Well, it finally rained. Christ almighty, did it rain. Since I was frantically draining the pool, I'm not sure exactly how much we got yesterday, but I'm thinking 3.5 inches. 2 of it came down in about an hour. More coming today.
And my house was a relative dry spot. I went downtown to take V2.0 to the children's museum. I missed my exit and had to turn around at the Ford plant exit. The return ramp on that bad boy is a loop. As I got to the end of that loop, there was a small lake, 1.5 to 2 feet deep, across the entire lane. Couldn't see it until you were about in it.
Not wanting to get stranded in the middle of it, I overrode my instinct to brake and goosed it. The motor began to over-rev due to the fact that the ass end of the car was starting to float just as I caught traction on the other side. No damage to the car, but it was damn close.
Poor Prof. 3 weeks of no water, and as he comes down the eastern seaboard it decides to catch up. Flooding this week all the way down the route he has to take to get down here.