Putting the FUN back in Fundimental


New Member
A little site for the women of OTC:
For many years, people have said that they 'love' Jesus. Now, they can love Jesus with Divine Interventions!

*edited by Leslie the edit-happy prudish bitch* and with all the Jesus Jokes rolling around.
:rofl: The second coming, and the third and the fourth etc... :rofl:

Lovely...my boss'd die if he saw it...especially the "Baby Jesus Butt-plug" - keripes!!
MrBishop said:
:rofl: The second coming, and the third and the fourth etc... :rofl:

Lovely...my boss'd die if he saw it...especially the "Baby Jesus Butt-plug" - keripes!!

It brings a whole new meaning to the comment "Let Jesus Fuck you!" in the movie The Exorcist. :la:
Didja visit the Haiku page?

Haiku are not good,
Seventeen syllables can't
be enough to fin--

"Getting nailed by Jesus" :D
Nah, I'm usually laughing my ass off at the fact that people can now put Baby Jesus in their ass. :lol2:
haha, i stumbled on that site years ago, i show my friends sometimes :)
some of the things there are actually quite aesthetically pleasing.
MrBishop said:
TO quote a bumper sticker that I once saw "Lord, protect me from thine followers"
Even better:

No wonder I'm Pacific Green.
Funny site. On another note, mozilla was being a dick to me. I had to download the shockwave player so i could look at that site. I did, but i still can't use mozilla to watch it. I installed the plugin, duh. But on the site it still says "click here to get the plugin"


i had to use ie to look at the site. :mope:
I still don't understand why it's all well and good to insult religion...If you don't believe, then you don't believe, and anything that other's believe shouldn't matter to you, but you continue to bash another's beliefs. Why is that? Inferiority Complex?...Low Self-Esteem?...Perhaps just plain old bigotry in the guise of 'enlightenment'.

Please don't answer with the same old 'They keep trying to convert me' bullshit, either. That grows tiring, and it also shows a distinct lack of self-determination and thought.
BeardofPants said:
It sucks when you have to sell out to the devil, don't it? :mope:


Nope. It just sucks when you have to slam someone elses beliefs just because you, yourself, don't believe. If he doesn't believe in God, that's his choice, and his opinion. If somebody else does believe in God, what gives him the right to belittle that other person's beliefs? I'm sure he'll claim 'Free Speech' because it suits him, but that's exactly what I'm doing. Freedom of Religion. That means the right to believe, or not believe, in a deity, or deities. It's quite simple, really. If I start preaching the gospel here, on this site, how many people would ridicule me? Yet, he can go around bashing religion at his whim, and nobody says anything? Can't you smell the hypocrisy here? It's a 2-way street...
Um, perhaps I shoulda been more clear... I was talking about PCB having to use Internet Explorer. Of course, you can still probably apply those arguments there... ;)

edit.. I just noticed you slipped in between PCB's reply and mine... sneaky, no wonder we got our wires crossed. :lloyd:
Gato_Solo said:
I still don't understand why it's all well and good to insult religion...If you don't believe, then you don't believe, and anything that other's believe shouldn't matter to you, but you continue to bash another's beliefs. Why is that? Inferiority Complex?...Low Self-Esteem?...Perhaps just plain old bigotry in the guise of 'enlightenment'.

Please don't answer with the same old 'They keep trying to convert me' bullshit, either. That grows tiring, and it also shows a distinct lack of self-determination and thought.
I hate religion.
See, I would let it be. You'd never see me truly insulting any non-oppressive religions (Wiccan, Satanism, Judaism, Hindu, ect.) for a good reasons. They let me be, and I let them be. When it comes to Christianity, however, it seems without fail that every time I step outside that I give up my right to not be oppressed by this archaic bullshit. Every time I decide to check out the new Wares at the local Saturday Market, I see this asshat screaming his religious banter at every person who comes across the sidewalk. This 'Good Christian Boy' has the gull to claim that rebellious women (Read as: Any woman who has an original THOUGHT. I have asked him) and masturbation are the ways of the Devil. Now I'd be OK with this, but I'd like to start a friendly debate. The moment I start to talk to him about other things he should ban as well he starts screaming more inane banter, and calling me a Heretic. (Bad Taste 1)
Now, ever heard of the Hare Christna's? Yeah, one started yelling at me when I argued that SELLING them was the same as GIVING them away with a minimum donation. I then laughed at him, and told him he looks like a cultist. After that, he took a swing at me. (Bad Taste 2)
Those bastards have even gone as far as accosting me at my own home in ungodly hours of the day! (I'm a night person. Anything before 10:30 is fucking early for me) Jesus Christ of Latter Day Fuckwads, Jehovah’s Wit-less’ or even those kooky-ass aluminum foil-hat-wearing Scientologists. (I know they're not Christian, but I dislike them all the same) (Yeah...3)
I was also a slave to the Christian Religion for 18 years. Avidly believing in what the Church told me, and fearing to venture outside of the laws of The Bible for 18 years I was miserable. When I finally saw the true light, I realized what a bunch of morons these people where. They hated people for the most trivial of things. (Sexual orientation and beliefs) Each and every member of the church drove Gas Hogs, and where the biggest most keniveing hypocrites I've ever seen. I look back on them now, and I pity them more then anything. They are sheep, and not a one of them wants to see that their god does not exist.
Gato_Solo said:
Please don't answer with the same old 'They keep trying to convert me' bullshit, either. That grows tiring, and it also shows a distinct lack of self-determination and thought.

Unfortunatly, Evangelism is one of the parts of organized religion which seems to piss off the average layman more than anything else. No one attacks the work of the church in charities, support etc.. no one denies that the church helps people in times of personal strife.

There are two ways in which *organized* religion ticks people off...direct evangelism (the guy on the soap-box, the people at your door, that flier in your hand given to you on the street) and indirect evangelism whereby organized religion attempts to introduce its morals and ethics on the population at large through legal or governmental intervention.

Please not that I'm emphasizing organized because an individual's personal beliefs and religious mores often stays with that individual and doesn't infringe on other's beliefs.

I make it a point not to push my religious beliefs on others, not even my family. I had hopes that this would be the case with others...I was wrong.
Allow me to be annoyed when others, who do not know me, my beliefs, my life etc..try to tell me that I am worshiping wrong or living my life wrongly. It's my freedom of religion too.

In regards to this site...it's iconoclastic and probably meant to be funny. I'm not an Iconistic Anglican...I don't think that a cross, or a painting of Christ, or a Bible is any more or less holy than the keyboard that I'm typing this with, or the desk that it's resting upon.
Digital said:
I hate religion.
See, I would let it be. You'd never see me truly insulting any non-oppressive religions (Wiccan, Satanism, Judaism, Hindu, ect.) for a good reasons. They let me be, and I let them be. When it comes to Christianity, however, it seems without fail that every time I step outside that I give up my right to not be oppressed by this archaic bullshit. Every time I decide to check out the new Wares at the local Saturday Market, I see this asshat screaming his religious banter at every person who comes across the sidewalk. This 'Good Christian Boy' has the gull to claim that rebellious women (Read as: Any woman who has an original THOUGHT. I have asked him) and masturbation are the ways of the Devil. Now I'd be OK with this, but I'd like to start a friendly debate. The moment I start to talk to him about other things he should ban as well he starts screaming more inane banter, and calling me a Heretic. (Bad Taste 1)
Now, ever heard of the Hare Christna's? Yeah, one started yelling at me when I argued that SELLING them was the same as GIVING them away with a minimum donation. I then laughed at him, and told him he looks like a cultist. After that, he took a swing at me. (Bad Taste 2)
Those bastards have even gone as far as accosting me at my own home in ungodly hours of the day! (I'm a night person. Anything before 10:30 is fucking early for me) Jesus Christ of Latter Day Fuckwads, Jehovah’s Wit-less’ or even those kooky-ass aluminum foil-hat-wearing Scientologists. (I know they're not Christian, but I dislike them all the same) (Yeah...3)
I was also a slave to the Christian Religion for 18 years. Avidly believing in what the Church told me, and fearing to venture outside of the laws of The Bible for 18 years I was miserable. When I finally saw the true light, I realized what a bunch of morons these people where. They hated people for the most trivial of things. (Sexual orientation and beliefs) Each and every member of the church drove Gas Hogs, and where the biggest most keniveing hypocrites I've ever seen. I look back on them now, and I pity them more then anything. They are sheep, and not a one of them wants to see that their god does not exist.

are you referring to the LeVeyan sense of Satanism? cause you just explained part of why he hates Xtianity. I dont mind most Christians it is the ones who cram themselves down my throat and remind me of how wrong I am to not believe as they do. but most are not bad
MrBishop said:
In regards to this site...it's iconoclastic and probably meant to be funny. I'm not an Iconistic Anglican...I don't think that a cross, or a painting of Christ, or a Bible is any more or less holy than the keyboard that I'm typing this with, or the desk that it's resting upon.

That wasn't the point I was making. What I said, in a nutshell, is that, regardless of anyones beliefs, whenever religion is brought up here, there's always a statement of ridicule, an air of intolerance, and a heap of disrespect that seems to follow. You are free to believe, or not believe, but you should respect the belief, or non-belief, of others. That is what the whole premise of Freedom of anything is about. Ridiculing the beliefs, or non-beliefs, of others speaks volumes about how you view Freedom.

There's no other way to say it but this...

If you disrespect the choices of others, you make your own choices suspect as well.
Gato I am hoping you will not be offended by this but does that mean that when my beliefs are disrespected by others theirs are now suspect? I agree that all have a right to believe and should not be rediculed for it by any means.
freako104 said:
Gato I am hoping you will not be offended by this but does that mean that when my beliefs are disrespected by others theirs are now suspect? I agree that all have a right to believe and should not be rediculed for it by any means.
Yes. I mean exactly that.

I'll also take this time to ask 2 questions to Digital, who's tirade I just read...

1. Exactly how are you oppressed? Perhaps you don't have the skill to walk away, or ignore someone who you don't enjoy? Remember...You walked up to him, and started the problem, when you could've left him alone to his ranting...
2. How is your personal hypocrisy better than the hypocrisy you grew up with?