So Friday Night...

Razor Ramon said:
No minors were harmed in the making of this thread.
But according to the law, minors were harmed in the making fo the original subject matter of this thread.
Razor Ramon said:

We got close, but nothing happend.

I know better. :D

Hi. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm SnP. I'm pushing 39, and I used to be 18.

Oh, did I mention that I work as a probation/parole officer?

Move to TN and pull that shit. I'll be seeing you real soon. And so will everyone else...on the sex offender register. Lemme explain how that little marvel of crime fighting works.

See, you go out and have your 30 minutes of fun. Then her mom gets pissed and calls a detective. He investigates. He files formal charges for felony Aggravated Sexual Battery of a Minor. Alcohol is an aggravating factor, y'see. It bumps things up a notch, as you have no doubt already discovered.

You go to jail. Post bail. Thousands of dollars. Then you get to either hire an attorney, or go with a public defender, the best attorney no money can buy you. Then you get your day in court. Then you get convicted. felony on your record forever, and in TN a minimum of three years in prison, where guys who bang 14 year old girls are REAL popular around shower time.

If you're lucky, you might get probation. You get to come see some prick like me, live how I tell you to live, where I tell you to live, work where I tell you you can work, be home when I say, and pay about $150 a month for the priviledge.

Now, you get to attend sex offender treatment. It costs you about $450 in the first month, then around $50 a week plus $250 twice a year. You get to take polygraphs. You also get to take plethysmographs, where they hool electrodes to your body, including your penis, and show you various images to measure your sexual stimulation level. Fun, huh?

Then when, not if, you fuck up, I get to send you back to prison, where you flatten your remaining time.

In the interrim, you are on the sex offender registry, and there you shall remain for ten full years AFTER you finish your time. $100 a year that costs ya, so you can be seen by anyone on the internet complete with photo and current address so vigilante soccer moms can throw rotten fruit in your yard. Failure to keep your registry current is a new felony, and we start the whole process over.

So: we can go through all this, or we can find someone our own age.

Have fun. Buy soap on a rope.
SouthernN'Proud said: TN a minimum of three years in prison, where guys who bang 14 year old girls are REAL popular around shower time...

I'm guessing they are 2nd to guys who bang 14 year old boys.
ver, and in TN a minimum of three years in prison, where guys who bang 14 year old girls are REAL popular around shower time.

Do they get the same name there that the prisoners here in NC call them? And hopefully it will teach him a lesson
S'n'P, I'm 99 percent sure this guy lives in California... and I'm pretty sure sex offenders have to register for life here.
That was truly chilling SnP. You know with the electrode to the penis can you reverse the polarity and turn it up a notch? Would kinda make your job easier.
Some have to register for life here, but not all. Soon I imagine that'll be changed. Soon, as in soon as some politician needs his picture in the paper for re-election...
I'm 99.9 percent sure it's a state law. If not every state, then almost every state has passed their own version of Megan's Law, but the federal government hasn't passed such a law.
Inkara1 said:
I'm 99.9 percent sure it's a state law. If not every state, then almost every state has passed their own version of Megan's Law, but the federal government hasn't passed such a law.

Ahh ok. I had heard it around MD and some other states I have been to but I wasnt sure if it was a state or federal law. Much obliged
Nixy said:
Did anybody notice that he edited his first post yesterday? :D
Yep, but it's still quoted in post #4, in case the authorities are interested. :D
PT said:
Probably thinking of the Amber Alert. That's a federal thing.

That was probably what I was thinking yes. But I thought Amber Alert was for missing children. Either way I think I have it settled but much obliged :)