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You’ve come a long way, baby!

Women’s Golf Association
Kick Off Luncheon

Wednesday, February 11th, 2004
Eleven-thirty in the morning

If you know a member who may be interested in joining the WGA, please invite and encourage them to attend our luncheon! There will be a lot of good information to share and this is a great way to meet new friends!

Tomato Basil Bisque

French-Cut Chicken Breast
Beuerre Blanc
Herbed Israeli Couscous
Broiled Parmesean Roma Tomato

Chocolate Ganache Hearts

Please RSVP no later than Monday, February 9th, 2004
Hope this doesn't turn out to be a norty link..............

"You know the saddest thing?" she said. "The saddest thing is
that we're you." I said nothing. "In your fantasies," she said, "my people are just like you, only better. We don't die, or age, or suffer from pain or cold or thirst. We're snappier dressers. We possess the wisdom of ages. And if we crave blood, well, it is no more than the way you people crave food, or affection, or sunlight -- and besides, it gets us out of the house, crypt, coffin. Whatever."
"And the truth is?" I asked her...
"We're you," she said. "We're you, with all your fuck-ups and all the things that make you human -- all your fears and loneliness and confusion...none of that gets better.”
"It's like getting famous, or getting rich. You're the same person you were when you were unknown or poor. Only worse. All the bad things are magnified, and you don't remember where the good things are anymore.”
"It's all that. But it's more. We're colder than you are. Deader. I miss daylight and food and knowing how it feels to touch someone
and care. I remember life, and meeting people as people and not just as things to feed on or control, and I remember what it was to feel something, anything, happy or sad or anything..."
Then she stopped, and lowered her head.
"Are you crying?" I asked.
"We don't cry," she told me.
Like I said, the woman was a liar.

Nope..........sent that this morning :)
Ozzy: (To Kelly) Everytime I mention the vagina doctor, you get this little smirk on your face. What have you been up to?

Ozzy: I'll get a pig's head from the butcher's. That'll fuck him up.

Sharon: You're going to have to dye her pink because if he comes back and sees that dog......

Ozzy: I hate these fucking stretch bastards junk pimp mobiles!

Ozzy: Ever since Kelly was born she has what we call a 'wobbler'. It's kind of like a freak-out. Blaaaahhhhh! Waaaaa! -- Over nothing!! She's had a wobbler every day since she's being living. So when you say 'what causes...', it's Kelly!

Ozzy: What do you want me to do with my gun Sharon? Put it under my bed?
Sharon: Whatever you want to do with it.
Ozzy: I'll put it under my bed! (Runs off like an excited five year old.)

Ozzy: Turn that thing off, its driving me mad!!

Kelly: Jack, stop telling people you're Ozzy Osbourne's son to get into places, you're a fucking loser!

Dill(the weird Houseguest): I was always the middle, little kid!!! Well, actually. (thinks) I was the LAST kid.

Ozzy: See ya Tamara!

Sharon: He's got an army haircut, cocaine on his fucking chest, and a knife in his pocket! (About Jack)

Kelly: It tastes like Fizzy Piss, but I'll have some.
Melinda: I'd like a glass of fizzy piss please, I'd love some.

Ozzy: You don't need to hire a dog therapist, you just need to wake up at 7 am and open the fucking door!

Jack: I'm an ass-kicking fat kid.

Ozzy: I love you all. I love you more than life itself, but you're all fucking mad.

Ozzy: Well, its not that bad. I thought she was going to show me a picture of eagle on her ass or something.

Sharon: Martha Stewart can lick my scrotum!......... Do I have a scrotum?

Kelly's Christina Aguilera impression: Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ingle, Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ells.

Kelly: You haven't done anything, its your fucking daughter. I just got a call --when I'm in Tiffany-- from some woman telling me how I should prepare my vagina for my gynecologist appointment tomorrow. She booked me a fucking gynecologist appointment!

Ozzy: All you have to do is say "Fuck Off" when the vagina doctor calls.

Ozzy: (To Kelly after he's become suspicious) You haven't been playing doctors and nurses have you?

**I've quoted a couple of lines from the gynecologist conversation, but you really have to watch the whole thing for yourself. It's the funniest five minutes of television I've ever seen.

Sharon (to the neighbors): We're very religious. So, um, you can catch us before we go to church. Church service is at one, so if you can come at 12 it'd be perfect.

Ozzy: Its like Dr. Doolittle in this fucking house here.

Ozzy: No we won't -- no we won't break the law Sharon.

Television/remote man: We give them the controls and then the owner figures out on their own how to use it. That's how easy it is.

Ozzy: Weather in Afghanistan, 2000 degrees and cloudy. What the fuck am I doing? I'm stuck on the weather channel. AHHH!

Kelly: Your valet guy just farted in my car and it smells un-godly.

The two women who go walking: Its a beautiful neighborhood. Its a very peaceful neighborhood.

Sharon: Ozzy stop. Ozzy. Ozzy, no no no no no, here's the fruit! Ozzy, not the wood, you could be picked up for manslaughter!

Kelly: You're so fucking violent.
Ozzy and Jack: Shut up!

Ozzy: International rock star - gravy maker extraordinaire.

Ozzy: I think she's a fucking fruit loop. (About Tamara, the dog therapist).

Some guy: (singing) Dude looks like a lady...
Ozzy: Hey, what are you talking about...looks like a lady!

Ozzy: Don't drink. Don't take drugs.
Kelly: No I don't, no I don't do that.
Ozzy: And if you have, wear a condom.. (Note Kelly and Ozzy's facial expressions).

Sharon: Did anybody feed the dogs today?
Kelly: NO!!!

Ozzy: I feel like I'm invisible.
Kelly: Oh, shutup!

Sharon: (In the limo) Look at the ceiling, its like Kelly's bedroom.
Ozzy: Oh, wonderful, we'll live here.

Sharon: Jack, how are you getting there?
Jack: We're walking.
Sharon: Jack, how are you getting there?
Jack: A bus.
Sharon: Who's driving?
Jack: A man with no legs.

Later: Sharon: Well, all the other parents are here Jack! (After he tries to ditch her at the car when she drop him off for his trip).

Conan Obrien: How many crosses do you have there?
Ozzy: I need 'em. I need every one.

Sharon: (About Kelly's tatoo) Who did it?
Kelly: I'm not telling you.
Sharon: Why not?
Kelly: Because I know you're going to go down there and sue them.

Kelly: They make you, like, feed a tree before you feed yourself.
Ozzy: How the fuck you feed a tree? put a ham sandwich on the tree?

Ozzy: Who pissed!!? Who pissed on my fucking carpet!?! That bastard fucking dog man. I'm going to throw you in the pool! It's a fucking terrorist man! It's fucking part of Bin Laden's gang!

Sharon: What's the difference between Roy Rogers and Will Rogers?
Kelly: Yeah, that's what I was wondering!! Who the fuck is Will Rogers?

Melinda: Don't you want to se
here ya go sorry took me so long i was really drunk last night yes your sweet lil diana was drunk . heres the link if you have any problems let me know i host in there on occasion to.
; forward zone records for
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class node
int data;
class node *next;
class linklist
node *a;
int cnt;
linklist(){cnt = 0;a = NULL;};
void create ();
void count (int);
void insert();
void del();
void sort();
void print();
void clrscr( ) { system("cls"); }
void linklist::create ()
node *start=NULL,*newl=NULL,*end=NULL;
int takedata;
cout << "Enter -999 to quit";
cout << "Please enter data : ";
cin >> takedata;
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newl->data = takedata;
newl->next = NULL;
if (start == NULL)
start = newl;
end = newl;
end->next = NULL;

a->next = start;
a = start;
The jam mad you want to fuck whoever you saw
the peach- the first girl that touched it would feel as if she was being eaten out when someone ate it.
banana- like the peach just with guys.