Rhode Island Judge Faces Legal Quandary as Gay Couple Seeks Divorce

so straight men with the *snip snip* cant marry? straight women who have had a hysterectomy or had their tubes tied? straight people who are sterile for some other reason?

The key word is the ability, not necessety. I have known people who cannot have children for any of the reasons you have mentioned...
Yeah, "Oops, I guess I didn't wanna be married so much after all" is just plain stupid. I don't think it can be watered down anymore, Gonz. It desn't mean anything significant to most people now.

It does to me...and it should to everybody. My actual thought is this...those two gays who want to divorce in NJ are doing it to force NJ to recognize their MA marriage. More of the same assault as I see it. Too bad it's gotten as far as it has.

For those who do not fully grasp the situation, I'll say this. The slippery slope did not start with the gay marriage agenda. It started with the 'no-fault' divorce. There ain't no such animal as 'irreconcilable differences'. That's just a cop-out. It means something dirty has been going on, and someone is trying to cover their ass before it comes out.
Quickie marriages and not taking a lifelong commitment seriously are absurd. So is your solution to force people to stay with someone they don't want to. You'd actually force a woman to stay with you that desperately wanted to leave? Would you force her to have sex with you too?

Force them to stay together? Nope. Force them to stay married? Yup.
"those people" dont have the ability.

The ability is there BUT the potential is not likely. The woman with the hysterectimy is not likely but the man that had the snip done could still produce sperm unless the gonads have been removed...
there should be clear and definitive lines drawn...

There have been. Too many choose not to adhere to the source. So we end up with shit like this clogging up the Federal court system when common sense tells anyone that marriage is for one man and one woman period dot semicolon end of story. Those who choose to be freaks of nature should suffer the consequences of being a freak of nature. Actions have consequences. Hey Bob, wanna get married? Then git that dick outta yer mouth and go talk to Betty.
Then why did they get married?

They used to love each other, made a mistake, somebody changed, etc. Marriages fail, businesses fail, no reason to keep punishing people who couldn't make it work.

I notice you're asking questions but not answering mine. Would you force a woman who didn't love you anymore and desperately wanted to leave to stay with you? Would you force her to have sex too?

Sounds like your for the government interfering in personal matters. Whether you stay together or not should be between the couple if you need to get the government involved you don't have much of a relationship.
Or that's nice. They can split up and never see each other again but be impeded from improving their life?

Lemme guess, life's supposed to be fair, right? Fuck 'em. Marriage is supposed to be a fusion. Most divorces these days aren't because of abuse. Aren't because of some dramatic change in one spouse. It's because most of these fuckers can't get past the "I want" phase of their infancy. Well I'm not about to support that .... ever.
So just make some mass generalization and screw over all of them? Forcing somebody to stay married that's seperated accomplishes what?

When I was 16 I thought I'd be with a girlfriend I had forever. Couple years later I couldn't stand her.

Why don't you just deal with your own wife and quit trying to meddle in others personal lives?

I'm glad me and my girlfriend don't care about marriage. It's just inviting the government and a bunch of people with their opinions and agendas into your personal decisions.
spike said:
It's just inviting the government and a bunch of people with their opinions and agendas into your personal decisions.

Like the organisation that you had thought so highly of, the UN?
So just make some mass generalization and screw over all of them? Forcing somebody to stay married that's seperated accomplishes what?

When I was 16 I thought I'd be with a girlfriend I had forever. Couple years later I couldn't stand her.

Why don't you just deal with your own wife and quit trying to meddle in others personal lives?

I'm glad me and my girlfriend don't care about marriage. It's just inviting the government and a bunch of people with their opinions and agendas into your personal decisions.

Making a few generalizations there yourself, aren't ya?

Frankly, I don't really give a flying fuck about you and your girlfriend. Nor about the myriad losers looking for divorces right, left and centre. What I do care about is that something I hold sacred, marriage, is being devalued, undercut, and generally pissed on by a bunch of adolecent degenerates crying "Me, Me, Me, Me, Me" whenever something new and better shows up.

If marriage means so little ... don't get married. If you want to get married ... deal with the fucking consequences.
They used to love each other, made a mistake, somebody changed, etc. Marriages fail, businesses fail, no reason to keep punishing people who couldn't make it work.

Business are not designed to be lifelong emotional commitments. Love is an emotion. It ebbs & flows. One of the greatest reasons to have difficult divorces is to slow the jump-ship menatality. Don't love your spouse today? Give it time. That feeling will return, assuming you are willing to think past instant gratification ego.

I notice you're asking questions but not answering mine. Would you force a woman who didn't love you anymore and desperately wanted to leave to stay with you? Would you force her to have sex too?
I won't answer a ridiculous rhetorical quetion that is phrased in such a way there is no right answer. I will say read the previous paragrapgh & find your answer there.

Sounds like your for the government interfering in personal matters. Whether you stay together or not should be between the couple if you need to get the government involved you don't have much of a relationship.

Make getting married as difficult as getting divorced is easy. Civil marriage is designed to add cohesion to a society so, we all have a stake in its success.

Bigotry is funny.

Can be. There are eons of stereotype humor that is hilarious, if you keep the knots from your panties.
Making a few generalizations there yourself, aren't ya?

Frankly, I don't really give a flying fuck about you and your girlfriend. Nor about the myriad losers looking for divorces right, left and centre. What I do care about is that something I hold sacred, marriage, is being devalued, undercut, and generally pissed on by a bunch of adolecent degenerates crying "Me, Me, Me, Me, Me" whenever something new and better shows up.

If marriage means so little ... don't get married. If you want to get married ... deal with the fucking consequences.

If you don't care then don't try to suggest the government get involved in their personal decisions.

If you hold marriage sacred great. Nobody is suggesting the government screw with your marraige. Nobody is pissing on your relationship.

Marriage might meen a lot to somebody that wants a divorce. So much so that when it doesn't work out they are already devastated and don't need some nanny state trying to keep them from rebuilding their life.
Ironically, Spike is arguing to keep government out of marriage why demanding that government allow homosexuals to marry one another.