New Member
I looked it up...
Good for you man! Congratz.
I looked it up...
Pointing out your hypocrisy.
You substantiated it for me. You can't provide a single example where you disagree with the catholic church on anything substantial.
Not really.
Here is a little fact for you, a lefty banned you from the TRW.
Here is a little fact for you, a lefty banned you from the TRW.
Not really.
You need to pull mine outta there. mine's not just a pretty picture, but a well thought out personal icon, to the point where I had it tattooed on me. It stands for the thought that, even though people may try to keep me in the dark, I can still see. Even the fact that it looks somewhat like a prick in intentional and fits me to a T.
Yeah, I'm not sure if Leslie was exactly "a lefty" but it would have little bearing anyway. Are you sure it was her sensitivity or did a righty complain?
It has become obvious that righties are responsible for most of the personal attacks by far and that nothing is done when they do it.
Leslie just happened in when I was thinking "if nobody is going to do anything about this I'll return the insults". Maybe bad timing on my part but we all know I didn't insult anyone that didn't insult me first. Seems like 6 months good behavior should make up for that if we're not going to do shit about ResearchMonkey's and other righties repeated violations right?
Or are you one of those people that doesn't give a shit when someone on the right makes repeated personal attacks? From talking to you, I know you have some reason in you. Show it now.
In my humble opinion, here is my solution...
Bring back the AUP. Perhaps refine it if need be. Enforce the rules much stricter in the RW forum and have special rules for it. Give everyone a fresh start for the RW forum. Violators after three warnings are banned from the RW forum, not the board, for three months. If it is warranted that the same person needs to be banned again later when he returns, then it is for six months. The third offense would be banned for a year from the RW forum.
By doing this, the offenders that are ruining the RW forum are cut out from the forum, not the board, and are still allowed to post around the board thus it would hurt the board as a whole to ban a member from the forum.
The RW forum is the beef of the board. Most other forums just contain idle talk. If it is ever going to be gone for good it will hurt the board.
Oh, she is a lefty.
It does have bearing because it shows no bias pertaining to right/left was involved.
Oh, really? Can you name them?
The wheel that squeaks the loudest gets the grease. It seems you violated the AUP more after the TRW was reinstated.
Someone needed to be made of an example. Anyone violating the AUP is worthy to be banned from the TRW.
However, I do not think this should be permanent...ever.
I believe there are others who should have been in here as well. But my solution to all of this remains the same. I will quote it again:
You are on to something there. :-/Well Hon, it's not much of a board anymore, is it?
Wow, not a polite way of saying "hey, how's it been?!"The vast majority of staff on this site have just walked off, in disgust. I spoke with one recently and while he was polite, he made it clear that my searching him out was a welcome as a bout of the clap.
I stand corrected. You are right. But we still come down to the question of "what purpose does it serve now that all of the RW forum topics are now found started in the KK?" Everyone has flocked here. This very thread is a typical example that supports my position. How many folks have come to this very thread to mock and ridicule Spike for trying to move forward? My answer: too many.He wasn't banned. He was KKed. If he'd been banned, we wouldn't be having this conversation. As it is, he's no longer KKed either. Just restricted from the Real World forum.
If Gonz has chosen not to make a decision because of his conflict of interest then I applaud him for this decision. But standing by and doing nothing is just as bad as deciding to keep him KK'd since he is all the regular admin that this board gets.It's not even that good. I've spoken to Fury. He wants nothing to do with it either. Gonz is simply holding to the agreement made by the staff to not use his powers in any situation where he's got a conflict of interest.
Part of the problem is the trolling. The only way to end it is to report the trolling and not reply to the troll (if you are a member) or to dole out punishment to the trolls. There's no other way to change the board. I've seen this before.They were all around back when this place was a pleasure to post in. Now, it's a trial; about as much fun as unclogging a toilet. As it stands, Gonz is all the admins this place has. He's made his position clear. Whether or not he agrees with it, he won't overrule the decision made by another admin.
Again, Spike is not banned. He is not KKed. The only restriction placed on him is that he cannot post in the Real world.
Gonz: find another admin without a conflict of interest to make the decision. That's my suggestion.
He's now restricted.
However, a decision was made, for the peace of the board. It's done. Can we all move on now?
spike, you're not getting back in.
I was always told this was a probation period but now you're telling me that was a lie?