

New Member
I've been going out with Emma for nigh on 3 months now, and it's her birthday on June 11th - I'm getting her 3 presents.

The first one is a bear from The Bear Factory (can't find a link as yet), the second is a crystal Winnie the Pooh:


and the third is a ring. Now, I've made it quite clear that I'm in no position or state of mind to get engaged, but after having spoken to my mum on the phone about the particular ring I want to get, she says it's a big indication of such intentions. So I put it to you lot to ponder; if I were to give you this, what would your reaction be?


Forgive me, but it's the first time I've done this, and I wanna get it right! :)

Thanks guys,

i'd say DAAAAAMN. give it to a girl, not me. :blank:

more seriously, i'd be very happy with it, not just because the ring is beautiful, but to the meaning behind it as well.

nothing wrong with giving it :wink2:
Just don't go down on one knee and you should be fine.
I would be tempted to avoid rings and go with a necklace, bracelet or earrings instead...
Or when you give it you coudl say something about how it's not an engagement ring but rather a promise ring or a "token of your love" and maybe if the atmosphere gets a bit too serious or something you coudl crack a joke about how she should be GLAD it's not an engagement ring because now she gets this ring and one day an engagement ring too :D
Arris said:
I would be tempted to avoid rings and go with a necklace, bracelet or earrings instead...

ahh, now you're talking! just been looking at Beaverbrooks' site (strangely well priced!), and there's some white gold necklaces as well, so i'll have a gander later on.

cheers :)
I'd see it as a proposal, but traditions here may be different.

On a separate topic, does anyone else here think that "promise rings" are so much bullshit? I mean, really, a promise to make a promise to get married? Get over it.
I see it as you're getting married. That's the way it would be taken over here.

HomeLAN said:
On a separate topic, does anyone else here think that "promise rings" are so much bullshit? I mean, really, a promise to make a promise to get married? Get over it.

I agree. Goes with the above, if you're giving a ring, it generally means you are showing some intentions of it being VERY serious. To give a promise ring is saying, "It's kinda serious, but not enough to really be serious."
yeah, i see what you're saying. i'm still thinking of getting the ring, but really emphasize the "no, it's not a proposal you daft cow" point. my mum said something about getting a cluster ring instead of a solitary stone; a dress ring rather than something closely resembling an engagement ring.

then again, she could always put it on another finger... ;)

i'll keep thinking, thanks again guys :)
Think about other types of jewelry. Earrings, a bracelet, a necklace, a pendant, any of those would do.
the way to solve the engagement issue is to not get a diamond. Get her the ring with her birthstone in it... there'll be no question then...

Imagine she opens it and thinks...omg he's proposing, and then you tell her no, I'm not :blank:
uh, don't forget that he's like...21 or so? why on earth would somebody who has known a person for 3 months ever want to get married on that age? :confuse3:
or perhaps i'm seeing things the wrong way...
of course he doesn't...I'm more thinking of the girl receiving it...a girl at that age being given a diamond ring by her dreamboat...being lifted up...then told, nah..not yet :eek5:

ok. back to the original topic....

i'd still give her a ring, but yeah, leslie's advice was a good one. not all rings give you the idea that you want to get married, at least not around here.
certain rings do, and perhaps diamonds could give a bit ackward impression.

but damn mate, a few weeks you didn't have any money for food left...you must really love her :D
yeah the intention was just to get her a ring, no hidden surprises, does exactly what it says on the tin, so to speak, but alas, there's the female mind to encounter and deal with... ;) :D

been doing overtime for this :) and yeah i really love her :love:

one more thing shadow... i'm 19 :D
I think a nice pendant would be better, no hidden meanings. Maybe her birthstone? Or a set of matching pendant and earings... does she have pierced ears?

Or if you want to be more modern how about a toe ring or ankle chain? Does she like wearing open toed sandels?
I'd go with the ladies on this one Jon. The ring is gorgeous, but I really think a nice necklace or earrings would be more appropriate at this time. Besides, sounds like you should be saving your money for the real ring before too much longer.:D
Jon said:
"no, it's not a proposal you daft cow"

:laugh: Now that's romantic!! ;)

First question... Does she wear any jewelry now? If not, I would think about getting something else. I don't wear any jewelry for different reasons and Rusty had bought me a few nice pieces; a necklace with a locket, a bracelet... And I never wear them, except only on special occasions.

And if you do go for a birthstone, I hope her birthday isn't in April--cus the birthstone for that month is a diamond. ;)
greenfreak said:
And if you do go for a birthstone, I hope her birthday isn't in April--cus the birthstone for that month is a diamond.

Strangely enough both my sister's and my starsigns have amethyst as one of the stones. I put one of my celtic rings on her in her coffin as a token and I now wear her celtic amethyst on my right hand.
ooooh amethyst is really nice. Some of them are ugly... I have Peridot and Sardonyx. Peridot is green (big surprise) and that's cool with me but Sardonyx is yucky.