Prolonging Pleasure!

The toughest part is keeping the right state of mind while running towards said van.

IF you can't concentrate enough, you end up tripping yourself up :D

Titties, and pussy and buns... oh My!
MrBishop said:
Kegle exersizes... do'em in the car, at work, at home etc... work that muscle. Makes for stronger orgasms.

This might go a long way in explaining your lousy driving record.
Professur said:
This might go a long way in explaining your lousy driving record.
Driving a car...maybe

There are other, more important forms of 'driving' which these excersizes help out with :D
I practice those everday. I will have to do them everyday for a while after the baby too.

I am not sure how to approach Erik about that. Not that I need to, the performance is fine. But what do you say?

"Honey, we could have better sex if you put a towel on your whoo whoo and make it jump up and down..."

I used to exercize that muscle when younger, I stopped doing it because it was so strong that it hurted when ejaculating.
tonksy said:
incidently, it's the same muscles that women should be using during sex to begin with. never heard of it for men...but why not?

Yep, it is. Even so, I still make sure I exercise 'em periodically.
PrincessLissa said:
"Honey, we could have better sex if you put a towel on your whoo whoo and make it jump up and down..."

I think sex would be out of question,better or otherwise,he ne laughing too much about you calling his penis a "whoo whoo."
A.B.Normal said:
I think sex would be out of question,better or otherwise,he ne laughing too much about you calling his penis a "whoo whoo."

He still smiles at me funny when I use the word whoo whoo.
PrincessLissa said:
I practice those everday. I will have to do them everyday for a while after the baby too.

BTW, How are You and the Baby doing? How far along are you now? Did you know what you are having male/female???? :D
That's because the Chinese have a disturbing tendency to kill female infants. It's all the easier to do that when the child isn't born yet. the wonders of state sponsored population control.
Yep. In China, you're only allowed to have one kid, and females can't help work the fields as well as males. Thus, female children are highly unpopular. It's a common thing to do to adopt from China these days, but ever notice all the adoptees are girls?

Drowning female offspring is common.
Precisely why I'm growing more & more weary of China. Take 2/3 of a billion horny men & make sure there are insufficient wimins around. It's either, rape, homosexuality or war.
If they stop having wimmen, there soon will be. Or the going rate for a prostitute is gonna skyrocket.