So Friday Night...


Well-Known Member
The views and actions expressed in this thread do not reflect the views of Off Topic Central, its administrators or other members. Off Topic Central does not condone illegal behavior of any kind. Off Topic Central also does not condone posting evidence of your guilt on the internet for all to see, including the victim's parents and the local authorities.


New Member
Inkara1 said:
The views and actions expressed in this thread do not reflect the views of Off Topic Central, its administrators or other members. Off Topic Central does not condone illegal behavior of any kind. Off Topic Central also does not condone posting evidence of your guilt on the internet for all to see, including the victim's parents and the local authorities.

But we will make the server backups available to them should the Authorities require them for prosecution.
*I'm sure thats in the AUP somewhere,if not it should be.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Razor Ramon said:
I almost hooked up with a 14 year old.

She'll be 15 tomorrow :la:

And keep in mind I'm 18, close to 19.

I didnt want to go there though, since he brother is defensive, so I pushed my way into the friendzone. :crying4:

Still got a couple feels though :swing:

EDIT: Umm, I had 3 beers and some Vodka (I know, I'm a lightweight), but she was pretty sober, maybe 2 shots of Vodka max.
Scum like you ever comes near my daughter, I'll kill you.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
How, now...we were all 18 once. Of course...we had the intelligence not to do such things. Must be the new math...


New Member
Do you think we aren't filling our weirdo quota on this site? I thought we were doing fine but apparently we needed some prize winning cock jokey's to turn up.


Well-Known Member
Gato_Solo said:
How, now...we were all 18 once. Of course...we had the intelligence not to do such things. Must be the new math...
Yeah, I wasn't trying to bag incoming freshmen in high school after I graduated. Yes, that's the same age difference when Christina and I were together, but she was out of high school already when I met her and that makes a big difference.

But even if I were trying to bag girls that young, I wouldn't post it for all to see on the internet. That makes him both pedophilic AND really stupid.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Inky said:
But even if I were trying to bag girls that young, I wouldn't post it for all to see on the internet. That makes him both pedophilic AND really stupid.

me said:
we had the intelligence not to do such things forgot to mention the underaged drinking.

I personally think everything but the 14YO is bull, but that's just me.


Too cute for words
C'mon, Gato. IRL this guy probably couldn't get laid at a cathouse with 500 bucks tape dto his forehead. Sickish fantasy life though. :shrug:


molṑn labé
Staff member
Inkara1 said:
The views and actions expressed in this thread do not reflect the views of Off Topic Central, its administrators or other members. Off Topic Central does not condone illegal behavior of any kind. Off Topic Central also does not condone posting evidence of your guilt on the internet for all to see, including the victim's parents and the local authorities.

Cerain members or administrators of OTC find these actions reprehensible & worthy of a pistol whipping.

Razor Ramon

New Member
I didnt go into the night saying "I want to bang this chick", it just sort of happend.

We went to a friends house, and I was cold so she took off a sleeve of her jacket so I can put my arm into it. :swing:

Eventually, she was laying on my lap, and it went from there.


No minors were harmed in the making of this thread.


Staff member
Razor Ramon said:
I didnt go into the night saying "I want to bang this chick", it just sort of happend.

We went to a friends house, and I was cold so she took off a sleeve of her jacket so I can put my arm into it. :swing:

Eventually, she was laying on my lap, and it went from there.


No minors were harmed in the making of this thread.

It shouldn't have went ANYWHERE! Premeditated or not it's WRONG and an 18 year old should have the ability to control themselves around younger people.


New Member
Razor Ramon said:

We got close, but nothing happend.

I know better. :D
'Coping a few feels' is within the legal definition of sexual battery on a minor. It may not be outirght rape, by its enough to put yer butt in jail ... especially with you suppling alcohol into the mix. That knocks it up a notch or two.