See, everybody hates the French

OK, yes, calling someone else's opinion pathetic is just expressing your opinion as well, so I guess that's covered under my "everyone is entitled to their opinion" attitude. But to set the record straight, I think calling people who are expressing their opinions, whatever they might be, pathetic is pathetic! :D

On a serious note, I guess I missed the part about the boycotting of French wine earlier. I feel that's hypocritical as well, unless you are seriously committed to a general boycott of non US/UK supporting UN countries, and that would be difficult in practice to maintain. I thought you were saying renaming of French fries was hypocritical, and I couldn't figure that one out.


I feel some of your beliefs are mildly hypocritical, but no worse so than mine or anyone else's. It's difficult to maintain a true logical viewpoint without emotion ever entering into the equation. For example, you see my support of attacking Iraq without attacking SA as somewhat hypocritical (whether the basis for attack is oil or terrorism, it wouldn't matter). From my viewpoint I see your support of the French stance (which is driven out of regard for their own oil interests as much as anything else) while condemning the US for their stance (which you say is out of regard for their own oil interests as much as anything else) as being somewhat hypocritical. I see where you are coming from, as I hope you do I.
I know oli. That was posted tongue in cheek. It would probably be impossible to argue complex issues without crossing the line of hypocrisy somewhere. :D
*runs away* ...ok, now this is getting just a little too political for me now. :tardbang:
PuterTutor said:
I had Patriot toast for breakfast the other day too.
*cooking tip* French/Patriot toast is exceptionally tasty if you add a teaspoon of vanilla to the egg dip.
Yep, a teaspoon of sugar too, I don't use the cinnamon though, you?
Nope, no cinnamon. Cinnamon belongs on cinnamon toast, which by the way only counts if it is broiled, not toasted in the toaster orboiled ala ris :D
Absolutely. It makes the cinnamon and sugar all crispy but the bread stays soft. This would be most divine on French bread!!