Requesting a Forum split


Well-Known Member
The science and technology forum - it's 97% computer related threads and rarely touches upon the other sciences. Most often, sceintific threads end up in the Real World...wouldn't it be wiser to split up that forum into two new ones? One called "Computers, Networks and the Internet" and the other called "The Sciences"

Just IMHO - I'd volunteer myself and Camelyn as Mods.

*Steps off the soap-box and goes back to reading posts*
I agree....but I forsee a barren forum with little to no new threads. The technology forum is 97% pc related because no one posts an science threads in great quantities, the main interest lies in PC related discussion. I doubt "Build it and they will come" option will work but you never know.
We could try to flood it with science related threads so neccessity becomes the mother of invention...I tried a few science threads but they fell to deaf ears.

A biology forum would kick ass...

I'd mod it.
IDLEchild said:
I agree....but I forsee a barren forum with little to no new threads. The technology forum is 97% pc related because no one posts an science threads in great quantities, the main interest lies in PC related discussion. I doubt "Build it and they will come" option will work but you never know.
We could try to flood it with science related threads so neccessity becomes the mother of invention...I tried a few science threads but they fell to deaf ears.

A biology forum would kick ass...

I'd mod it.

I tend to agree, but I can see, with some effort, some of the Real-World threads concerning medical miracles, biodiversity, evolution, earthquakes and plate-tectonics etc...which whould've fallen to the sciences forum originally staying in the RW or LL indefinatly. With a topic-specific forum like "The Sciences" around...they'd have a place to go.

A nanotechnology thread would be good too! :)
a barren forum with little to no new threads. The technology forum is 97% pc related because no one posts an science threads in great quantities, the main interest lies in PC related discussion. I doubt "Build it and they will come" option will work
MrBishop said:
Just IMHO - I'd volunteer myself and Camelyn as Mods.

Hey! That was a drive-by volunteering! Keep that up and before I know it, I'll be a candy striper at the hospital, working weekends at the soup kitchen, and coaching little league on Tuesdays and Thursdays...

I kid, I kid :) I can do science. Really.

just to confirm, the earth actually goes around the sun, right?
I could double my age too and not beable to join the over 50 club...hell if it was the OVER 40 club and not the "40 and over club" I couldn't join THAT either