Quit...or else


Well-Known Member
I'm quitting smoking...again.

So...the joy that I get to experience as nicotine leaves my body kicking and screaming, I'm happy to say, shall be revisited upon you lot.

Won't that be fun!?

Wish me luck...
I hope you have better luck than I did.
I screwed up when I tried to use over-the-counter Nicoderm. :alienhuh:

I've got an appointment with a new doc, and I'm gonna try again.
Lopan said:

nothing else works. It hurts but its worth it.

Yep, no matter what you use to help, sooner or later it comes down to that.
you still haven't smoked gonz?

i quit err...8 months ago, and haven't smoked a single cigarette...i know if i'd smoke only one i'd be done with it.
but the difference in long volume is amazing...
Good Luck! It's a hard thing to do but your body will thank you for it after it makes you miserable for a little while.
Bish, don't bother. You're gonna fail at quitting anyways. The slightest discomfort and you go running back. Besides, I'm sure it's handy to have an excuse to walk out of the house repeatedly.
Professur said:
Bish, don't bother. You're gonna fail at quitting anyways. The slightest discomfort and you go running back. Besides, I'm sure it's handy to have an excuse to walk out of the house repeatedly.
Hey...fuck you!
Professur said:
Whatever. You'll prove me right anyways, as usual. You always do.
If the best form of encouragment that you can come up with is slagging me... don't bother.

Negative reinforcement has never worked on me...I know my own faults and the only thing that reinforcing those faults with insults and depreciating remarks does is make it that much easier to fail.

If I don't have the support of friends and family, I might as well not try. I'm doomed to failure, so why bother, right? Great mind-set you're encouraging there, Prof. I hope that you do better with your kids..for their sake.
MrBishop said:
If the best form of encouragment that you can come up with is slagging me... don't bother.

Negative reinforcement has never worked on me...I know my own faults and the only thing that reinforcing those faults with insults and depreciating remarks does is make it that much easier to fail.

If I don't have the support of friends and family, I might as well not try. I'm doomed to failure, so why bother, right? Great mind-set you're encouraging there, Prof. I hope that you do better with your kids..for their sake.

*chortle* Support? Son, you've doomed yourself to failure, not me. Don't accuse me of kicking you in the balls until you grow a set.
MrBishop said:
If I don't have the support of friends and family, I might as well not try. I'm doomed to failure, so why bother, right?

[Yoda]Do, or do not...there is no try[/Yoda]