Hope this doesn't turn out to be a norty link..............
"You know the saddest thing?" she said. "The saddest thing is
that we're you." I said nothing. "In your fantasies," she said, "my people are just like you, only better. We don't die, or age, or suffer from pain or cold or thirst. We're snappier dressers. We possess the wisdom of ages. And if we crave blood, well, it is no more than the way you people crave food, or affection, or sunlight -- and besides, it gets us out of the house, crypt, coffin. Whatever."
"And the truth is?" I asked her...
"We're you," she said. "We're you, with all your fuck-ups and all the things that make you human -- all your fears and loneliness and confusion...none of that gets better.”
"It's like getting famous, or getting rich. You're the same person you were when you were unknown or poor. Only worse. All the bad things are magnified, and you don't remember where the good things are anymore.”
"It's all that. But it's more. We're colder than you are. Deader. I miss daylight and food and knowing how it feels to touch someone
and care. I remember life, and meeting people as people and not just as things to feed on or control, and I remember what it was to feel something, anything, happy or sad or anything..."
Then she stopped, and lowered her head.
"Are you crying?" I asked.
"We don't cry," she told me.
Like I said, the woman was a liar.
Nope..........sent that this morning