Racial Violence Continues in Australia

Gato_Solo said:
Hmm...Like the Europeans did when they arrived in the 'New World'? How about when the Europeans started the first crusade? Come to think about it...the Europeans are extremely anti-semetic, so why did they steal a religious figure from the Jews (Jesus was Jewish), and use that same figure for so much anger and hatred over the centuries?

Actually, they didn't. Ceasar was a nutter, from a long line of nutters. He adopted it, as a way to control the population. And it was either toe the line, or lose your life. They did as in Rome.
Gato_Solo said:
Hmm...Like the Europeans did when they arrived in the 'New World'? How about when the Europeans started the first crusade? Come to think about it...the Europeans are extremely anti-semetic, so why did they steal a religious figure from the Jews (Jesus was Jewish), and use that same figure for so much anger and hatred over the centuries?
Psst, we're in the 21st century now.
heh heh heh yeah Cat

So Grotto olde Man
you are part of a military organization that is dedicated too:

bringing freedom and restoring civil order


Raping burning pillaging and enslaving

which ever it is you must agree that it is
run by white Christians!
Winky said:
Yeah and like um all hoo-man's started in Africa
ya know evolving from apes, what does this have to do with disproving my contention?

The same as your contention has to do with proving modern civilization.

Winky said:
Again, what does this have to do with the modern day?

Everything has a beginning, and if you begin with a crime, you wind up with a larger crime to cover up past misdeeds.

Winky said:
Well I've never heard the renaissance described quite that way, thanks it put it in a whole new light, my life is changed forever!

I hoped you would get that, but I figured you wouldn't.

Winky said:
So what is the thinly veiled threat behind that comment? That I'd be sitting in chains enslaved by 'people of colour' instead? Or perhaps living in some
wonderful first world country enjoying boundless freedom as I do now? A country founded by Arabs or Africans that afford equality for all minorities?
Point out how this might have occurred!

Nope. Once again, you base your existence on morality based upon lies and pettiness, theft and murder, and opine that others would treat you the way they were treated just because you did it. To give you a perfect example, I'll go back to my reference to ancient Egypt, the breadbasket of the world in it's day. Egypt had a rather large population, a strong military, and the strength to stand up to whomever wanted to fight. Instead, they formed alliances to preserve their peace, traded openly, and invited those who would conquer into their midst as friends. In return, they were marginalized by the shifting alliances and treachery of Greece and Rome, who established communities in their midst, and caused their ultimate downfall by eroding their morality.
read Cat's post

so modern civilization is based on lies
and pettiness

a rather thin argument wouldn't you agree?

What is the murderous rule of Somali warlords based on

the continued instances of murderous genocide in the Sudan based on?

So is the current mission you are to be part of in the cradle of
‘civilization' a second crusade? And how to you feel about
being a person of colour participating in this rampant rampage
against other ‘people of colour' at the behest of your white overlords?
Winky said:
read Cat's post

I did. I even understood it. Too bad you didn't.

Winky said:
so modern civilization is based on lies
and pettiness

In a nutshell...yes.

Winky said:
a rather thin argument wouldn't you agree?


Winky said:
What is the murderous rule of Somali warlords based on

The continuous manipulation by the Italian government during the 1940's to 1960's pitting one group of Somalis against the other, and then leaving without cleaning up the mess they started.

Winky said:
the continued instances of murderous genocide in the Sudan based on?

The same as the continued instances of murderous genocide the Serb's and Croat's would be on if not for the interference of NATO. Those instances still pale in comparison to their escapades since the 1870's, BTW...

Winky said:
So is the current mission you are to be part of in the cradle of
‘civilization' a second crusade? And how to you feel about
being a person of colour participating in this rampant rampage
against other ‘people of colour' at the behest of your white overlords?

I'm a Jannisary. I do what I must to survive. I also know that this mess we're dealing with now is a direct result of actions that occured before and during the First World War, when the 'great European powers' divided up the area into the countries we know today...with little, or no, regard to the people living in those regions.
Gato_Solo said:
I also know that this mess we're dealing with now is a direct result of actions that occured before and during the First World War, when the 'great European powers' divided up the area into the countries we know today...with little, or no, regard to the people living in those regions.

Using that as an example. Over the period of a hundred years (roughly) they haven't fixed the problem or, more importantly, learned to live civilly with one another. Why not?
Gonz said:
Using that as an example. Over the period of a hundred years (roughly) they haven't fixed the problem or, more importantly, learned to live civilly with one another. Why not?

Same way it's always worked. One group receives favored position, which generates jealousy amongst the other groups. From time to time, switch which group is favored. This generates mistrust between all of them, and creates the problems you see today. The first step is to realize what's being done. The second step is to act upon it.

See affirmative action as a reference point.
Gato_Solo said:
Same way it's always worked. One group receives favored position, which generates jealousy amongst the other groups. From time to time, switch which group is favored. This generates mistrust between all of them, and creates the problems you see today. The first step is to realize what's being done. The second step is to act upon it.

See affirmative action as a reference point.

Wasn't that the whole point of your revolution in the first place? I told you it was a bad idea.
Professur said:
Wasn't that the whole point of your revolution in the first place? I told you it was a bad idea.

Only if the ideals are not followed. They weren't, and still aren't.
Yeah them damn pesky 'groups' that achieve
rise above other 'groups'

If we could all live like savages

"oh what a wunderful werld this would be"
Winky said:
Yeah them damn pesky 'groups' that achieve
rise above other 'groups'

If we could all live like savages

"oh what a wunderful werld this would be"

Very predictable. Also very wrong, as the 'groups' which you speak of that acheive usually do so through the auspices of inheritance and favored treatment.
Gato_Solo said:
Only if the ideals are not followed. They weren't, and still aren't.

Ideals are subject to opinion. Popular opinion, that is. Wimmen, black and gays weren't Men back then. Look where changing that definition has gotten us. You can't keep referring back to a document written 200 years ago without using a 200 year old dictionary to read it.
Professur said:
Ideals are subject to opinion. Popular opinion, that is. Wimmen, black and gays weren't Men back then. Look where changing that definition has gotten us. You can't keep referring back to a document written 200 years ago without using a 200 year old dictionary to read it.

Au contrair. Several of the writers of the Constitution referenced freeing the slaves, but 'popular opinion', as you so eloquently put it, nixed the idea completely. Of course...being Irish back then was no picnic either...
It is speeled janissary and the fact that
that is the best defense you can offer

tells me a scary thing about how your mind werks

wouldn’t a man of conscience not participate
in the rape and pilling and enslavement
of other poor downtrodden people
knowing full that he was the direct descendant
of an enslaved people

oh so inna way you are still a slave!

a sad way to live indeed
Professur said:
Ideals are subject to opinion. Popular opinion, that is. Wimmen, black and gays weren't Men back then. Look where changing that definition has gotten us. You can't keep referring back to a document written 200 years ago without using a 200 year old dictionary to read it.

Though poorly elucidated, a novel thought indeed!
Winky said:
It is speeled janissary and the fact that
that is the best defense you can offer

Took you long enough to look that up. BTW...I misspelled it on purpose, just to see if you knew what it meant to begin with.

Winky said:
tells me a scary thing about how your mind werks

It's how your mind works, too. You just don't realize it...yet...

Winky said:
wouldn’t a man of conscience not participate
in the rape and pilling and enslavement
of other poor downtrodden people
knowing full that he was the direct descendant
of an enslaved people

Depends upon the reasoning behind it. I'm quite sure you'd show no doubts about going to war in Europe again, if you thought the reasons valid. Besides...raping and pillaging are illegal now.

Winky said:
oh so inna way you are still a slave!

As are you. As is everyone else. The difference is I know who I work for...you may not.

Winky said:
a sad way to live indeed

You act as if you live differently. Fact is, you don't. Your table scraps may be larger, but they're still scraps from somebody elses table...and always will be.
My case is made!

one man looks through the prison bars and sees mud
the other sees stars
Winky said:
My case is made!

What case? You have nothing.

Winky said:
one man looks through the prison bars and sees mud
the other sees stars

Both see stars, but one knows that those stars will be denied. Call it a healthy dose of cynicism. You go ahead and be satisfied with your crumbs. Just be sure to realize that that's all they are, and all they ever will be. Be content in your servitude. Just don't confuse cynicism with complacency.