Simpsons: Gay marriage shock


New Member
L. Brent Bozell III, president of the Parents Television Council, criticized "The Simpsons" for addressing the issue of gay marriage, though he cautioned that he had not seen the episode. A parental advisory preceded the broadcast.

"At a time when the public mood is overwhelmingly against gay marriage, any show that promotes gay marriage is deliberately bucking the public mood," he said.

"I'd rather them not do it at all," he added. "You've got a show watched by millions of children. Do children need to have gay marriage thrust in their faces as an issue? Why can't we just entertain them?"

I find almost impossible to care. What I do wonder is what these people find acceptable to watch. Wnhy does everything have to involve children. Read a book or go outside.

I thought I would see what they deem acceptable viewing

Parents television council

I was nearly physically sick after reading that.
Lopan said:
Wnhy does everything have to involve children.

Sine you're in the UK, you may not have noticed, the shows they complain about are on during the "family viewing" timeslot. 7-9PM or so. Frequently earlier, at times when little kids are likely to flip on the TV. These people don't complain about Spike TV or HBO or other pay services. They complain about the telvision programs aimed at kids or viewed during traditional times on the public airwaves. Free TV, in other words.

That's why the big deal happened about Janets boob. It wasn't that she exposed was she gave America a tit shot during a program that virtually everybody is watching. Not everybody wants to see some 40 year old boob & they are forced to when it happens during "safe programming".
They have a list of the 10 best and worst shows on TV.

10 best 10 Worst

I think that whoever made that sight may be unaware of Bernie Macs stand up routine.

most of whats on that list is bland crap that shouldn't be on TV.
Lopan said:
most of whats on that list is bland crap that shouldn't be on TV.

Most of both lists suck.

Shouldn't be on TV? If the ratings are sufficient they're on, if the ratings are down they're gone. If you don't like what you see, follow the advice I give these people...there is an off button.
Indeed, apart from Match of the day I havent watched TV in about a week. I am going to watch a documentary about chavs tonight.
Lopan said:
Indeed, apart from Match of the day I havent watched TV in about a week. I am going to watch a documentary about chavs tonight.

ooooooOoooOOOooH! Make notes for me... I ain't got Sky! :mope:
Here's a wake-up call for People...the Simpsons is a cartoon, but that does not necessarily make it an automatic kids show, anymore than the Family Guy is a kid's show, or South Park is a kid's show.

Having watched many of these shows, the majority of the humour is aimed well above the kids' heads to the adults who are the real audience.

It's not like the kids aren't hearing abot homosexuality and gay marraige outside of these cartoons and have the topic suddenly thrust upon them... this is a parody with it.
For the douche bag who is bitching without actually watching the episode.

1) The episode poked fun at both, anti and pro, gay marriage views. The point was: you can have staunch views on an important social issue but you really don't know where you stand untill the issue hits close to home. Don't go around having your mind made up because there could always be exceptions you failed to consider (like your own flesh and blood coming out of the closet)

2) The episode was hillarious. Well written and funny.

Mayor Quimby: "Let's legalize gay money..err..I mean gay marriage"
ClaireBear said:
ooooooOoooOOOooH! Make notes for me... I ain't got Sky! :mope:

It was rubbish. Julie Burchill presented it and she was rubbish.

I agree with Idlechild, the Simpsons is a social commentary written for adults not children.
Written for adults, sure, but broadcast during a time when children are likely to watch. You'll notice that cable TV channels get a bit more racy after 10 p.m. This is because it's accepted industry-wide that most kids are going to be in bed by 10 p.m. and therefore the rules are loosened up a little bit.
Why shouldn't children watch it? If it makes them think about social issues thats better than filling their heads with "Everybody loves Raymond" or some other equally tedious generic rubbish.

They should be outside anyway with a ball and friends. The Times ran a piece today suggesting TV is like the new tobacco.

Times - TV
Personally I have only been shocked at one Simpson's episode... it was on the other week... where Homer decides to run a DayCare Centre for children from his home... to kill time while he has time off work to recover from a broken leg or some such...

Well the Asian "KwikiMart" owner was shown to arrive with about ten very small children on "baby reigns" that were depicted more like leashes.... and after the truth wasout about Homer not being as suitable a BabySitter as was thought he is shown to scoop the children up one by one and stuff them into a net sack/shopping bag...

That kind of stereotypical tosh would never be allowed to be produced here... in fact I'm surprised it got air time, all be it after 9 (post watershed)!!!!! I certainly wouldn't want my children to witness racial slurs such as that but raising the issue of Gay marriage... if it'll increase understanding and tolerance... I see no problem with that. :shrug:
A lot of people find gay marriage offensive, you know. Funny how only certain "offensive" material should be wiped fromt eh airwaves, huh?
Inkara1 said:
A lot of people find gay marriage offensive, you know. Funny how only certain "offensive" material should be wiped fromt eh airwaves, huh?

I really struggle to understand whats so offensive about gay marriage. Marriage isn't even a christian idea.

I don't see how marriage between 2 people whatever their sexual preference can be anyone elses business.
Lopan said:
I really struggle to understand whats so offensive about gay marriage. Marriage isn't even a christian idea.

I don't see how marriage between 2 people whatever their sexual preference can be anyone elses business.