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molṑn labé
Staff member
I wish to abolish blenders before anybody else is killed. Already innumerable finger & hair accidents. Stop it early & we'll escape the nightmare of automobiles & knives, guns & McDonalds.

Blender is weapon in city slaying
Husband admits hitting wife 20 times in head
By Masaaki HaradaThe Journal Gazette

A Fort Wayne man charged with murder Monday in the death of his wife told police he struck her head at least 20 times with a blender last week.

The Allen County Coroner’s Office declared Caroline Taylor’s death Tuesday Allen County’s 23rd homicide this year. Coroner Dr. E. Jon Brandenberger ruled the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head.

Local rag
no, we jsut have to put a warning sticker

"Blender is not to be used as blunt weapon"

how long before someone sues the blender maker?
paul_valaru said:
Marquerita makers lead to wet t-shirt contests!!!

Wet t-shirt contests lead to no-t-shirt contests, which lead to coming home drunk and covered with lipstick, which leads to drunkenly trying to convince the wife that you were at work late, which leads to arguments, which leads to blender tossing incidents. Why can't we all be friends? :D
No can do Gonz...
"Blenders don't kill people, guns do",
oops wrong...
"People do kill blenders. guns do"
oops wrong again....
"Guns don't kill people, blenders do"'s not it
ah yes..
"Blenders don't kill people, people do" :D
Why he didn't take off the plastic bit and use the quickly rotating sharp bit is beyond me. :shrug:

It's like beating someone to death with a shotgun... why both buying bullets.
Gonz said:
pssst, rifles & handguns-bullets, shotguns-shells

What about solid shells as opposed to many little bearings? They still called shells?
Can you tell that I don't hunt with rifles?
My wife never tryed to hit me with a blender but did ask me to hold one
while i was in the tub once
dude, I think next time you're interested in a female you should get a second opinion.