Prop 8 overturned

Prop 8 jammed up yer ass by fags

Embrace the moral decay
strip off your clothes and roll around in it
while squealing like a pig Squeeee Squeeee Squeeee Squeeee

bring out the gimp!
Re: boxxy forever!

Gonz it's an act
a caricature of EMO/scene kids
has your Son started wearing
girls jeans and eyeliner yet?

EMO/scene kids? What does that mean?

Sorry, my kid is taking college courses whle finishing his HS homeschooling years & looking at a career in sound engineering & production.
Gee I guess truck drivers aren’t scene?
I had to ask my Kid to explain it to me.
He called them art school fags and said he we wanted to kick em.

As for your Son
sadly all his education will do is allow him
to end up a line cook in Obama's soup kitchens.

A nation where a homosexual judge strikes down Prop Eight.

Is that what your folks envisioned?
Do you have some evidence that most Moosies don't value sharia law?

Muslims value Sharia to different extents just like Christians value Biblical Law to different extents. The Muslims I know don't try and force their values on other people. They're just going through their day like everyone else.

What the fuck do you find so scary about that video? Do church bells scare the shit out of you too?

Do you ever wonder why Christianity is always mocked in the media, but not Islam?

I rarely see any religion mocked in the media.

Sharia law is slowly creeping in. We are living under a culture of self-censorship when it comes to islam. We are already living with a version of sharia law in America. we're not.

Abu Talhah Al-Amrikee, aka Zachary A. Chesser of Virginia, took exception to Parker and Stone's satire of Muhammad and immediately launched a campaign of intimidation.

Holy shit! You found an extremist. Then you want to generalize all muslims from a couple examples? I guess we should generalize all Christians as being the same as Fred Phelps. Right?

All you need is to have muslims present for sharia law to arrive in a society. Muslims demand special rights, accomodation, and special treatment, and that is how the laws come into place.

Christians do the same thing. We don't need to listen to unreasonable requests from either religion.

Realize it or not, accept it or not, we are already living under a version of sharia law in America.

I am not susceptible to your fear mongering. The Muslims I know and have worked with do not demand anything special.

It is time to end all muslim immigration, and officially ban sharia law. Then arrest and deport all pro-sharia muslims. They are to be looked upon as enemies.

It's time to arrest and deport all bigots.

Holy shit! People praying. I am scared.

These half-American girls were murdered by their muslim father because they were dating other-than-islamic boys:

Wow, you found a few more extremists. Again, it's idiotic to generalize billions of people by the actions of a few extremists. There's a lot of Christians that do stupid and violent things too.

An opinion piece that makes a claim that it doesn't back up with any quote from the Legal State Department Adviser.

And you found that legit somehow?
Cerise gets it, as does most thinking Americans

No most thinking Americans don't engage in irrational bigotry.

Sharia law is a Muslim value, according to you they be able to bring that value here.

"Sharia (شريعة Šarīʿa; [ʃaˈriːʕa], "way" or "path") is the sacred law of Islam. All Muslims believe Sharia is God's law, but they have differences among themselves as to exactly what it entails.[1] Modernists, traditionalists and fundamentalists all hold different views of Sharia, as do adherents to different schools of Islamic thought and scholarship. Different countries and cultures have varying interpretations of Sharia as well."

Like Biblical Law there are all different interpretations and people follow it to different extents. Many of the values are even similar to Biblical Law.

As long long as Christians and Muslims don't try to force their beliefs on others and they obey Federal, State and local laws they can have their own values.

I bet you fully support a mosque at ground zero ... yes/no? and why

It's not a mosque and it's not at ground zero. But yes, I support our laws.
I support the Jihad
knocking down the towers wasn't enough
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad needs to get the bomb then
we will be safe from the infidels and Zionist devils!

Allu aka barrie baby
dang straight Persian rugs are the new Cuban cigars

Keeping the world safe by prohibiting the purchase of rugs.

a beanner a gook and a negro good job!
add lezbo Judge to that
As long long as Christians and Muslims don't try to force their beliefs on others and they obey Federal, State and local laws they can have their own values.

See, the idea is to make an Islamic world and to kill the others. Islam becoming the government -- that the idea.

I know you have claim that you know, and can speak for, most of the Islamics in the world. But I disagree and think your wrong. I've read and heard far more facts than you provide form apologist. Heck, there aplogist out there who say "we love American" while we have video of them saying the exact opposite. ,- this has happened many times.

Simple stated, you're again wrong on this. And you support female circumcision as a a value, right?

It's not a mosque and it's not at ground zero. But yes, I support our laws.

I'm not surprised you would support this slap in the face to America.
See, the idea is to make an Islamic world and to kill the others. Islam becoming the government -- that the idea.

So rationally if anyone wanted to think that you didn't make this up you would have some sort of evidence that most Muslims have this goal.

So go ahead and post how you got this idea.

I know you have claim that you know, and can speak for, most of the Islamics in the world.

You made that up.

But I disagree and think your wrong. I've read and heard far more facts than you provide form apologist.

Post your facts. I would love to see you posting facts.

Simple stated, you're again wrong on this.

No, so far you're wrong. Go ahead and prove me wrong though. That would be fun. Do it.

And you support female circumcision as a a value, right?

No, you made that up.

I'm not surprised you would support this slap in the face to America.

It's not a slap in the face at all. You slap America in the face when you promote illegal religious favoritism.