Sarah Palin's "Going Rogue" Release 11-17

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Well-Known Member
The dems will be in a tizzy over it.

Sarah Palin’s publisher plans to announce Tuesday that the title of her eagerly awaited memoir will be “Going Rogue: An American Life.”

Publication is being moved up from spring to Nov. 17 in order to catch the holiday book-buying season. The former Alaska governor has been in huge demand as a speaker, and continues to harvest a bounty of media attention.

A mammoth first printing of 1.5 million copies has been ordered — the same first run as “True Compass,” the memoir of the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.

Palin had a deadline of Sept. 15 for her manuscript and turned it in a bit early. Copy-editing and fact-checking are now underway in a race to meet the crash publishing schedule, which has been accelerated four or five months because of the huge anticipated demand.
It's going to be such fun to watch the Dems & the blue-blood Republicans shit themselves when she win in 2012.
I think some of you may need to take a long, hard look at what you consider to be a "good" thing.

Main Entry: rogue
Pronunciation: \ˈrōg\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1561

1 : vagrant, tramp
2 : a dishonest or worthless person : scoundrel
3 : a mischievous person : scamp
4 : a horse inclined to shirk or misbehave
5 : an individual exhibiting a chance and usually inferior biological variation
I think some of you may need to take a long, hard look at what you consider to be a "good" thing.

No that sounds like the kind of people they look up to....

I'm sure "rogue" is very desirable in such circles. They love to be lied to if their little illusion of how things should be is maintained.
What???? Nobody paid attention last fall?? All too wrapped up in the hopey/changey feelings to notice anything else?? :rolleyes:

The title of her book is a sarcastic mockery of the one of the insults directed at her.

See, it's like this: Late in the campaign some McCain "advisers" turned on her, and SNL picked up the term and ran with it.

Of course, it's not surprising to find "certain people" took it literally. :rofl3: Just reflects a simmering level of PDS.

Palin's 'going rogue,' McCain aide says

Ms. Fey even poked fun at reports of strife between Ms. Palin and Mr. McCain, telling the camera quietly, “OK, listen up everybody, I’m going rogue right now, so keep your voices down,’’ and offering “PALIN 2012” T-shirts.

Of course, it will be she who laughs last.

Already the #1 bestseller at B&N, and it's not due out for another month.
It's going to be such fun to watch the Dems & the blue-blood Republicans shit themselves when she win in 2012.

Her approval rating is down at Bush levels. You can't be serious.

I would just love for her to run. I am serious. Such an easy target.
At this point, I wouldn't even give her good odds in capturing the nomination for the GOP against the other front-runners. Good luck Sarah! ;)
And Indigo puts her about 20 points behind the Patrick Swayze memorial/biography.
Amazon has it #3 - behind Dan Brown's "The lost symbol" and between Beck's book and one entitled "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (Hardcover)"

Your point was, exactly? That's she's going to make a lot of money on a book?

Point is as a rule during this administration, books written by conservatives have done well (Mark Levin's was #1 on NYT for 4 months), and a book that has yet to be released is already #1 at at least one outlet....with an initial print-run of 1.5 million.

Point is that the catalyst for the immense popularity of books from authors like Levin, Beck, Malkin, and soon-to-be Bush and Cheney, can be found sitting in the WH, at least some times (is he back from Copenhagen yet?), people in America are waking up and realizing that they don't want to see their country "fundamentally changed." They want someone in the WH that reflects their common sense and opinions:

"We don’t have to feel that we must beg an allowance from Washington – except to beg the allowance to be self-determined.

"See, in order to be self-sufficient (we) must be allowed to develop, to drill and build and climb to fulfill our promise! We can not start believing that government is the answer. It can’t make you happy or healthy or wealthy or wise.

What can? It is the wisdom of the people and our families and our small businesses and industrious individuals. And it is God’s grace helping those who help themselves." - Sarah Palin, July 26, 2009
Cerise - Controversial books do well regardless of the environment/date when they're received. Remember the DaVinci Code? Pretty weak book, all told. Still sold over 80Million copies. Pretty controversial because it alluded to Jesus's children.

Print-run does not equal sales.
I seriously have to believe that at least half of the people that buy Palin's (and her ghost writer's) book have likely only read parts of one other.
Are you talkin' 'bout those bitter, gun-totin', Bible-thumpin', home-schoolin', fly-over people? :rolleyes:
Point is as a rule during this administration, books written by conservatives have done well (Mark Levin's was #1 on NYT for 4 months), and a book that has yet to be released is already #1 at at least one outlet....with an initial print-run of 1.5 million.

Point is that the catalyst for the immense popularity of books from authors like Levin, Beck, Malkin, and soon-to-be Bush and Cheney, can be found sitting in the WH, at least some times (is he back from Copenhagen yet?), people in America are waking up and realizing that they don't want to see their country "fundamentally changed." They want someone in the WH that reflects their common sense and opinions:

Simple reason for that is someone has to tell your kind (cons) what to think! God knows most of you are incapable of independent thought!
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