Saw a stupid bumper sticker today....

eiw!!! :rolleyes:
homosexual is not the same as transexual.

plus, i don't want to too at ru paul pics :p
How many well adjusted straights do you know? The point is that there are many successful decent gays that want children and often they have their own. Either before they realize theyre gay, or they do the straight thing to produce a child. These people deserve rights in my mind. Nobody in there right mind can tell me thet they deserve rights to children less than so many drug addicted teenage moms who have perfect legal rights to their kids. Those kind of homes are what is producing the next generation of criminal.

Another myth that astonishes me is, why in the hell do so many straights think gays try to raise gay children? First of all, gay isn't something about your upbringing, so no matter how you try you cannot make a straight child gay or vice versa. Secondly why would any gay wish all the descrimination and prejudice onto a child? I know for a fact that most gays hope for normal straight children same as straight folks. Hell I am not at all prejudice against gays, but I myself would hate to have a gay child because of what he or she would be up against. If I did have a gay child I'd love it the same though.
i think gays should have every right to bear children if they can reproduce. if not then fuck no.

Bearing children and raising children are two different things. Besides, only women, straight or gay, can actually bear a child. Gay men can and do father children. It's not like we're afraid it'll melt off or something if we stick it in there. Well, at least not all of us are afraid that will happen.

how many well adjusted gays do you know?

Hi, you may call me . Nice to meet you.

homosexual is not the same as transexual.
Definitely not the same. Homosexual = man likes man; transsexual = man wants to be women (snip, snip) *shudder*; transvestite = man dresses as women, may or may not be homosexual.

I know for a fact that most gays hope for normal straight children same as straight folks.

Not true. I think a lot of gay people say this because they are afraid of how society might treat their child. I feel trying to change the way people treat people would be better for any child I raised then to wish he or she wasn't who he or she was.

Are you saying that gays do try to raise gay children ? If so I don't believe that for a second. I never meant to imply a gay would wish their gay child was straight, as I am sure they'd love the kid for what it was, but of the three gay parents I currently know they all are happy to have straight kids. I think they have no real strong preference, but if they were given the choice all the ones I know would have chosen straight.
Are you saying that gays do try to raise gay children ?

No, that's not what I said at all.

What I'm saying, and I feel this applies to both straight and gay parents, is this:

As a parent, I would make it my responsibility to teach my child love, respect, and understanding. I would teach my child that they should choose their friends and those that they would love intimately based on character, not race, age, religion, gender or any other factor.

I would teach my child to respect the rights and opinions of others, even those they don't agree with, but more importantly, I would teach my child how not to be offended by people.

The problem with political correctness is that we're all trying so hard not to offend anybody instead of working hard not to be offended.
I just want to see that right wing christian myth about gays trying to make children gay from the parental role or as a teacher crushed. It's about one of the most ridiculous fallacies I've ever heard. Still you ask around in the deep south and they seriously believe the recruiting plan is high on the gay agenda.