,000 new cases each year in the UK.

Incidence in Europe and North America is far higher than in some other parts of the world, and has been rising steadily for no apparent reason.

Known risk factors for the cancer include previous injuries to the testicles, a family history of the disease, or suffering from undescended testicles as a young child.

The study from scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle is the first to look specifically at marijuana use in relation to the disease.

They studied 369 men aged 18 to 44, who had been diagnosed with testicular cancer, and quizzed them about marijuana use.

Their replies were compared to those from almost 1,000 apparently healthy control subjects.

Even after adjusting the figures to take account of the other known risk factors, marijuana use remained a clear risk factor for testicular cancer.

Just being a marijuana smoker seemed to carry a 70% extra risk, while those who smoked it regularly, or had smoked from an early age, had twice the risk compared to those who had never smoked it.

A connection was made to nonseminoma, a fast-growing form of testicular cancer which accounts for approximately 40% of all cases, and tends to strike younger.

Puberty chance

Dr Janet Daling, one of the authors, said that puberty might be a "window of opportunity" during which boys were more vulnerable to environmental factors such as the chemicals in marijuana.

"This is consistent with the study's findings that the elevated risk of nonseminoma-type testicular cancer in particular was associated with marijuana use prior to 18," she said.

Another research, Dr Stephen Schwartz, said: "What young men should know is first, we know very little about the long-term health consequences of marijuana smoking, especially heavy marijuana smoking, and second, our study provides some evidence that testicular cancer could be one adverse consequence."

The next step, he said, would be to look more closely at cells in the testicles to see if any of them had receptors set up to respond to cannabis chemicals.

Henry Scowcroft, from Cancer Research UK, said: "As the researchers themselves point out, this is the first inkling that there is any association between chronic marijuana use and testicular cancer.

"But the researchers only interviewed a relatively small number of men.

"So before we can reach any firm conclusions about whether this is a cause-and-effect relationship, rather than a statistical blip, the result needs to be replicated in a much larger study."

"So before we can reach any firm conclusions about whether this is a cause-and-effect relationship, rather than a statistical blip, the result needs to be replicated in a much larger study."

R134 has been shown to cause testicular cancer. :grinyes: