Redhead for Sale...

Originally posted by Luis G
post a pic of both, pedophilic Justin might be interested :p


I've already posted pics of them. Can't remember what thread that was... "Question for Nalani and Ku'u?"

After much debate with the wife and the rest of the Brady Bunch, we are sad to say we must not accept your offer. It was very kind, and a second washer and dryer would come in very handy, as well as the burner, however, we are afraid we value our automobiles, home, and other personal possesions too much to afford this kind of risk.


Oh pleeeeeeeeease??? :banghead: please please please..........
I'm not above begging and sniveling.
I have more stuff too!!! ALOT more stuff.
I'm sorry Q, as you saw in mine, I have a 14 y/o girl, and a 12, and an 11. Why on earth would I want a 13 y/o? Do I seem that masochistic to you?

Try Military school.
I actually have a friend who did this to his 15 y/o daughter. Get an application to the nearest Military acadamy, fill it out with your daughters name, even sign it, then leave it laying where you know she'll find it. It worked good for him :D
Make it real good, you can even paperclip a check to the school to the app.
Ummmm, so you can have a straight flush of teenage girls?? :D

ok, nevermind....I couldn't give her to nice people in good conscience anyway.
hey ardsgaine,

i talked to bill and we'd be willing to buy, but we want to know the conditions of the sale.

mainly, is there an option to return within 90 days if we're unhappy with our purchase, and do we get a full refund or do we have to pay a restocking fee? :D
Originally posted by Ardsgaine
That's it. I'm not posting anymore pics of the kiddies here... :p ;)

sorry, when i saw the thread i checked it too fast and the pics wasn't there (probly loading).
Originally posted by
hey ardsgaine,

i talked to bill and we'd be willing to buy, but we want to know the conditions of the sale.

mainly, is there an option to return within 90 days if we're unhappy with our purchase, and do we get a full refund or do we have to pay a restocking fee? :D

Heck no! You buy him, he's yours. I know, you just want him for his red hair. That way no one will ask you where he gets his hair from ;)
Originally posted by
Nevermind then. I just remembered, baby turds are gross. :sick:

Weiner ;)

Hey! At least they're not all squishy anymore. They're getting real solid now! (Did I ever tell you about Ardsgaine and I having to hose your little brother down when he was about the same age? I nearly decided never to have children)
(Did I ever tell you about Ardsgaine and I having to hose your little brother down when he was about the same age? I nearly decided never to have children)

I'm not sure if I should laugh or cringe.

Poor guy.

I'll take the kid... but you pay me 1 Billion Dollars. *raises pinky finger to mouth like Dr. Evil*
