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Squiggy said:Most racism exhibitions are knee-jerk and generalized bull....
Ooooh which gallery is that exhibition showing at?
Squiggy said:Most racism exhibitions are knee-jerk and generalized bull....
but where's the solution?
Wacky Nacky said:See, going with the skin also has culture. A way of talking and walking and all that. And mostly I'm scared of black people because I am unfamiliar with their social customs and don't know what's considered rude or not, and not sure how to talk and phrase my words around them like I am with white people. So yeah. Just me 2 cents.
Luis G said:IMO, there's no need of special treatment to people based on their skin colour (nor any other criteria, except maybe mental discapacity), just be yourself.
a13antichrist said:How about based on the style of clothes and how they're being worn? Two seconds' reflection will show you that this is UNIVERSAL.
and i am ever glad you did for this is very interesting indeed. here's just my opinion on how the ideas behind racism are perpetuated. it's not only just the parents responsible here, though they are ultimately reponsible for their childs attitude, but alot comes from schools and local neighboorhoods, and the need to fit in. it's the parents that are trying to teach their children the right attitude but find it hard because of their social situation who i feel most for. alot of people can't change their economic situation and thus the child ends up in a school or social environment where these attitudes are everywhere. i hate to say it but one person can't change anything here at all, it's a problem for everyone, and unless their is some major event that truly alters everyones mind set (one hell of an electrical storm, for example) i can't see any changes for the following generations. if anything it'll only get worse. our society hasn't really changed in it's attitude over the years, we are just better at denying and hiding itMrBishop said:.Nailing this thread back up for the newbies![]()
freako104 said:heres one for everyone on here
would you/have you ever dated outside your race? I ask b/c it is in a way a form of racism. I would personally if she was someone i loved,related to and could trust and enjoy spending time wiht ill date anyone in any race. but shed have to be special to me for me to love her.
Ahh...I see now...freako104 said:if you were black and would only date blacks, white but only date whites. its kind of a way of saying id never do that. my ex was white and didnt like the idea that i would date outside my race. she was racist in that sense.