you didtn name him Fritz did you . he didnt kill the john did he?? (sorry pt Fritz the Cat was the first thing that popped in my head when you said that)
Q was this the dog you mentioned in an earlier thread that was scared of you? hope that you get to keep the puppy. has he taken well to you and fam? heres to the best :beertoast: hes very cute. his smile shows how much he loves his fam
freako, I had to give the dog I found back. The people finally called the Humane Society and got my number.
The dog in the very first post is the one I might get. She's a girl. I've been corresponding with her foster mom by email.
The second pic is one of the dogs I already have. His name is Chopper. He will be three next month.
sorry about that Q. it is as i said before good to see someone who cares so thats cool. cute dogs though. hope you get the dog in the first pic. and hopefully Chopper and her will get along