MrBishop said:but mulato *no offence meant by the term*
Right there. That's where we start. How can a nation, a hemisphere, a wolrd, much less an individual, be free to state opinions or fact when we're too scared to say something offensive. If somebody is offended, they'll get over it. Or not. There can never be a truly realistic & honest discussion about race until we're able to speak openly & freely.
I've never had a problem with any group. There are specific individuals that I'd like to take out & shoot, some that I'd want to just shake some sense into & many that are just flat out ignored. I've personally witnessed more black on white discrimination than the reverse. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I've just witnessed less. Mostly because the whites are too scared of saying or doing anything, in case they're being prejudiced.
We have differences. Why is it considered uncouth to point them out or talk about them? I asked a black friend about the coloring of tattoo's on his skin. Why? Because of our different melanin content. I didn't know how well they would show up. He laughed & said that I was the only white guy with the balls to ask such a question. Too bad. We have much to learn & nobody is willing to ask or answer.