Smoke 'em if ya got 'em

What should or should not be legal?

  • Tobacco and marijuana should both be legal.

    Votes: 17 73.9%
  • Tobacco should remain legal, and marijuana should remain illegal.

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Marijuana should be legalized and tobacco outlawed.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Both should be illegal.

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters
Gato_Solo said:
Bullshit. Nobody is forced to work there, either. No employee has a gun to their head, forcing them to do that job, and take that paycheck. They have the exact same ability to change jobs as the consumer does to change establishments. What you just stated may sound like it's a good thing, but, once again, it's the owners place. If the employee doesn't like it, they can always quit. If the owner values the employee more than what his customers want, he can change his policy fo fit the employee, but this doesn't need legislation.

One more thing...Every job has an element of risk. from the doctor getting a disease to the truck driver having an accident. 'Second-hand smoke' is just another risk when you work in an environment that has smoking.
So factory,Mine,Lumber mill owners etc.. do not have to provide a safe environment eihter,because if the employee doesn't like it they can go work someplace else. :rolleyes:
I say yes. Once everybody quits, the business will go under & the new owners will see why & create a safer environment.
A.B.Normal said:
So factory,Mine,Lumber mill owners etc.. do not have to provide a safe environment eihter,because if the employee doesn't like it they can go work someplace else. :rolleyes:

Evidently, you don't know the difference between the element of risk, and a dangerous worksite. Then don't have a job that has the same element of risk that the average factory worker, construction worker, lumberjack, or miner has, either. The jobs you mentioned are, by their nature, risky. Accidents happen in those places at a higher rate than second-hand smoke causes cancer, too. You want perfectly safe? Never leave your bed, and drink protein and vitamin shakes for meals. Until then, you need to think before you write that drivel, because you don't have the breadth of experience, or the statistics to argue me on this one. Trust me. Working anywhere entails some risk.
Gato_Solo said:
Evidently, you don't know the difference between the element of risk, and a dangerous worksite. Then don't have a job that has the same element of risk that the average factory worker, construction worker, lumberjack, or miner has, either. The jobs you mentioned are, by their nature, risky. Accidents happen in those places at a higher rate than second-hand smoke causes cancer, too. You want perfectly safe? Never leave your bed, and drink protein and vitamin shakes for meals. Until then, you need to think before you write that drivel, because you don't have the breadth of experience to argue me on this one.

BS,I've worked in Mills with toxic wood preservatives ,I've also worked(welding) inside Barges where the air itself is toxic unless the necessary ventilation is provided.I was lucky in that most of my employers were decent,I did have one guy who was relocating(or should I say me a couple other guys were) an old electrical generator and ancillary equiptment.When some of the oil spilled from the transformers he wasn't concerend if it contained PCBs ,but about the fact we might be damaging his investment.I know first hand that an employer can put $$$ before the worker for expediancy sake and will if his competition already is. In B.C. a bar owner has the option to be "smoking" if he choses to need workers then he must be smoke free.The same would be true for any business(comp firm,accountant. ,if you have employees you must be smoke free.
A.B.Normal said:
In B.C. a bar owner has the option to be "smoking" if he choses to need workers then he must be smoke free.The same would be true for any business(comp firm,accountant. ,if you have employees you must be smoke free.

It's still an acceptible risk. Every job has one built-in. BTW...Since you brought it up...Canada is not exactly a republic, either. It's a commonwealth, isn't it? :p

BTW...this is an explanation of the study you claim as the basis of your ridiculous notions on second-hand smoke. Prove this wrong, or show me an independent study which doesn't use the study in question as a basis, and I'll agree with every word you say on the subject. Until then, all you're spouting is mindless drivel based on a false study, and leave your faith in these studies on the door-step. Here's another, even if you don't like the source. Oh, okay...last one...:p
I can't fill out anything on the poll - doenst apply to my thinking....
I think tobacco should be the way it is guess, need to be carded to buy for smoking in a public place, this is the land of the free, or atleast i thought it was! As for weed, I think ppl who need it should be able to get a script from their doctor for it, chemo patients especially, it does help with the nausea.
Mare said:
I can't fill out anything on the poll - doenst apply to my thinking....
I think tobacco should be the way it is guess, need to be carded to buy for smoking in a public place, this is the land of the free, or atleast i thought it was! As for weed, I think ppl who need it should be able to get a script from their doctor for it, chemo patients especially, it does help with the nausea.

All during my chemo, I refused Marinol and all offers for pot. I survived. They make nausea medications that don't get you stoned. It's a crutch for too many people...they wanna get high and not deal with their situation while taking chemo. I don't blame is miserable. Unless you have been through it, you do not understand even if you think you do. But getting stoned is not the answer.
SouthernN'Proud said:
All during my chemo, I refused Marinol and all offers for pot. I survived. They make nausea medications that don't get you stoned. It's a crutch for too many people...they wanna get high and not deal with their situation while taking chemo. I don't blame is miserable. Unless you have been through it, you do not understand even if you think you do. But getting stoned is not the answer.
They now make some anti-ausea medication derived from pot which doesn't get you high and you don't have to smoke it. My sister's store carries it (with lots of permission forms filled out).

I voted -make tobbaco illegal and pot legal. I smoke cigs, but I don't do it at home, in other people's homes, or in restaurants. Bars...well, beer and smoke go together hand in hand. I am of the opinion that if tobbaco were forced to go a FDA revision, that it would never make the cut. Its not proven to cause cancer..but it's hardly healthy either. Luckily for the market, it came out hundreds of years before the FDA came abouts. They're in the process of making smoking in all public spaces illegal (including bars and restaurants).

Pot, on the other hand, is not smoked as frequently and doesn't have the carcinogen label. I would treat pot like booze. Tax it, regulate its use, and add it to the DWI list.

Now, if they could figure out a way to quick-test for pot use in the same way as for Drinking and driving, that'd be nice.
there are some very strong anti-emetics out today however, there are some patients that they just dont work on. not only does the pot settle the stomach it also ups the appetite as anyone whos had the munchies can attest. both of those attributes can mean the difference for some chemo patients.

i remember reading something somewhere a few months back about a saliva test for cannibis use. i dont remember many of the details but i do remember it was alleged that the test will show recent usage as opposed to residual levels.

damn short term memory loss.... ;)
Well I'm on my last pack of cigs.
I'm going to get some patches this time, instead of another carton of somes,
and give quitting again, a real chance. :shrug:
I'd be all for allowing smoking anywhere, provided that I can use a squirt gun on anyone whos smoke reaches me. And, of course, immediate removal of smokers from the Medicare system. Sorry, you're gonna self-inflict medical problems on yourself, you don't get the benefit of my tax bucks.

As for pot, personally, I can't find any respect for anyone doing it. That aside, I'd be more than happy to see it legalized, provided that means and measures can be enforced to ensure that the idiots doing it aren't able to go out in public while under the influence. And I'd add alcohol to that list too.
Professur said:
I'd be all for allowing smoking anywhere, provided that I can use a squirt gun on anyone whos smoke reaches me.

So...even if you enter an establishment that allows smoking, and you know that beforehand, you'd use said water-pistol? If so, then you deserve whatever consequences the person you hosed down decides to apply. If the establishment does not allow smoking, then the smoker deserves any consequences you decide to apply.

Prof said:
And, of course, immediate removal of smokers from the Medicare system. Sorry, you're gonna self-inflict medical problems on yourself, you don't get the benefit of my tax bucks.

No problem. As long as you do the same for the obese, the IV drug user, the person with the STD, the people driving without seat-belts, the alcoholic, etc. Most smokers don't get sick because of smoking. Once they start getting there, give them a choice of quitting the smokes, or forgoing the medicare, however, and you've got a deal. Same for the rest mentioned above for quitting their habits.

Prof said:
As for pot, personally, I can't find any respect for anyone doing it. That aside, I'd be more than happy to see it legalized, provided that means and measures can be enforced to ensure that the idiots doing it aren't able to go out in public while under the influence. And I'd add alcohol to that list too.

One difference between alcohol, smokes, perscription drugs, and recreational drugs not counted as alcohol/tobacco/prescribed...the rest are illegal. As for the legal ones, I believe there are existing laws to take care of the folks who are 'drunk in public'...
catocom said:
Well I'm on my last pack of cigs.
I'm going to get some patches this time, instead of another carton of somes,
and give quitting again, a real chance. :shrug:

Cold turkey worked for me aswell as eating acidic food, removes the nicotine from the blood faster. Tis tres hard though.