So. How about that Alan Grayson fellow?

Generalizations are the tools of sheep.

You do know that generalizatiosn are made from the truth.

There are exceptions, fix them. Don't charge me for the lazy ones or those who made a choice (which is far & away the largest percentage)
Oh so you are making up things and posting it as if it's fact. In reality you have no idea what the percentage is.
Why is everyone here under an obligation to you?

You continually make demands on other posters.

From whence did your entitlement sprang?
Hey Jim, did you know Wal Mart takes out life insurance on many of their employees and makes themselves the beneficiary? Do you think they have a policy on you?

It's like going to the horse track, except they bet on who's gonna die. If you're young it pays more. Kinda like betting on a horse with long odds.

That has been common knowledge for quite some time. So what? Most companies do the same thing. Ever hear of Key Man Life Insurance Coverage? All companies have that coverage.
That has been common knowledge for quite some time. So what? Most companies do the same thing.

Most companies don't gamble on their employees lives.

Ever hear of Key Man Life Insurance Coverage? All companies have that coverage.

We're not talking about Key Men. And all companies don't have that coverage either.
Most companies don't gamble on their employees lives.

It takes time aqnd money to retrain your replacement if you die so why shouldn't a company take out insurance against that eventuality?

We're not talking about Key Men. And all companies don't have that coverage either.

All companies is, admittedly, too broad. I should have said that all companies run by people with a brain will have key man insurance. It is a legal requirement for all corporations and LLCs. No venture capitalist or investment consortium will fund any company which fails to carry key man insurance on the company officers. That will always be a contractual requirement.

Rush Limbaugh spoke of the fact that he is required by law to carry key man insurance on himself because of his ownership of the EIB Corporation.
It takes time aqnd money to retrain your replacement if you die so why shouldn't a company take out insurance against that eventuality?

That would be key man insurance. What we're talking about is life insurance policies that pay sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars or more on employees that make far less than that in a year. It's not about training a replacement, it's about gambling on your life for profit.
That would be key man insurance. What we're talking about is life insurance policies that pay sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars or more on employees that make far less than that in a year. It's not about training a replacement, it's about gambling on your life for profit.

That bothers you because...?
That would be key man insurance. What we're talking about is life insurance policies that pay sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars or more on employees that make far less than that in a year. It's not about training a replacement, it's about gambling on your life for profit.

You could do the same thing if you were to take out insurance policies on old folks who agree for you to do so. Legalized gambling, that's all. All it takes is the money to pay the premiums.
Gambling on their lives? Everybody dies. Most folks have some sort of insurance policy. This is just one more.

I don't see a problem.

jim, I don't think you even need permission from the old folks. Just pay for it.
Gambling on their lives? Everybody dies. Most folks have some sort of insurance policy. This is just one more.

Just because everybody dies doesn't mean your company should be gambling on your death for profit.
Grayson's latest brain detonation

Don't he jus' make ya soooo proud?

Now he has called one of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's advisers, Linda Robertson, a "K Street whore".

At first he stood by the comment which may be heard HERE but has since backed down and "apologized".

He tried to mop up the putrid mess he had created, which even staunch Democrat Anthony Weiner has called him "one fry short of a Happy Meal", by stating "Let’s be clear about the context," he said. "The attack was on her professional career, not her personal life." Yes, Alan, you mean her career as a "whore" -- like Heidi Fleiss or Xaviera Hollander had "careers"?


October 27, 2009 12:16 PM
Alan Grayson Stands by "K Street Whore" Comment

Posted by Brian Montopoli

Updated 6:13 p.m. ET

NOTE: Grayson has now apologized for the comments. Read more here.

Outspoken Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson is under fire from both Republicans and Democrats after a month-old radio interview was posted online in which Grayson is heard calling an adviser to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke a "K Street whore."

You can hear Grayson making the comment about the Bernanke adviser, who is named Linda Robertson, HERE. "This lobbyist, this K street whore, is trying to teach me about economics," he said.

Grayson has been widely criticized for his comment, as Politico and the Associated Press report. Republican Washington Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers said Grayson is "out of control," while Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner asked, "Is this news to you that this guy’s one fry short of a Happy Meal?"

"Alan Grayson's latest comments are disgraceful, inappropriate and disrespectful to women," RNC Co-Chairman Jan Larimer said, calling on Grayson to issue an apology.

That seems unlikely to happen. Todd Jurkowski, Grayson's spokesman, sent an email to Hotsheet standing by the comment and further criticizing Robertson.

"Let’s be clear about the context," he said. "The attack was on her professional career, not her personal life."

"She attacked the Congressman and his efforts to promote a Republican bill to audit the Federal Reserve," Jurkowski said. "She actually questioned his understanding of the difference between fiscal and monetary policy. She had the audacity to attack a Congressman who used to be an economist. She's a career lobbyist who used to work for Enron and advocates for whatever she gets paid to promote."

K Street is where many Washington lobbyists work, and "K Street whore" is a derogatory – though not uncommon – phrase used to describe them in the nation's capital. Grayson, who wants to limit the power of the Fed, made the comment while appearing on the Alex Jones radio show.

Just a few months ago, Grayson was a Florida House freshman with virtually no national name recognition. But he burst onto the scene in September when he suggested on the House floor that the Republican health care plan is "to die quickly if you get sick."

Called upon to apologize for those comments, Grayson instead apologized to "the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end this holocaust in America."

Earlier this month he set up a Web site called intended to draw attention to people who die without health coverage. (Republicans suggested it was more about Grayson drawing attention to himself.)

Last month, Grayson told Hotsheet that "people like a Democrat with guts."

His campaign has regularly sent out releases trumpeting Grayson's fundraising – it says he raised more than $250,000 in the first three weeks of October – and potential opponents seem to be shying away from challenging Grayson even though he is a House freshman from a swing district.