Prop 8 overturned

Boxxy Rocks

Yeah, i agree. Have you been reading this? == "some girl"?

How is Michael Moore dressed as a leftist commie funny?
see spike, you and i would have to look that shit up, because we aren't pedophiles.

but thanks for the link. i didn't realize kids today were quite that stupid. yep, 'merica really is fucked.
Why all the hate for Americans?
Oh that’s right it’s the Progressive thing to do.
You're not into Family Guy I guess? But you know the Che thing has been done to death even if you can't recognize Peter.

Wow, fascinating stuff. Were you guys involved int his whole newfag/oldfag /b war while boxxy had no interest in either?

No, I don't spend my time watching cartoons. And no, I do don't go looking for peter on the internet.

What is this /b/ of which you speak? He is a poster here, yes?
see spike, you and i would have to look that shit up, because we aren't pedophiles.

WOW, I did not know Boxxy was a filthy little whore! Thank for the information. I guess it's time to ban my daughters from watching her ever again. -- And here I was thinking she was a wholesome teenager who made funny videos. No more will i allow my daughters to talk in the funny voice and make little heart signs with their child hands. -- If you and Spike have labeled her as a slutt, it must be true.

While I'm at it, I should probably get your expert parenting opinions on Fred too. Is Fred as unhealthy like Boxxy?

I guess I should go main stream and have my daughters watch more Miley Cyrus videos, after all she's not a slutt or anything. Or maybe I could have my girls get up to date on "Lost' so my kids can get all emo and want to become cool-assed vampires too.


but thanks for the link. i didn't realize kids today were quite that stupid. yep, 'merica really is fucked.

You're right mink, kids shouldn't be kids, like Boxxy. It does nothing to make young women loose and easily degradable for your future personal pleasures.

So watching Family Guy is good? I mean, It has always been my hope that my children will some day be as smart and politically savvy as Spike is.

Oh and hey Minxy, I have to ask....... you did know that was Peter Griffins, right?


So hey, do you have any evidence that most Muslims want Sharia law in the US?

Do you have some evidence that most Moosies don't value sharia law?

A summer's night in Manhattan (and a 'call to prayers')

Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran … should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.” – Omar Ahmad, founder of the CAIR.

Do you ever wonder why Christianity is always mocked in the media, but not Islam?

Sharia law is slowly creeping in. We are living under a culture of self-censorship when it comes to islam. We are already living with a version of sharia law in America.

"We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show," the posting reads. "This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them."


Abu Talhah Al-Amrikee, aka Zachary A. Chesser of Virginia, took exception to Parker and Stone's satire of Muhammad and immediately launched a campaign of intimidation.

The post included a graphic picture of the Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh laying dead on the ground with a knife in his chest after he had been assassinated by a Muslim extremist in 2004. Under the photo was the caption: “Theo Van Gogh – Have Matt Stone And Trey Parker Forgotten This?”

Reader comments responding to Chesser’s post exposed the potential for escalation in support of Chesser’s threats against Stone and Parker. For example,“I wish i [sic] could slit their throats with a rusty knife,so [sic] it be more painful…. ” and, “So the options we have to deal with these two kafirs… Killing and annihilating them… Crucifying them… Cutting off from opposite sides their hands and feet with axes.”


What started out as a cartoonist's call to action against censorship -- an open invitation to submit caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad -- has led to death threats....

All you need is to have muslims present for sharia law to arrive in a society. Muslims demand special rights, accomodation, and special treatment, and that is how the laws come into place. Sharia laws become an established custom, before laws are formally passed. Realize it or not, accept it or not, we are already living under a version of sharia law in America.

It is time to end all muslim immigration, and officially ban sharia law. Then arrest and deport all pro-sharia muslims. They are to be looked upon as enemies.

Yes, in the melting pot people are allowed to have their own values.

Sharia law as practiced in NYC:


These half-American girls were murdered by their muslim father because they were dating other-than-islamic boys:

As 911 operators listened in, Sarah appeared to name her father as the killer — her dying words: "Help! Help! My dad shot me... and now I'm dying!"

Fox News Reports: Honor Killing in America:

Obama’s Legal State Department Adviser: Impose Sharia Law on America

0bama’s pick as the legal State department adviser sees no wrong in imposing Sharia law, which is one of the most backwards set of fascist-like laws.
Cerise gets it, as does most thinking Americans

Sharia law is a Muslim value, according to you they be able to bring that value here. It doen't matter to you that it is diametrically opposed to our own value system.

I bet you fully support a mosque at ground zero ... yes/no? and why
So who gives a shit if Moosies kill their daughters
or homo's can get married?

This is simply another case of governance against the will of the people.
Legalization of illegal immigration.
The absolute control of your actions through laws and regulation.
The abolition of private property by the same methods.
Expropriation of the fruits of your labors through outrageous levels of taxation.
And the crown jewel of the plan has already come to pass and no one
seems to fully realize it’s implication. The healthcare bill has made your person
the property of the State.

In a lawless society only the lawless prosper.

Drink up Comrade

boxxy forever!

Gonz it's an act
a caricature of EMO/scene kids
has your Son started wearing
girls jeans and eyeliner yet?
