Semi-important request - Page generation times

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Page generated in 25.33489001 seconds with 25 queries.
Load averages: 6.39 » 6.43 : 5.10
Viewing this page after posting that reply
Page generated in 32.31347203 seconds with 16 queries.
Load averages: 11.15 » 7.48 : 5.10
oh, yeah...posting a reply in the Lobby

Could someone please forward this information to Steve?? ...and let him know I'm disgruntled.
Page generated in 0.41410506 seconds with 21 queries.
Load averages: 12.38 » 7.86 : 5.86

Viewing this thread.
Page generated in 0.15926301 seconds with 17 queries.
Load averages: 0.81 » 1.17 : 1.57 posting reply to this topic. It would be a lot more helpfull if you posted your modem speeds as well, as it will obviously take a lot longer for those on 56k than those with broadband connections.

insiderhosting said:
Page generated in 0.15926301 seconds with 17 queries.
Load averages: 0.81 » 1.17 : 1.57 posting reply to this topic. It would be a lot more helpfull if you posted your modem speeds as well, as it will obviously take a lot longer for those on 56k than those with broadbant connections.


Your server takes longer to generate pages on a dial up connection that it does to generate pages on a broadband? That's interesting.
Actually, I could see it both ways. Maybe PuterTutor is thinking that the server *response* time should be the same, but the latency between client and server should account for the lag in loading pages, thereby not affecting the server lag.

Quick analogy. It'll take me 30 seconds to warm up a pizza when I get home. Now, I could do the speed limit on the way home and it'll take 20 mins, or I could floor it and get home in 10. Either way it should still take me 30 seconds to warm up the pizza, no matter how fast/slow I get home.

I can't see how the generation times would increase based on connection because to me generation times mean server processing time, not packet travel time. :shrug: Correct me if I'm wrong...

Now if the calculator showing page generation times used packets timestamped by the client, then it could depend on connection speeds. But is that really measuring the server, and only the server? Not really because it makes the other variables play such a large role that the server-end page generation times would then be worthless.
Mirlyn said:
Quick analogy. It'll take me 30 seconds to warm up a pizza when I get home. Now, I could do the speed limit on the way home and it'll take 20 mins, or I could floor it and get home in 10. Either way it should still take me 30 seconds to warm up the pizza, no matter how fast/slow I get home.

Thanks Mirlyn, that's what I'm thinking, those numbers are server side, the server doesn't have a clue how fast the connection is.

Oh and by the way. This thread.
Page generated in 0.17662203 seconds with 26 queries.
Load averages: 1.13 » 1.62 : 1.85
* is hungry now and will depart for his side of town, should be enjoying a pizza in about 20-30 mins (he does the speed limit)
I have cable

Your raw speed was 1548800 bits per second which is the same as:

1.5 megabits per second
How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet
189.1 kilobytes per second
The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.
1MB file download
5.4 seconds
The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.

Compared to all connection types worldwide, yours is fantastic

....but sometimes when I'm here, it feels like I'm on a baaad dial up trip :hmm:
PuterTutor said:
I was just assuming the numbers are server side, they are not?
That's what I've thought all along. At my grandma's house, page generation times ranged from 0.15 to .4 usually, on her dialup, so I wouldn't think connection speed would affect page generation times. If that were the case, my massive 3200kbps downstream bandwidth would cause page generation times to be less than 0 :lol:

Also, running on my localhost server with a fairly recent copy of the database from here, page generation times are usually around the same as they are here (e.g. .08 to .4) except for no page generation time spikes
i'm on 56k at home and i get about the same generation times reported between as other places with uber-connections

Page generated in 0.29736900 seconds with 21 queries.
Load averages: 3.05 » 3.51 : 3.33
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Load averages: 19.38 » 7.17 : 4.74

entering the shoutbox page.
Page generated in 57.67479300 seconds with 31 queries.
Load averages: 9.25 » 5.90 : 4.85
posting in the 10,000 post thread. yeesh.
fruk it! W'appen man?

Page generated in 29.66969001 seconds with 32 queries.
Load averages: 7.48 » 4.67 : 4.57

I'm on 128k cable :(
Page generated in 13.95327401 seconds with 13 queries.
Load averages: 8.78 » 5.14 : 4.73

When viewing all new posts since my last visit, going from page 3 to page 2.
insane! :eek:

replied to the fury interview this:

