Requesting a Forum split

Ok, but you should know something now. I'm not afraid to go BACK to prison. Enjoy your date. :D
Camelyn said:
Hey! That was a drive-by volunteering! Keep that up and before I know it, I'll be a candy striper at the hospital, working weekends at the soup kitchen, and coaching little league on Tuesdays and Thursdays...

I kid, I kid :) I can do science. Really.

just to confirm, the earth actually goes around the sun, right?

Cam, don't worry about it. Chem and Physics are well represented. Those were my majors, long before I ever touched a keyboard. (forgot that, didn't ya, Bish?)
Professur said:
Cam, don't worry about it. Chem and Physics are well represented. Those were my majors, long before I ever touched a keyboard. (forgot that, didn't ya, Bish?)

Really...I thought that cards and the band ring were your majors? j/k

Seriously's not the person leading the forum that I'm making aim for, it's the current title of the forum that you're moderating, Prof. It's called Science and Technology but it's actually a computer forum. Science and technology should include more than just the interenet and computer glitches, but that just ins't the case. More often than not, science issues end up in the RW, or occasionally in the LL, where they quickly go off-topic. They rarely get moved, and if they do get moved, it's usually from LL to RW and not to Science and Technology.

If you can guarantee that science threads get moved to where they belong, then perhaps the forum will deserve its name, but until then...I can't see it as a Sceinces and Technology forum at all, but in actuality, a computer/internet forum with the very occasional science or technology topic cropping up.

I have nothing against Prof moderating this forum...frankly, if he says that he can handle threads on nanotechnology, stem-cell research, biodiversity, plate tectonics, bio-ethics etc...then I'll take his word for it....just so long as science threads end up there...and the forum starts deserving it's FULL name.

MrBishop said:
Seriously's not the person leading the forum that I'm making aim for, it's the current title of the forum that you're moderating, Prof. It's called Science and Technology but it's actually a computer forum. Science and technology should include more than just the interenet and computer glitches, but that just ins't the case. More often than not, science issues end up in the RW, or occasionally in the LL, where they quickly go off-topic. They rarely get moved, and if they do get moved, it's usually from LL to RW and not to Science and Technology.

If you can guarantee that science threads get moved to where they belong, then perhaps the forum will deserve its name, but until then...I can't see it as a Sceinces and Technology forum at all, but in actuality, a computer/internet forum with the very occasional science or technology topic cropping up.

I have nothing against Prof moderating this forum...frankly, if he says that he can handle threads on nanotechnology, stem-cell research, biodiversity, plate tectonics, bio-ethics etc...then I'll take his word for it....just so long as science threads end up there...and the forum starts deserving it's FULL name.

um.....I have a few things to say here.

The science and technology forum is there and open to be utilized, for anything at all to do with science and/or technology. If there are few threads in there to do with natural, chemical or physical science, one conclusion to be reached, and the one I take at the moment, that there isn't a great deal of interest in discussing these things at this time. The forum is there and ready.

As to the moving threads question, this is something the mods have been loathe to do of late, due to previous whinging on any act of moderation whatsoever. The feeling has been that as long as things weren't illegal, t'was easier to just let sleeping dogs lie so to speak. However, we've recently made the decision to become proactive once again, so the hope is that in future threads in not quite the right forum won't be such a problem.

And lastly, I have no question that Prof is the perfect candidate for moderator of Sci/Tech or for that matter any forum, and he has my complete faith, and warmest welcome.
Leslie said:
And lastly, I have no question that Prof is the perfect candidate for moderator of Sci/Tech or for that matter any forum, and he has my complete faith, and warmest welcome.
You have no arguement with me there....but I would rather pass judgement of the efficacity of the "Move Thread" button in action when I see it.

Hi Leslie! :) :hug:
if you see threads in what you feel is the wrong forum, please feel free to report the post.
Leslie said:
if you see threads in what you feel is the wrong forum, please feel free to report the post.

Can I use my new pic? :)