Starya said:It's a pretty new airport, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was put up with, among others, trans-gendered people in mind.
They have specific rooms for diaper-changes, and kids go potty with their parent.Gato_Solo said:If it's only got one stall and one sink, it was never intentioned as a 'trans-gendered' restroom. It was, in all liklihood, intended as a room for parents with small children to either change diapers, or hold the kids hand while they went potty...
Starya said:This is in Norway. Tromsø to be excact. I'm not saying foreigners with anti-social bladders wouldn't be a reason, I'm saying it is likely that trans-gendered people is likely to also be a reason for having them. And if they weren't, no-one certainly wouldn't mind them using them.
Oh, and how 'bout I give ya a scare: I know of schools who make sure to have a unisex bathroom available for young folks struggling with gender-identity, and that are uncomfortable sharing bathroom with a specific gender. *lets it sink in* (I think that's jolly nice of them, of course)
Starya said:This is in Norway. Tromsø to be excact. I'm not saying foreigners with anti-social bladders wouldn't be a reason, I'm saying it is likely that trans-gendered people is likely to also be a reason for having them. And if they weren't, no-one certainly wouldn't mind them using them.
Oh, and how 'bout I give ya a scare: I know of schools who make sure to have a unisex bathroom available for young folks struggling with gender-identity, and that are uncomfortable sharing bathroom with a specific gender. *lets it sink in* (I think that's jolly nice of them, of course)
Starya said:Ooh, and as far as privacy is concerned, it just occured to me: the ladies room's "stalls" are infact separate rooms, no openings at floor or ceiiling, no crack under the door etc. The only breach of privacy would be when washing hands. I love toilets like that.
Prof, I think you're a cute shroom and all but.. That's utter crap.Professur said:Star, I love you like a sister, but .... see my post above about the norm. See any post on the board that includes public school. and (I'm sorry) but anyone of school age "struggling" with gender identity needs to have their parents arrested.
Professur said:anyone of school age "struggling" with gender identity needs to have their parents arrested.
Starya said:Prof, I think you're a cute shroom and all but.. That's utter crap.
So...if you're gay, you'd better be comfortable with it by the time you're 6?Professur said:No, I'm serious. Straight, gay, bi or tranny. I don't care. But if you're school age, and struggling with it, that means that the parents aren't doing their job.
MrBishop said:So...if you're gay, you'd better be comfortable with it by the time you're 6?
If you're gay, you're gay from birth (oh shush, I'm not entering that debate, so let's write it down to personal opinion for this once). No kids should have to worry about being straight or gay at six, but the subject will probably surface before they're out of school. So, if they're not supposed to struggle with it while in school.. they'r in a damned hurry to figure stuff out, eh?Professur said:If you're gay at 6, WTF are your parents doing? At 6 children aren't even supposed to know the other sex exists yet, beyond an annoyance in the playground and them playing the wrong games.
If you're gay, you're gay from birth
Starya said:If you're gay, you're gay from birth (oh shush, I'm not entering that debate, so let's write it down to personal opinion for this once). No kids should have to worry about being straight or gay at six, but the subject will probably surface before they're out of school. So, if they're not supposed to struggle with it while in school.. they'r in a damned hurry to figure stuff out, eh?
The link would be this statement by you:Professur said:Ok, If we accept that a child may be gay predisposed from birth, that still doesn't have anything to do with what genitals they have, does it? Or what clothes they wear? Or where they go for a piss?
I'm not trying to be dense, but I just don't see any link there.
..bringing forth the idea that they must figure things out before they are school age.Prof said:No, I'm serious. Straight, gay, bi or tranny. I don't care. But if you're school age, and struggling with it, that means that the parents aren't doing their job.