Putting Squiggy over the top

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molṑn labé
Staff member
Presidential Message: New Year's Day

December 31, 2003

The past year has been a time of accomplishment and progress. Working together, our citizens have made America a safer, more prosperous, and better country. In the New Year, we will build on these successes, embracing the challenges and opportunities ahead.

We have seen our brave men and women in uniform defend America and liberate the oppressed. We pray for their safety, and we are grateful for their service and the support of their families.

In the past year, millions of people have answered the call to serve their neighbors in need. Americans from every walk of life are building a culture of compassion by devoting their time and talents to help others. In the New Year, I ask all Americans to answer the call to bring hope to those who are less fortunate.

I encourage every American to give thanks to God for His many blessings and to reaffirm our commitment to peace and freedom around the world. Laura joins me in wishing all Americans a Happy New Year. May God bless you, and may God continue to bless the United States of America.

the great christian president said:
I encourage every American to give thanks to God

So did you Gonz? Huh, did you?

Just points out again his belief that atheists and pagans can't be American. I seriously think he really believes that non-christians can't be, but they keep him from saying so.:shrug:
No sir I didn't.

Had he written "I demand every American give thanks to God" then we'd be on the same page. He wishes to be a good christian & pass the faith. I have no problem with that.
Just points out again his belief that atheists and pagans can't be American. I seriously think he really believes that non-christians can't be, but they keep him from saying so

Sorry, Gonz, but the first part is a well known fact. It doesn't bother you in the least that he belittles your citizenship that way? There has to be a line, and frequently he crosses it. Of course, if we are a christian nation, maybe he doesn't, in whcih case it's time for me to consider a move. He's the president and not a private citizen. He has no business "passing the faith." When he's a private citizen again he can do that all he wants. I honestly fear very much that before long you will find out how badly your complacency is misplaced. I hope I'm wrong.
I've always felt that the US was a Christian nation... look at our money... :disgust:

And of course the Pledge of Allegiance, though the "under God" phrase was added later, is a persistent and unpleasant reminder.

Unfortunately, everyone I know who follows some wisdom tradition feels the need to proselytize. I resent the fact that good deeds are often credited to "god" and that bad deeds are blamed on "man" when I believe we are responsible for both.
One day...perhaps 30-50 years from now, a non-Christian will attain the Presidency. Will s/he be allowed to say

"I encourage every American to give thanks to Allah for His many blessings and to reaffirm our commitment to peace and freedom around the world"

The Goddess

I think not
MrBishop said:
One day...perhaps 30-50 years from now, a non-Christian will attain the Presidency. Will s/he be allowed to say

"I encourage every American to give thanks to Allah for His many blessings and to reaffirm our commitment to peace and freedom around the world"

The Goddess

I think not
It's all a load of hogwash anyway... man(as a species... or woman if you're a staunch feminist) is his/her own god/goddess/devil/whatever...

Does anyone really give a damn?...
Gonz said:

Evidently, only 84.8% there, Gonz. :p
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