Proof of WMD...

i don't recall bush using the 45 minute rule explicitly in the way that blair did, or specific references to members of blair's communications [spin] team and that's what kelly was supposed to have done. the bbc say he did even though he clearly denies one of the accusations to the all-party commitee.
Can I just go off topic here a second and say "For those that believe, no proof is necessary. For those that don't, no proof is enough" so no matter even if they did turn up proof the doubters would still be at it finding another excuse to take a dig at the 'warmongers'
flavio said:
I don't see anything well-spoken about it. He pulled a big quote from the opening remarks of U.S. Rep. Henry J. Hyde during a House International Relations Committee without giving any credit.
Equating people that are against the war with "anti-American" is tired and just makes you look foolish at this point. You're defending a president who used lies and propaganda to fool half the public into going to war.

and your vague oversimplification is serving you well either.

The presidential lies to the public is encouraged with your group eh?

Sorry Ace, Hyde' speech is one of my favorites, and I've presented it before: Here' another line out of it: " Let me quote the warning by the philosopher, Ortega y Gasset: If you want to make use of the advantages of civilization, but are not prepared to concern yourself with the upholding of civilization -- you are done...Just a slip, and when you look around, everything has vanished into air...." Nifty, huh?
So sorry that I don't ID it each time I use it. :rolleyes: I guess I figured the quotation marks were enough.... I'm surprised you recognized it, for the wrong reasons though. Are you one of those former US citizens tired with the conservative annoyance and have pledged your allegiance to Canada? ;) Nice sexist avatar, by the way :p
The Other One said:
Nice sexist avatar, by the way :p

If you're jokin OK I'll let it slip but if not how can a collection of pixels be sexist. I see no females or males in that av.
steweygrrrr said:
If you're jokin OK I'll let it slip but if not how can a collection of pixels be sexist. I see no females or males in that av.


Main Entry: pix·el
Pronunciation: 'pik-s&l, -"sel
Function: noun
Etymology: pix + element
Date: 1969 : any of the small discrete elements that together constitute an image


Main Entry: 1im·age
Pronunciation: 'i-mij
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, short for imagene, from Latin imagin-, imago; perhaps akin to Latin imitari to imitate
Date: 13th century
1 : a reproduction or imitation of the form of a person or thing;


Main Entry: sex·ism
Pronunciation: 'sek-"si-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: 1sex + -ism (as in racism)
Date: 1968
2 : behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex

Lest me not forget:
The Other One said:
Sorry Ace, Hyde' speech is one of my favorites, and I've presented it before: Here' another line out of it: " Let me quote the warning by the philosopher, Ortega y Gasset: If you want to make use of the advantages of civilization, but are not prepared to concern yourself with the upholding of civilization -- you are done...Just a slip, and when you look around, everything has vanished into air...." Nifty, huh?
So sorry that I don't ID it each time I use it. :rolleyes: I guess I figured the quotation marks were enough.... I'm surprised you recognized it, for the wrong reasons though. Are you one of those former US citizens tired with the conservative annoyance and have pledged your allegiance to Canada? ;) Nice sexist avatar, by the way :p

You seem a bit confused.
steweygrrrr said:
an image cannot have a sex. It is genderless

It's your's--to continue would be too much like going 'round with this initial thread starter. Well, OK...But remember the definition of image:

Main Entry: 1im·age
1 : a reproduction or imitation of the form of a person or thing;

Such as a work of art. da Vinci painted Mona Lisa, an image of the subject, but it's recognized as a female, right? Oh, wait, you're talking about laws regarding internet porn sites? As in how can a middle-aged guy get busted for downloading pixels of naked 8 yr. old boys? Like I said, you won.
using the av as a way to deflect from the actual debate on hand would be regarded as churlish. debate the subject, not the person.
So you threw out another line from Hyde's speech where he quoted someone else about something that has nothing to do with the current topic. That's not really what I would call nifty.

...and why would you think I've pledged allegiance to Canada?

...and my av is really getting you worked up huh?
flavio said:
So you threw out another line from Hyde's speech where he quoted someone else about something that has nothing to do with the current topic. That's not really what I would call nifty.

...and why would you think I've pledged allegiance to Canada?

...and my av is really getting you worked up huh?

From an AP wireservice story:

Dismayed By U.S. Policies....
BY DAVID CRARY / The Associated Press
NEW YORK -- For all they share economically and culturally, Canada and the United States are increasingly at odds on basic social policies -- to the point that at least a few discontented Americans are planning to move north and try their neighbors' way of life. Though each has distinct motives for packing up, they agree the United States is growing too conservative and believe Canada offers a more inclusive, less selfish society.... :wink2: Ah, a few less anti-Americans...If they like their social policies, they must love their political policies :nuts: Damn, it must be a better country in every respect :rolleyes:


I'm sure your avatar represents your attitude towards women...

But, I defer to the moderator's request ("using the av as a way to deflect from the actual debate on hand would be regarded as churlish. debate the subject, not the person.") ;)
I'm not sure what your article has to do with me or the subject. I also don't see what your hangups with my avatar have to do with the subject. Maybe you just don't have anything useful to say on the topic and are just being anti-american?
flavio said:
I'm not sure what your article has to do with me or the subject. I also don't see what your hangups with my avatar have to do with the subject. Maybe you just don't have anything useful to say on the topic and are just being anti-american?

Yeah, that's it. ;)
The Other One said:
at least a few discontented Americans are planning to move north and try their neighbors' way of life. Though each has distinct motives for packing up, they agree the United States is growing too conservative and believe Canada offers a more inclusive, less selfish society....

See-ya, buh-bye, au revoir, Auf Wiedersehen, arrivederci, don't let teh door hit you in the ass on the way out
See-ya, buh-bye, au revoir, Auf Wiedersehen, arrivederci, don't let teh door hit you in the ass on the way out
My sentiments exactly. I don't like what's happening in America today either, but running away is unlikely to solve the problem.
From the article.

every year since 1977, more Canadians have emigrated to the United States than vice versa - the 2001 figures were 5,894 Americans moving north, 30,203 Canadians moving south.

There's no mass exodus to the north. It's just a silly distraction from the topic.:retard7:
It kind of plays into the overall theme. Appearances say that they'd prefer a more conservative government :p