Slope sliding saddness

Yes i do have my own agenda, that is to provide a place where people can come and chat without having to worry about being cussed out or called names for their opinions. Is that to much to ask for?

There is a saying "you can gather more flys with honey and not vinigar"
Debates are cool, i have no problem with them. but i wont tolerate all the name calling and shit. If you have a problem with someones opinion fine, but if they only way you can answer back is to call them a bigot, faggot or nigger. then you dont have a debate you have namecalling, which only proves your inadequecy to debate the opinion.

I have read alot of your post, if you could stop that part you have good arguments for your cause, but i get turned off when you turn on the member instead of the opinion.
A.B.Normal said:
:rofl4: *poor uninformed bastard
One entry found for sodomy.

Main Entry: sod·omy
Pronunciation: 'sä-d&-mE
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French sodomie, from Late Latin Sodoma Sodom; from the homosexual proclivities of the men of the city in Gen 19:1-11
1 : copulation with a member of the same sex or with an animal
2 : noncoital and especially anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex
- sod·om·it·ic /"sä-d&-'mi-tik/ or sod·om·it·i·cal /-ti-k&l/ adjective

Any person with a clear cut set of morals &/or values can be called a bigot. Those who refuse to change their mind because it's politically expedient or the opinion differs from another are called bigots by people like those who get mad at me for saying liberal.

If you disagree, bring forth cause & remedy. Change the mind or at least present a good argument. Attack the idea, not the messenger.

Now, damnit, I didn't bring this story to rehash homosexuality. I brought it to show that, as I pointed out in several of the homosexulaity threads, changing the rules for one group is an open invitation for teh other groups to whine "what about us". I specifically used bestiality, pedophilia & bigamy as examples & was lambasted for bringin it up. Well, all three groups have made complaints against the unfair rules. So far, the bigamy folks are in court & here we have bestiality in the friggin' legislature.

It's a slippery slope. Let the homos get married & next it's the baby fuckers. Don't like the sound of that? Tough. That is what happens. I'm not doing it. In fact, the homosexual marriage rights folk are backing these thing.
I want to, just as soon the VP of stupid phrasing calls me back & tells me that one is gone :D

Yes, of course I complained to them
Gonz said:
Any person with a clear cut set of morals &/or values can be called a bigot.
How come everyone is focused in the bigot comment but "whitetrash" and "commie" comments that preceded it don't even raise an eyebrow.

It's a slippery slope. Let the homos get married & next it's the baby fuckers. Don't like the sound of that? Tough. That is what happens. I'm not doing it. In fact, the homosexual marriage rights folk are backing these thing.
That's right a slippery slope. Let women vote and next thing you no cannibalism will be legal AND THERE'S NOT A DAMN THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!

Ha! You should watch the Adam Corrola show on Comedy Central sometime. He has a regular segment just to make fun of the slippery slope arguement.
Because that's where the argument went. Stop complaining in public & send an email, jesus flavio. I'll go edit that right out...I've had problems with my internet today. *off to search*

[edit]too late, it's been taken care of
flavio said:
That's right a slippery slope. Let women vote and next thing you no cannibalism will be legal AND THERE'S NOT A DAMN THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!

No, bet there's an argument to be made for wimmins voting slipping into gay marriage rights.

I really don't see the connection between voting & cannabalism. :shrug:
Gonz said:
Stop complaining in public & send an email, jesus flavio.
The only reason I'm complaining in public right now is because Sam complained in public.

I really don't see the connection between voting & cannabalism.
Aha, there's no connection between gay marriage and baby fuckers either.
flavio said:
Aha, there's no connection between gay marriage and baby fuckers either.

Except in the court room.

[edit]or at wikipedia, under NAMBLA

NAMBLA emerged from the tumultuous political atmosphere of the 1970s, particularly from the leftist wing of the Gay Liberation movement which followed the 1969 Stonewall riots in New York City. Although discussion of gay adult-minor sex did take place, gay rights groups immediately following the Stonewall riot were more concerned with issues of police harassment, nondiscrimination in employment, health care and other areas.
flavio said:

Aha, there's no connection between gay marriage and baby fuckers either.

Priests are against gay marriage and they are Baby Fuckers,so I guess in a rather obtuse way there is a corelation.:evilgrin:
Gonz said:
Except in the court room.

[edit]or at wikipedia, under NAMBLA
NAMBLA and homosexuals are related in the same way R. Kelly and heterosexuals are.

AB said:
Priests are against gay marriage and they are Baby Fuckers,so I guess in a rather obtuse way there is a corelation.:evilgrin:
You may be onto something there.
flav cool it. you think you are special, and you want to prove a point? i own this site. I can say what ever the hell i want. you know, your acting like a little kid who isnt getting his way. if you have a problem with me take it to email or pm other wise shut the fuck up. all ouve done since you came back is stir shit then whine like an ass when you get called on it.
if you want to debate like an adult then do it or leave again, i dont really care. but keep pushing me and ill help you out the door.
samcurry said:
flav cool it. you think you are special, and you want to prove a point? i own this site. I can say what ever the hell i want. you know, your acting like a little kid who isnt getting his way. if you have a problem with me take it to email or pm other wise shut the fuck up. all ouve done since you came back is stir shit then whine like an ass when you get called on it.
if you want to debate like an adult then do it or leave again, i dont really care. but keep pushing me and ill help you out the door.
I was just wondering why you were whining about Bobby and not even concerned about the person who started the personal attacks. All you can say is "It's my site I can do what I want" when you get called on it. That is very childish like a kid who isn't getting his way.

Why don't you take your own advice and email or PM instead of publicly showing your favoritism? Not to mention everytime you chime in you're slinging personal attacks....lead by example.