I think he is foolish, so there you go.
Darwin admitted that he had no explanation for the Cambrian explosion...mostly because he had no evidence to back it up. Then again, he wasn't trying to prove that the Cambrien explosion happened or didn't happen. He was trying to show the mechanism that nature uses in evolution.
Evolution was accepted as fact long before Darwin came along...the mechanics of it weren't well researched or understood, but the fact of it was not in contention.
As for the 2nd part of that statment...evidence of man and dinausaur co-existing. Now THAT, I would love to see. Let's start with proving that dinausaurs still existed less than 65 million years ago. Then let's put mankind (and by that, I assume that you mean modern man homo sapien sapiens) more than 65 million years ago.
Have fun.
I didn't KK him. As per an agreement among the admins, only the originator has full control.
For the love of god, gonz, either just come outright & say lil' spikey is going to stay there forever, or not. Stop tap-dancing around the issue.
Shit, seriously? Fury banned Spike? She posts an average of once a month. That's not much of an Admin for a board. No offense but to admin a board you need to be more hands on. Banning someone and walking away is lame. Leaving the decision to Fury who only visits once a month is just as bad as deciding to keep Spike banned yourself, Gonz.If you use the Search feature and find her last posts. Face it, she's not here so it can't be put it on her. "Try to find a fury on Twitter" is not really doing it either.
How about we come up with a real solution.
Shit, seriously?Leslie banned Spike? She posts an average of once a month. That's not much of an Admin for a board.
No offense but to admin a board you need to be more hands on.
Banning someone and walking away is lame.
Leaving the decision to Fury who only visits once a month is just as bad as deciding to keep Spike banned yourself, Gonz.
Sorry for the criticism, but that's how I feel about being an admin. Don't take on the responsibility if your not going to be around.
If you can't get hold of Fury then my suggestion is to consider getting as many admins together and make a vote.
Hmmm. Not name calling.
Is that or is it not an image of a monkey in his av?
His avatar is representative of him. I think he is foolish, so there you go.
I think he is foolish, so there you go.
I thought that image fits him as well. He is always parroting while in debate, which is quite annoying. Though since it appears to be a monkey, mimic may be the right word.
It's not even that good. I've spoken to Fury. He wants nothing to do with it either. Gonz is simply holding to the agreement made by the staff to not use his powers in any situation where he's got a conflict of interest.
You personally attacked me. I may think you're a lot of negative things right now but I'm not typing them. There's the difference.
this is the solution, live with it
No, the difference is I did not call you the noun: "fool"
I called you the adjective: "foolish."
Refer to the dictionary if you can't see the distinction.
Sorry you can't take a little criticism.
That is my opinion, and I stand by it.
Darwin's mechanism, i.e., natural selection, seem to be a valid concept in relation to micro evolution such as Darwin's finches and peppered moths. The problem arises when he tries to apply it to macro evolution, then it becomes invalid.
"The number of intermediate varieties which have formerly existed on earth must be truly enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain: and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory." (Source: C. Darwin, The Origin of Species, Penguin Books, London, 1968, 291.)
Cute...cave pics of elk and moose that look like they might be dinos...if you squint just right and turn your head this way..maybe.