
Janimal said:
:rolleyes: I only like the grocery store if I'm hungry. Not crazy about the drug store, although I can find stuff to buy there if'n I'm in the mood.

Oh... my.... god... I can't believe you said "if'n" in a public forum. :blush:

*hides his head in shame*

:p ;) :lol:
Ardsgaine said:
Oh... my.... god... I can't believe you said "if'n" in a public forum. :blush:

Why Aahds honey! I don' think the kindly folk heah will take any offense at'all with my little ole eccentricities.
Janimal said:
You so nasty! Don't forget I'm your auntie.

Are you kidding? He's had the hots for you since he was six. Gay indeed! It's just a cover so he can steal you from me. :grumpy:
Janimal said:
Why Aahds honey! I don' think the kindly folk heah will take any offense at'all with my little ole eccentricities.

Aaaaagggh!!! :mad2:

You'd better stop it or I'll tell everyone that your real name is Lula Mae. :p
i always unconsciously look at the most expensive things, must be some "female inherited gene" i got.
Nothing. I really hate shopping. I only go somewhere if I need something, and then it's in and out in one painless swoop!

The last time I roamed a store it was a Pier1 and I was disgusted by the prices vs. quality. Bleh.
Let me see:

I just fell in love with a neat set of speakers - jazz monaco j-6909 and tracked 'em done to the only supplier in the country. :)

Books: comp hardware, programming, robotics, sc-fi novels, thrillers.
dvds, music cds, trainers and bits for my future robots.

Oh yeah and really nice expensive foods, bits and pieces for the house and anything Katie wants.
i made the big mistake of going near a graphics/art shop today. i only needed a replacement pen nib, which was expensive enough, without spying a really nice clutch pencil that i just knew i had to buy. and replacement leads becasue they're not standard sizes.... :D

tomorrw i have to go back to a similar shop, talk about digging my own hole..
Personally I prefer shopping over the net - no crowds, queues, rude assistants or constant harassment when I'm trying to browse - "can I help you madam?" If I want help I am perfectly capable of asking for it, I don't need some annoying little know-it-all breathing down my neck! :(

So why do I always smile at them sweetly and say "No thank you", when I feel like telling them to get lost? Honestly, you get pounced on as soon as you're in the door. If anything is guaranteed to make me turn on my heel and walk out it's that. I feel like I'm being bullied into buying something.
I never thought that I would want one but I bought a webcam. They were only $18, take 640x480 pictures, so I got one. hehe
i know about Jazz speakers, take my word for it, they don't worth it, they give great low level sound quality.
Luis G said:
i know about Jazz speakers, take my word for it, they don't worth it, they give great low level sound quality.

?( I'm confused!

Does that mean they good or they bad? :confuse3:
if you like stuff thats blue i saw some nice nad blue-chrome/silver amps and cd decks in ricjer sounds today. pwitty they were :D
Aunty Em said:
Luis G said:
i know about Jazz speakers, take my word for it, they don't worth it, they give great low level sound quality.

?( I'm confused!

Does that mean they good or they bad? :confuse3:

i told you, i'm the master of confussion.

great low level sound quality = good quality for a low end set of speakers, but still, the quality is not good enough.
You guys made me remember too, the bookstore is a bad one for me also. I usually get three or more books at once because it's pretty far from my house. As a matter of fact, I'm on my last book.

I ran out of potting soil this morning and I still have to plant my iris bulbs tomorrow. Looks like a trip to the plant store is in order!! :D
I just killed off my conifers, I haven't been able to do much this year 'cos I injured my back. :( A gardener I am not!

My garden is very small (25' x 20' with a 6' wall down one side and 6' fence on the rest), facing south and in perpetual shade, waterlogged in winter, like concrete in summer and the only thing I seem to be able to grow with any success are hostas and ivy. I should try some woodland plants but that seems like an awful lot of hard work. :(

One of these days I shall get the builders in and turn it into a nice little courtyard garden with lots of container plants - no digging or grass cutting! :D
I just went to get a bag or two of potting soil. I came home with:

small dracena
yet another african violet
small cyclamen
terra cotta pot and saucer
some little flowering plant thing that I forgot the name of already
suet and feeder for the birds
oh and the two bags of potting soil.

Most of it was on sale so I couldn't resist. :D

Auntie, you could try coleus for shade in containers... I'm addicted to them and I hear they grow wonderfully in shade but I have all of mine in my living room window. What's nice about the containers is you can take them in for the winter if needed--so many plants (including coleus) wouldn't make it through the winter. Here's a link for shade gardening:

I have to do all container planting because I rent the bottom floor of a house--if I plant in the ground, I would have to dig everything up when I leave or just leave it here. What's nice though is that if I don't like something in a container, I just don't plant it the next season and use it for something else.

There I go again, rambling about plants. Sorry!!