Putting the FUN back in Fundimental

Leslie said:
*is all for a good phallus in the right place at the right time*

OMG!! That's even better than what Bush said the other day :D :rofl:

If it was intentional punning - nice one!!
If it was a felix culpa - :rofl2:
Gato_Solo said:
Hate to burst your bubble here, but most of the intolerance I've seen in my life had nothing to do with religion.

A lot of the intollerance that I've seen has exactly to do with religion...in fact, most does..including the reason that you're overseas.

Gay-bashing, the subjugation of women, racism, the killing of Drs that perform abortions, the firebombing of clinics etc etc...

I agree taht in most cases, walking away is a good idea but you can't keep 'turning the other cheek' for the rest of your life, avoiding all conflict. Occasionally people need to be figurativly knocked off their soapbox... at the very least, to give them the idea that what they are saying is not appreciated by all.

Freedom of speech is one thing..."Fighting Words" is quite another. If calling someone's girlfriend a 'whore' isn't considered fighting words...what is?
MrBishop said:
Freedom of speech is one thing..."Fighting Words" is quite another. If calling someone's girlfriend a 'whore' isn't considered fighting words...what is?

Is she a whore? If no, then there is no reason to get involved. If yes, then there is also no reason to get involved. If you must fight, do it for a better reason than that. I still ask...who went to whom first? Since Digital went to him, and started this whole mess, then he's responsible. I'm pretty sure that the man didn't call his girlfriend a whore before he went over to him. You are making excuses for his bad behavior because he decided to goad/mock another person. I know how this works. I did some of the same, stupid crap when I was his age. I grew out of it...I'm secure in myself enough to know that, unless said individual placed an unwanted hand upon me, or my fiancee, he is safe. Names mean nothing if they do not apply...
Leslie said:
If you had a comment to make about it, perhaps at the time I actually had the avatar would have been a good time, rather than now when it's meaningless except to whinge/stir the pot cause it's quiet around here?

I'm not whining or stiring any pot. I'm sorry you took my comment as rude, but I just plainly stated why I didn't understand the edit. You clearly edited it out of the original post, but didn't give a reason why. This confused me so I questioned. The avatar referenced didn't offend me when you had it, so making a comment at that time would have been pointless as there was nothing to comment on.

;) Let's not jump to conclusions that people are trying to stir things up 'round here. There's always plenty of action at OTC as it is.
freako104 said:
hence the reason I say religion causes problems

It's not religion in-and-of itself. It's those who think they speak for God, and their most devoted followers, that are the problem. I could say the exact same things about the caucasian race. :shrug: You can't blame a concept for the faults of the people involved with it...
correction. I dont blame God I blame religon. two separate entities. Religion in and of itself is quite beautiful. but it causes wars and the like.
freako104 said:
correction. I dont blame God I blame religon. two separate entities. Religion in and of itself is quite beautiful. but it causes wars and the like.

Wrong again, freako. People cause wars. They may use religion as an excuse, but, ultimately, it's people, and their 'My God is better than your God' attitude. In fact...most of the wars fought don't bring religion into play until after the battle is joined.
mostly Gato said:
People claiming to be liberal and tolerant when it suits them, and turning intolerant and bigoted when (anything not liberal) comes up.

Gato_Solo said:
Is she a whore? If no, then there is no reason to get involved. If yes, then there is also no reason to get involved. If you must fight, do it for a better reason than that. I still ask...who went to whom first? Since Digital went to him, and started this whole mess, then he's responsible. I'm pretty sure that the man didn't call his girlfriend a whore before he went over to him. You are making excuses for his bad behavior because he decided to goad/mock another person. I know how this works. I did some of the same, stupid crap when I was his age. I grew out of it...I'm secure in myself enough to know that, unless said individual placed an unwanted hand upon me, or my fiancee, he is safe. Names mean nothing if they do not apply...

He did call her a whore first. That's his thing: He stands on the Max Platform and verbally accosts people and makes them feel uncomfortable. He also told me to leave her because she was the way of the devil. (Oh, and the fornicator thing...But I plead guilty over and over again to that!) Again, there are few things I actually believe in fighting for: Friends, Family, and Entertainment. (Music, literature, plays, and anything non-drug that takes my mind off all the shit that is going on) Ironically: I'm normally a peaceful guy, until someone crosses that line. (Assholes talking during a movie dances on, and sometimes crosses, that line)
Also: When I came up to him, I only did it to debate with him. (This was a Saturday when I wasn't with my now ex.) I was hoping to engage in some sort of a mind challange. That way he'd shut up and stop bothering people who are just trying to shop at the market.
Digital said:
He did call her a whore first. That's his thing: He stands on the Max Platform and verbally accosts people and makes them feel uncomfortable. He also told me to leave her because she was the way of the devil. (Oh, and the fornicator thing...But I plead guilty over and over again to that!) Again, there are few things I actually believe in fighting for: Friends, Family, and Entertainment. (Music, literature, plays, and anything non-drug that takes my mind off all the shit that is going on) Ironically: I'm normally a peaceful guy, until someone crosses that line. (Assholes talking during a movie dances on, and sometimes crosses, that line)
Also: When I came up to him, I only did it to debate with him. (This was a Saturday when I wasn't with my now ex.) I was hoping to engage in some sort of a mind challange. That way he'd shut up and stop bothering people who are just trying to shop at the market.

Back to the beginning...you say that's his thing. Then you should've been used to it, and, if he called your girlfriend a whore, he's probably called other women whore also. Did he say it before, to other women when your girlfriend wasn't present? Careful...this is yes, or no. Has he always verbally abused people 'in the name of God' when your girlfriend was not present? Again, yes, or no. You keep saying
I came up to him
, and
I only did it to debate with him
, but you knew what kind of person he was. You also say you did it so
he'd shut up and stop bothering people who are just trying to shop at the market.
. So now you didn't go to debate him, yopu went to drive him away. Hmmm...Which is it? To debate, or make him 'shut up'. Your words, so your choice.

Also...one more thing before you respond...and you can quote me, if you like... Satan can quote the scripture for his own ends, and most likely better than you.
Gato_Solo said:
Wrong again, freako. People cause wars. They may use religion as an excuse, but, ultimately, it's people, and their 'My God is better than your God' attitude. In fact...most of the wars fought don't bring religion into play until after the battle is joined.

yes but as you said religion made its way into the situation. and the whole idea of having a better god is a religious thing isnt it
freako104 said:
yes but as you said religion made its way into the situation. and the whole idea of having a better god is a religious thing isnt it

Nope...It's all human.


My dad can beat your dad.
My car is faster than your car.
My house is nicer than your house.

Get the picture? Now...Is it really religion, or is that just an easy scapegoat for your viewpoint?
Gato_Solo said:
Back to the beginning...you say that's his thing. Then you should've been used to it, and, if he called your girlfriend a whore, he's probably called other women whore also. Did he say it before, to other women when your girlfriend wasn't present? Careful...this is yes, or no. Has he always verbally abused people 'in the name of God' when your girlfriend was not present? Again, yes, or no. You keep saying , and , but you knew what kind of person he was. You also say you did it so . So now you didn't go to debate him, yopu went to drive him away. Hmmm...Which is it? To debate, or make him 'shut up'. Your words, so your choice.
Yes, he does all of this on an irregular basis. (Sometimes he doesn't show up fr a month. Other times, he's there every Friday, Sat, Sun, for weeks on end.) You're missing the point that this guy in a bible-thumping neusance. People have tried BEGGING him to leave, and store owners have even BIBED him with their wares for him just to go somewhere else. He just screams over them, and says (This is an exact quote) "Blah, Blah, Blah! I don't have to listen to you, heathens!"
Also: If he's talking to someone, he's not screaming at EVERYONE. Can you do both at the same time? I thought not. He chose not to talk, and just start screaming louder.
If you don't beleive how much of a problem this guy is, come here. People literally CELEBRATE when he doesn't show up.
Digital said:
Yes, he does all of this on an irregular basis. (Sometimes he doesn't show up fr a month. Other times, he's there every Friday, Sat, Sun, for weeks on end.) You're missing the point that this guy in a bible-thumping neusance. People have tried BEGGING him to leave, and store owners have even BIBED him with their wares for him just to go somewhere else. He just screams over them, and says (This is an exact quote) "Blah, Blah, Blah! I don't have to listen to you, heathens!"
Also: If he's talking to someone, he's not screaming at EVERYONE. Can you do both at the same time? I thought not. He chose not to talk, and just start screaming louder.
If you don't beleive how much of a problem this guy is, come here. People literally CELEBRATE when he doesn't show up.

So, once again, you took it upon yourself to violate this person's right to free speech. Doesn't matter what anyone else did, or said. We're dealing with you. Doesn't even matter if people cheer when he isn't there. It's about you. If the store owners really wanted to do something about him, all they need do is have him cited for loitering, but they don't, do they? You keep making excuses for your behavior that defy either somebody elses rights, or logic. Once again, you went to him...not the other way around. So how come it falls upon your shoulders to 'play hero', and violate this person's civil rights? Doesn't matter if he's a 'bible thumping' nuisance, or the most rabid racist in the US. We have laws, we have rights, and we have responsibilities. You may not like what he said, but that doesn't give you the right to mock him. Your own words show who you are in this, and your 'reasons' are getting worse.
Gato_Solo said:
So, once again, you took it upon yourself to violate this person's right to free speech. Doesn't matter what anyone else did, or said. We're dealing with you. Doesn't even matter if people cheer when he isn't there. It's about you. If the store owners really wanted to do something about him, all they need do is have him cited for loitering, but they don't, do they? You keep making excuses for your behavior that defy either somebody elses rights, or logic. Once again, you went to him...not the other way around. So how come it falls upon your shoulders to 'play hero', and violate this person's civil rights? Doesn't matter if he's a 'bible thumping' nuisance, or the most rabid racist in the US. We have laws, we have rights, and we have responsibilities. You may not like what he said, but that doesn't give you the right to mock him. Your own words show who you are in this, and your 'reasons' are getting worse.
He's on public property. The Max Platform inside the Market, but it is not actually a part of the market. The best we have done is to have him move to another area.
I never mocked him, openly. I've only wanted him to stop harassing people. Call it White Knight Syndrome, me wanting to bully someone, (I never laid a hand on him...Though I REALLY want to) or whatever you wish. But you cannot say that if someone made these comments and they where directed towards the person YOU care about, that it would not bother you. If you do you're full of shit, man. Rationalize it all you want, but it will get under your skin.
What about the other people? Do they not have the right to travel down there without a bible pushed in their face? (Yes, he actually held a bible about 4 inches from this Goth's face today, while screaming at her, when she stepped off the max. If my cellphone wasn't dead at that time...) Or what about the people trying to make money? Why do they have to loose buisness because their shop is near this zealot? Shouldn't they be protected against such problems? (Each year the spaces are organized and rented to the shop owners. Moving is not alloud. You either take what you get, or nothing at all)
Digital said:
He's on public property. The Max Platform inside the Market, but it is not actually a part of the market. The best we have done is to have him move to another area.
I never mocked him, openly. I've only wanted him to stop harassing people. Call it White Knight Syndrome, me wanting to bully someone, (I never laid a hand on him...Though I REALLY want to) or whatever you wish. But you cannot say that if someone made these comments and they where directed towards the person YOU care about, that it would not bother you. If you do you're full of shit, man. Rationalize it all you want, but it will get under your skin.
What about the other people? Do they not have the right to travel down there without a bible pushed in their face? (Yes, he actually held a bible about 4 inches from this Goth's face today, while screaming at her, when she stepped off the max. If my cellphone wasn't dead at that time...) Or what about the people trying to make money? Why do they have to loose buisness because their shop is near this zealot? Shouldn't they be protected against such problems? (Each year the spaces are organized and rented to the shop owners. Moving is not alloud. You either take what you get, or nothing at all)

Been there (where you are) done that (what you did). Like I said. I matured enough to realize that people like him will exist whether I like it or not. I now choose to treat people of his ilk like they do not exist. You stepped up to him, and you gave him the audience he wanted, and the creedance he desired. Face it. You played into his hands. If you'd've walked off, how could he have gotten under your skin? If you leave a volatile situation, how can it explode? If you ignored him, and you were secure enough in yourself, then he wouldn't bother you. So now who's barking up the wrong tree. If he makes you feel that inadequate about yourself, and those around you, perhaps its you who needs to change, and not him. You even admitted that you don't like his type, so why even bother to 'debate' him? If your emotions are that skewed, you've already lost. The only reason you got angry, IMHO, is because he played you, and you knew it. You're probably still upset because I'm pointing it out to you, otherwise you wouldn't have said
you cannot say that if someone made these comments and they where directed towards the person YOU care about, that it would not bother you. If you do you're full of shit, man.
Even if it does bother me, I have niether the time, nor the inclination, to debate, converse, or otherwise admit that person's existence.

BTW...This person isn't, by chance, Jed Smock, is he?
Don't know his name. We just call him the Crazy Bible Thumper. Hell, not even the Street performers know him. They've tried to befriend him, just to understand the method to his madness, and he screams at them too. Why do you ask, though?
Gato Solo said:
Even if it does bother me, I have niether the time, nor the inclination, to debate, converse, or otherwise admit that person's existence.

Exactly what I think too. Besides, you can't debate with someone who is that wrapped up in themselves anyway.