Oh, I fully expect this to continue. CPS will be losing a fortune from their current and future budgets over this case. If they are not allowed to keep the kids the current budget takes a major hit which may require emergency funding. If they are allowed to keep the kids, they are in gravy for the foreseeable future.
Sara Hammon, you grew up in a community. Where did you grow up what city?
SARA HAMMON, RAISED IN AND LEFT FLDS COMMUNITY: I was born in Hilldale, Utah and raised in Colorado City, Arizona. KING: What was it like?
HAMMON: It was very secluded as the other gentleman was saying. We rarely left the community except to go shopping at the grocery store in St. George, Utah or Hurricane. And we were forced to dress a certain way. And people in the community outside St. George would stare at us like zoo animals. We really stood out and so it was almost safer to stay in Colorado City.
KING: Your late father was a devout member of the church?
HAMMON: Yes, he was one of the leaders.
KING: And he was also while talking about purity and propriety secretly a child molester?
HAMMON: Yes, he was.
KING: How did you know?
HAMMON: He molested me. He molested me.
KING: He molested his daughter?
KING: How old were you?
HAMMON: The first time I was very small, under five. We had a bathroom that joined our bedrooms, my mother's bedroom and his bedroom. And I know we moved out of that bedroom when I was five, so it was prior to that. And then he also molested me on his death bed when I was 13, tried to -- he tried to put his hand up my skirt. He couldn't talk. He could barely move but he was trying to open my skirt.
KING: Did he have many wives?
HAMMON: He had 19 wives and 75 children.
KING: How did you get out of that?
HAMMON: My sister and her husband were living in St. George, Utah and when I was not in school on the weekends or in the summer I would go stay with her. And I began babysitting for a family that she knew. And one day I asked them if I could live with them. And they had to go meet with my mothers and arrange for that. My father had passed away. He died when I was 13.
KING: Ruth, where did you grow up?
RUTH STUFFS, WED AT 16 BY JEFFS TO 32-YEAR-OLD MAN: I grew up in Colorado City.
KING: As well, the same, in this whole environment area.
KING: And he -- Warren Jeffs forced you to marry someone?
STUBBS: He -- he told me to marry him and...
KING: To marry the police officer.
STUBBS: Rodney Holm, yes.
KING: Right.
STUBBS: And the rest of the town put pressure on me to marry him.
KING: And you were how old?
STUBBS: I was 16.
KING: And why him? Why did they want you to marry him?
STUBBS: I have no idea. He gave me some tickets before I went in and asked to marry another man and they said, "Well, you can take care of her now."
KING: He gave you tickets?
STUBBS: Rod gave me some tickets before I married him.
KING: You mean traffic tickets?
STUBBS: No, more like minor consumption tickets.
KING: Oh. What did you think of Warren Jeffs?
STUBBS: I didn't know what to think. After I got into the religion after I married Rod then I believed he was a prophet.
KING: You did?
STUBBS: For a small time there I did believe he was a prophet.
KING: You may be -- you have to testify against him. If he asked you to marry this person and you married him what was -- what was criminal about that?
STUBBS: He told me that I belong to this man and if I wanted to do God's will then I needed to marry him. And so, I figured it's a test, OK. I'll, you know, if you want to be exalted to God then you need to marry this man. So, I told him, "OK, I'll do it." I tried to get a hold of the other man I was trying to marry.
KING: Who you loved?
STUBBS: Who I loved and I couldn't get a hold of him and so I told him "No, I can't do it."
KING: How long were you married to the police officer?
STUBBS: Three years.
KING: And how many children?
STUBBS: Three.
KING: All are his?
KING: Does he see them?
STUBBS: Right now he doesn't see them very often at all. He sees them probably once every two months. Lately he's been...
KING: Is he still a police officer?
STUBBS: No, he's not.
KING: What does he do now?
STUBBS: He works for the Arizona Department. He cleans up the sides of the roads, drives a truck.
KING: Is he still with FLDS?
STUBBS: Yes, he is.
KING: You are not?
KING: Once you -- was it hard to break away?
STUBBS: It was very hard for me. I didn't know if I was going to hell. I didn't know if my kids were going to die. His sister actually told me my kids were going to be dead a short time after I left him because I left him and that wasn't Uncle Warren's will.
KING: We'll be back with more. Fascinating hour ahead, don't go away.
if the kids are fucked up, it doesn't really matter if there's no razor blades hidden in the sandbox.
in re: what spike quoted.
yes, quite amazing. those conspiratorial CPS workers. there's evil agents aboud everywhere. there's a kiddie-chasing homo around every corner, and judgemental, constitutional right-hating jackasses in every cranny. except in the FLDS compound. in there thar's only the innocent man, trying to follow his god-sanctioned beliefs. we've all been so wrong. we should hang our heads in shame.
Which takes us back to the beginning. What definition of fucked up are we using? The fact that these kids don't participate in "standard American pasttimes" makes them fucked up. Or does it?
That is a total load of shit. Future budgets? Seems you're just making up crap.
The childcare alone has cost them a ton of money. You have absolutely nothing to indicate this was done affect a budget.
I guess your just one of those "rush to judgement types" that should be ashamed himself.![]()
Actually you rushed to judgement from the start.
As soon as I saw the news story, I immediately felt sorry for the pair of shorts I knew jimpeel would immediately cream when he saw a big story that he felt would vindicate him, and then he'd come here to brag about it.
in re: what spike quoted.
yes, quite amazing. those conspiratorial CPS workers. there's evil agents aboud everywhere. there's a kiddie-chasing homo around every corner, and judgemental, constitutional right-hating jackasses in every cranny. except in the FLDS compound. in there thar's only the innocent man, trying to follow his god-sanctioned beliefs. we've all been so wrong. we should hang our heads in shame.
it's okay that arabs mutilate the genitals of their girlies as a ritual of dominance. it's their fucking culture! that's what they do! weeeeeee! everybody clap while yasmeen gets her clit lopped off and we jam some glass up her!
CPS' budget depends on the number of kids seized in any particular year. This mess has cost the state a fortune -- and you can bet that this year's entire CPS budget is already wiped out -- and now it looks like they are going to be dipped in shit as well.
You lost! I said this is what would happen. Gonz said that this is what would happen. Now it has happened. You lost, but the part that most galls you is that you lost to ... ME!
Yep. I rushed to the judgement that they are innocent until proven guilty before a court of law.
You wanted to hang 'em high right out of the chocks.
Guilty as charged! I judged them innocent until proven guilty
To do anything else, as you did
Unless, of course, she is lying; but we all know that no one ever lies about such things.
Wow, if you could just back up your claims it would be cool.
Really? What did I lose exactly?
I was referring to your rush to judgement of the CPS which you have found guilty without any evidence.
Where did that happen?
I was referring to your rush to judgement of the CPS. Yes you are guilty?
Where did that happen? I'm still waiting to see what happens since the case isn't over. You've been doing nothing but ignoring all evidence.
Right, if there are any pedophiles we could certainly expect them to tell the truth about such things right? Blame the victim first kinda thing.
I was just watching some of them on Larry King and they certainly are self-righteous asshats.
More children = more budgetary requirements. Do the math.
The debate. You were wrong.
Nice try. You know what I meant and your lame attempt at changing the meaning is pathetic
Suppose that is what you meant.
Well, the court has ruled that I was correct. CPS did not have the lawful authority to remove those children. CPS violated the law. I was correct, you were not.
You were one of the ones here who decided these people were guilty even though no one has been charged with a crime or even arrested.
We were correct, you were not.
That's my point. YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE! The court ruled that CPS HAD NO EVIDENCE!
If they had as much evidence as your overactive imagination supposes there is; don't you think they would have presented what they had before the court?