So, how did you get here?

They're the main reason I haven't hung around here lately, they're so exciting to follow this year. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
According to back to the future 2, they will win the 2015 world series!!!
I found HWC first, but the otc forum was already gone from there. I don't remember whose, but it was in someones sig there, or it seems it may have been a thread about removing the link from someones sig. Anyway, I found the place back in may of 02 when I had plenty of time to post and play all day. Nowadays I check it out from time to time, but don't get to post near as much.
Hmm... there's was a site - I forget the name - that lead me to HWC and the rest is pretty much like everyone else's story ..
Since I've been back, the Cubs have lost 2 of their last 3. Guess I'm going back into hiding until November, longer if the Bears do anything positive this year. ;)