1. I do not cat-call women. That is a pathetic and ignorant way to treat another human being.
To make sure this is clear, I never said you did. My statement was a generalization and directed to anybody who does cat-call women.
2. If I am with my fiancée, I will walk next to her with my arm around her, hold her hand, or just walk close to her. I do not engage in any other type of behavior in public. To do so is both crude and vulgar. If I see two men walking in similar fashion, I do not get upset.
Holding hands, walking next to each other, even a small kiss doesn't bother me. Full on face sucking and body groping is something that should be saved for more intimate environments. You'll get no argument from me there.
3. The bible is straightforward on homosexuality. It says that you do not do it.
I don't believe in your bible. It's as simple as that. And since this country was founded on the principle of religious freedom you can't use the bible as an arguing point. We all have the right to not be persecuted due to our religious beliefs, so your bible shouldn't be used as the measuring stick against my worth as a person, or my rights as a human.
You can go right on believing that when I die I'm going to hell. I can still love you even if I don't agree with you.
4. By saying that homosexuality is a choice, you have put yourself in a bad spot. Why would anyone choose to be a "victim", or choose to be victimized? Sounds like a psychological abberation to me...It also knocks your statement on discrimination on its ear. Think about it.
Would you please read anything I write twice before you respond? I have never, ever, in any post I've made said that homosexuality is a choice. What I did say was that I didn't care.
But even if it was a choice, how does that make me a victim? Let's go to the dictionary...
vic·tim Pronunciation Key (vktm)
One who is harmed or killed by another: a victim of a mugging.
A living creature slain and offered as a sacrifice during a religious rite.
One who is harmed by or made to suffer from an act, circumstance, agency, or condition: victims of war.
A person who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of a voluntary undertaking: You are a victim of your own scheming.
A person who is tricked, swindled, or taken advantage of: the victim of a cruel hoax.
Lets see, actually I guess you're right on this one Gato. The third and fourth definitions do prove your point. But only because society would harm me for making this choice. Not because being gay in an of itself makes me a victim, but because
you make me a victim.
And, since I never said this was a choice, my argument on discrimination still stands. If you hold me back from doing any one thing you can do based solely on my sexual orientation, you are discriminating against me.
n 1: unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice [syn: favoritism, favouritism] 2: the cognitive process whereby differences between two or more stimuli are perceived
Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University
dis·crim·i·na·tion Pronunciation Key (d-skrm-nshn)
The act of discriminating.
The ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment.
Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice: racial discrimination; discrimination against foreigners.
Know your words and what they mean.
5. This is something I heard in a history class in college, but never had a chance to actually research...
Most societies start to decline when they repeal their sodomy laws...
that's what happened to Rome.
I think that parading around and shoving your sexual orientation in someone else's face is wrong.
Again, could somebody
please explain this mentality to me? How am I shoving my sexual orientation on
you when
you won't let me get married because you're straight and don't think it's right?
To allow them to teach their beliefs to my children.
Huh? Do we go knocking door to door trying to convert people to homosexuality? Umm, no.
And what are the beliefs of gay people that would be so harmful to your children? That all people, regardless of race, gender, age, religion or sexual preference should have the same right to be treated fairly? Woah, let's all close our eyes and cover our ears cause that's real dangerous stuff there.
Every moral, upstanding citizen of the world has an obligation to ensure that their children are brought up in a moral and safe society. Standing up for those morals does not make me a homophobe.
Well, I'm glad my parents didn't have your moral values. I wouldn't want to bring up any child to hate somebody just because they intimately love someone of the same sex.
If gays want to exist, I don't hunt them down.
Well at least I don't have to worry about bow season.
If they want to congregate, fine. If they want to call themselves married ... there I draw the line. If they want to adopt and teach their beliefs to children ... there I draw the line. If they want to encourage my kids to be deviants ... there I draw the line.
Who are you to draw those lines? What right do you have to say I can't be married, that I can't adopt a child? And what's the deal about gay people teaching your kids to be deviants? We're not Nazis trying to take over the world, we're just regular people who want the same rights you have.