Proof of WMD...

The Other One said:
It's your's--to continue would be too much like going 'round with this initial thread starter. Well, OK...But remember the definition of image:

Main Entry: 1im·age
1 : a reproduction or imitation of the form of a person or thing;

Such as a work of art. da Vinci painted Mona Lisa, an image of the subject, but it's recognized as a female, right? Oh, wait, you're talking about laws regarding internet porn sites? As in how can a middle-aged guy get busted for downloading pixels of naked 8 yr. old boys? Like I said, you won.
Nope thats an image of a real person. The av is not. It is an image of an anime character. which isnt real. and if you wanna go down that road, tell that to the millions of japanese women who dress like that and do that thing because they like it? Is it sexist then? Whats their attitude to women then?
Whew, I just dropped a WMD in the bathroom. Stear clear for 25-40 years while the area becomes useable again.
