potential pedophile playground

That's quite the leap there. I don't see how the two things can be applied together. one has to do with your sexual orientation (and how your deal with it) and the other has to do with where you piss.

Perhaps I'm confusing things. We're kinda getting all over the place. Let's clean up a little.

first off, transexuals, transvestites and gays are not interchangable. People can be any combination of the three. You can have gay transexuals. You can have straight transvestites. You can have a gay man undergoing gender surgery and still dressing as a man.

Prepubecent children aren't supposed to have any idea that their privates are supposed to be for something other than waste disposal. At this point in their lives ... all boys want to hang around with other boys and not girls, and all girls want to hang around with other girls, and ignore boys. This behavior has nothing to do with sexual orientation, gender, or even species. Any sexual interest, behavior, or confusion at this point in their lives needs to be addressed and derailed. (If you ask me, this is where the sudden increase in a certain population is coming from).

When a child hits puberty, they will develop a sexual personality to add to their existing personality. It's the parent's job to see that the child grows up well balanced and confident in that personality.

I fail to see where any of that applies to where someone goes for a piss.
Professur said:
That's quite the leap there. I don't see how the two things can be applied together. one has to do with your sexual orientation (and how your deal with it) and the other has to do with where you piss.
Sweety, you commented that no kids in school age should be struggling with "it", mentioning among other things being gay. Bish then commented they should then be comfortable about their orientation at the age of six (thus avoiding struggling with it while in school age, see?). Comments after that from me are directly linked to that exact comment exchange between you and Bish.
Perhaps I'm confusing things. We're kinda getting all over the place. Let's clean up a little.
Please come visit me. *looks around in flat* Come soon.
first off, transexuals, transvestites and gays are not interchangable. People can be any combination of the three. You can have gay transexuals. You can have straight transvestites. You can have a gay man undergoing gender surgery and still dressing as a man.
Well done. Actually, the majority of transvestites are straight. But, it was you in the beforementioned comment who first introduced gays to this thread.
Prepubecent children aren't supposed to have any idea that their privates are supposed to be for something other than waste disposal.
Very well. But still, girls would be uncomfortable changing in the same room as boys, or using the same facilities as boys and vice versa, no? Cuz them's got cooties or whatever. They know they look different in the private area. They're shy about it. Right?

At this point in their lives ... all boys want to hang around with other boys and not girls, and all girls want to hang around with other girls, and ignore boys.
Not all that true. Kids like to hang out with kids. And yes, after some time, boys may prefer to hang around with other boys and etc. Them cooties again, eh? But, many kids will still play with, and hang out with kids of the opposite gender throughout childhood.

This behavior has nothing to do with sexual orientation, gender, or even species. Any sexual interest, behavior, or confusion at this point in their lives needs to be addressed and derailed. (If you ask me, this is where the sudden increase in a certain population is coming from).

So, if you have a young boy, Jimmy, who prefers playing with the girls, who has the same interests as the girls (with no regard to sexuality) and is happy in this situation, he must be derailed. How? Send him off to military school? And that girl, Anna, who think dolls are only good for being ripped to pieces by that cool Tyrannosaurus Rex, who loves monster trucks and running in the muddy footballfield with the boys and is happy doing so must also be derailed? How? Note that none of these kids need be gay or transgendered. They may be future well adjusted heteros (the way y'all love 'em) who just wanna do the things they like as kids. Now, what are the odds the father of that boy is gonna think "Oh God, hes turning gay!" and start "derailing" him by forcing him to take on a behaviour that's just not compatible with the boys personality? That'll give him problems for sure..

When a child hits puberty, they will develop a sexual personality to add to their existing personality. It's the parent's job to see that the child grows up well balanced and confident in that personality.
Oh I couldn't agree more! Thank you!
I fail to see where any of that applies to where someone goes for a piss.

Well, considering how you feel on the subject (as I recall), you may have to stretch your imagination. But let's give it a whirl, shall we?

Remember Jimmy up there? Let's set a scenario for him. Now, imagine that you are Jimmy. From the moment that you, Jimmy, became aware that there's a difference to girls and boys, you knew you were a girl. I mean, that's something you just know, right? It's your existing personality. So, you play with the other girls, you love doing the typical girly stuff, and so on and so forth. But, something's not right. Everyone else think you should act differently, because you have that lil' thingamabob between your legs. Nature screwed you over big time, didn't it?

Maybe dad throws a fit when you play with Barbies with the neighbor girl (he's worried poor fella), and he tries so hard to make you like stuff you just hate doing. So the years go by, everyone tells you (not so much in words but by the way they treat you) that you're a boy. But you feel torn up inside, cause it just ain't so. You dream of growing up, finding prince charming, a white wedding dress, kids.. Just like the other girls in your class. Oh, and you get teased for not being like the other boys. Ad then there's the P.E. and bathroom stuff. So gross. You, a girl, in the boy's room.

So let's say the scenario takes a turn for the better. You're 13-14, and somehow, the environment you live in allows for you to be recognised as a girl. You can dress as the girl you are, engaged in the typically "girl" activities, and is happier than ever. You are allowed to become more confident in your own personality rather than being forced into a mold that doesn't fit. Except, you still have to use the men's room. As a girl. Cause no way would you be allowed to use the girl's room, as long as you still have that lil' thingamabob between your legs. Boy, that unisex bathroom would've been nice now, eh?

Well, I could have written more, perhaps on lil Anna, but I have work tomorrow, so bedtime it is. :swing: