Severe Earthquake Strikes Iran


Well-Known Member
By Karl Vick
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, December 26, 2003; 11:15 AM

ISTANBUL, Dec. 26--A strong earthquake leveled much of the historic Iranian city of Bam early Friday, causing deaths that local officials estimated in the thousands.

The temblor struck at 5:30 a.m. local time (9 p.m. ET Thursday), catching most of the city's residents in bed, some in ancient mud-walled structures that in some cases date back 2,000 years. About 60 percent of Bam's houses were destroyed or severely damaged, . according to reports from officials who had surveyed the city of 80,000.

Iranian state television reported an initial estimate that more than 4,000 people were killed and about 30,000 were injured in the region, which is 630 miles southeast of Tehran. Earlier, media reports from Bam quoted local officials saying that 2,000 bodies had been recovered 10 hours after the quake.

President Mohammad Khatami, in a hastily called news conference, cautioned that early death estimates may not be reliable but added, "obviously there have been a lot of casualties." Khatami, Iran's most senior elected official, also emphasized the need to coordinate rescue effort, saying the first 48 hours are most critical. He gave thanks that the airfield at Bam remained in operation, saving hours in delivering rescue aid.

The U.S. Geological Survey measured the magnitude of the earthquake at 6.7. Iran's official media quoted a magnitude of 6.3. Either indicates a "strong" quake, releasing energy equivalent to a 1 megaton hydrogen bomb.

Rescue teams were arriving at the stricken area, and officials scrambled to provide fresh drinking water and emergency shelters.

Reports said the city's medieval fortress, a massive structure that attracts tourists to a cliff just outside the city, was leveled.

"The historic quarter of the city has been completely destroyed and caused great human loss," Mehran Nourbakhsh, chief spokesman for Iran's Red Crescent, told the Associated Press.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia was sending two huge Ilyushin cargo planes laden with rescue teams and emergency provisions.

Television pictures taken from a vehicle driving through Bam showed lightly damaged storefronts alternating with buildings reduced to tidy piles of mud brick. Aerial images indicated whole city blocks had fallen to bits.

Iran is prone to earthquakes but poorly prepared to survive them, experts say. The nation of 70 million sits astride several active fault lines. An earthquake in the range of the magnitude that struck Bam this morning killed 50,000 people in June 1990
Those are really devastating casualty figures... :crying4: I read this last night just before shutting down.
I guess it'd be inappropriate about any nuclear programs being worked on in Iran right now as a clear sign that The Powers That Be are upset?

The earthquake is devestating. I hope the survivors will find peace and manage to pull themselves through somehow.
The "world" is guessing at least 10k dead & the Iranian news agency just released a statement saying 4k. Maybe they ought to petition Schwarzenegger for a copy of the Cali building codes.
C'mon Rose. The US would have been at the bottom of the ocean long ago if that were the case. Those are human beings that died over there. Not political pundants...
Oh, I know. I said it'd be inappropriate. Though I can't help that it's the first thing that came to mind.

I think it sucks royally that so many people lost their lives, homes, families, jobs, loved ones, and everything else. That many of their historic buildings are now levelled. That is nothing to laugh at.

Mother Nature can be very angry sometimes. While a person really ought not be glad at any life loss, I am glad that those losses came from Nature and not inflicted by man.
Squiggy said:
C'mon Rose. The US would have been at the bottom of the ocean long ago if that were the case. Those are human beings that died over there. Not political pundants...

Well Squig if i were to debate the issue i'd say that if this were the case you'd be incorrect because we don't intend to use our nuclear weapons to murder millions whereas Iran does. Secondly, Iranians are responsible for their government just as we Americans are responsible for ours.
Point being, Hex, OUR nuclear program has been around longer than most. And I don't think we used it to make nuclear tickle bombs...:tardbang:
:rofl4: I'm sure the nuclear tickle bombs will only be used for good and not to spread distruction, right? :D
Not sure what you're trying to bate me into here, hex...Iran hasn't used them at all. But you profess to know that they are going to use them to murder. None of it has anything to do with what I'd posted. If 'nature' is seeking revenge for a nuclear program, we would have been on the list long ago.
Not trying to bait you into anything.
I profess.... It's common sense. Iran is simply not trustworthy of nuclear weapons. On top of that they are probably the leading terrorist supporting nation in the world. (This arguement by the way has nothing to do with the other idea).
And this is based on the fact that the Iranian people got mad at us for supporting their murderous Shah for our own oil benefits? I got mad at us too. They had every reason to be mad at us. We were condoning and enabling a tyrant just as bad as saddam. How can you say they were wrong for wanting their tyrant and his friends out of there?
They replaced one tyranical leader with a tyranical extremist sect.

Advances in the political system...whatcha gonna do?
And you've completely sidestepped our complicity in subjecting them to the tyrant in hopes of justifying our hatred for them? They suffered tremendously because of the support we gave the Shah. They have every reason to hate us.

Maybe if the US would stop planting CIA into nuclear inspection teams, the rest of the world wouldn't be so resistent to the inspections...We create the problem then piss and moan when they get angry. :shrug:
I don't hate them and i don't deny that we've caused substancial problems in the region. My only point is that a nuclear weapon in the hands of Iran is a very very very bad thing. Oh and i probably was trying to bait you. Feelling kind of low this morning and arguing always seems to help. :D