Severe Earthquake Strikes Iran

Good comment....
It brings to mind a plan.... :evilcool:

Maybe if we could get the word out somehow to the people there
the the Israelis want to make a "major" aid contribution, but that
their government won't accept it, and nobody else will help unless
they do....(just and idle threat mind you, to see)
Maybe rebellion time...
off topic, cold and unfeeling...but,

did anyone else think that it's odd that the quake was in a place called BAM?

I just know I responded betwen cat & Leslie. damn stupid no cigarette smoking nicotine fit having can't find the post button...<grumble, grumble/>
Gonz said:
I just know I responded betwen cat & Leslie. damn stupid no cigarette smoking nicotine fit having can't find the post button...<grumble, grumble/>
You make me glad I'm "not" trying to quit.
Leslie said:
off topic, cold and unfeeling...but,

did anyone else think that it's odd that the quake was in a place called BAM?

I would almost expect to see Emeril Legasse on the news one day, covering this. "Let's add a large chunk of people... then some 2,000-year-old mud houses... then add some essence, then BAM!"
Evidently, the U.S. is behind the quake, at least according to these types: :lol2:
"The Earth as a weapon in 21st Century of Wars......The vast experiments that the military, especially the US, have been conducting over the decades... is in preparation for wars that will be launched in the 21st century....The weapons of war in the new millennium would involve the use of planet earth itself as a weapon, harnessing the power of natural processes....According to Dr. Rosalie Bertell, electromagnetic weapons 'have the ability to transmit explosive and other effects such as earthquake induction across intercontinental distances to any selected target site on the globe with force levels equivalent to major nuclear explosions'.

My God, Bush is out of control! :eek8:
chcr said:
Can't separate the people from the leaders then?

I try but they won't let me.

Dec 30, 9:41 AM (ET) By Parisa Hafezi

KERMAN, Iran (Reuters) - President Mohammad Khatami said Tuesday U.S. aid to earthquake victims in Iran, while welcome, would not alter the state of relations between the two arch foes who broke off ties nearly a quarter century ago.

"I don't think this incident will change our relations with the United States," Khatami told a news conference in the capital of southeastern Kerman province where officials say up to 50,000 people were killed in a quake that struck Friday.

so, if i understand, they'll take the aid but still say fuck you like it's not changed anything? Like they weren't ever helped?

Gosh, I hope I'm misunderstanding something.
No ma'am, you are beginning to see quite clearly.

Stick with the SUPERGonz Bullshit Getter Outer Treatment® & everything will become vibrant in due course.
Ooops. You said vibrant. My bad.

I think the US should tell them to stuff it and not send aid. I know that sucks. And I know it's not entirely the people's fault their government hates us, but still.
PuterTutor said:
As is their right. Is our humanitarism dependent now?

Well, yeah. Or it should be. Don't you pay taxes into the government that feeds into the aid money?
If you saved someones life, would you automatically expect that person to be your friend, even if it was someone that you disagreed with on major principles?
I suppose not. And not to sound cold, but aren't most of the lives that could have been saved already saved at this point? We're helping to rebuild their city, rebuild their economy.

It's just not right.
Well, if I knew of a family that had thier house destroyed, and no way for them to rebuild or even to find shelter of any means, I would help them. Even if it was my sworn enemy, I beleive I would help them. It would certainly be nice if we could not be enemies again afterwards, but I wouldn't expect it as a condition of my help.