So what does it take : Negative Karma


Well-Known Member've all seen the karma button, and some of you use it liberally. Most of the time, it's for giving positive karma or sending micro-PMs. That's's the negative-karma that I'm interested in.

Do you use the negative-karma button?
Under what circumstances would you use it?
Other than asking nicely for some, what would I have to do to 'deserve' negative karma? *I don't want any, but it'd be nice to know.

For myself...I rarely use neg-karma. I'd prefer to confront someone who would deserve it in the thread itself. I would reserve neg-karma for people who deserve to get kicked off OTC. *I understand that neg-karma is a flag to the Admins that someone might deserve booting*

I use karma rather liberally - when someone makes me laugh or deserves it or whatnot. And I'm bad about using it for "micropms", too, since I rarely pm. :blush:

As for negative karma, it'd really have to be something totally harsh for me to give negative karma. I think I've only done it on purpose once, usually with reason and always with name. Though the negatives to A13 don't count, because I usually screw those up and give him positive karma. :tardbang:
MrBishop said:'ve all seen the karma button, and some of you use it liberally. Most of the time, it's for giving positive karma or sending micro-PMs. That's's the negative-karma that I'm interested in.

Do you use the negative-karma button?
Under what circumstances would you use it?
Other than asking nicely for some, what would I have to do to 'deserve' negative karma? *I don't want any, but it'd be nice to know.

For myself...I rarely use neg-karma. I'd prefer to confront someone who would deserve it in the thread itself. I would reserve neg-karma for people who deserve to get kicked off OTC. *I understand that neg-karma is a flag to the Admins that someone might deserve booting*


To be honest I'd completely forgotten it was a possibilty until I got some. Since then I have used it once.

What would you have to do? I don't really know. If you said something I disagreed with I'd argue it, it's not personal, that's what discussion forums are about imho. I enjoy a good argument, the whole negative karma thing seems to make it a little too personal. I'd be happier if it wasn't an option.
I haven't given anyone negative karma, although I've come close (bad karma to a13 doesn't count). I always stop short of clicking that final button because it seems like such a petty thing to do. :shrug:
It is such an elementary school function....

"ohhh I don't like what you have to say...I shall proceded to show my anger with negative red dots."
I've never sent negative karma except to A13, to whom negative karma is positive.

I agree with what Bish said about negative karma being a "red flag" to moderators for unacceptable behavior, and would only use it for such purposes, not because I disagree with someone's opinion.
unclehobart said:
Its just a mini PM system to me.

ditto. I use it because I want to make a comment, but don't want anyone to feel obliged to respond.

Never used negative Karma.
I use it liberally as well - if I see something I like that's profound, well argued, or funny, then you gets my BoP-patented pants-swinging karma. I've given out negative karma as well, but I think it was to A13 so I dunno if that counts... :shrug: It'd have to be something really really bad for me to do it - it just feels too much like a school-ground socio-political thing, "Nyah nyah nyah nyah! You did Baaaaad! I'm teeeeeelling!", etc. :retard:
Only negative karma I've given is to A13........but like Rose I bugger it up & give him positive..........which is prolly negative for him? And as for the rest, I admit, I'm a karma whore, if you've made me laugh, said something really profound, made a good argument (preferrably against Gonz ;)) or offered to do my dishes......

Hell, I've even given the Big G himself a green bean or two :D
Hmm, only negative karma I've given was also to A13.

As for giving karma......well, I usually forget about it for a while....then go around throwing green beans to all and sundry :D

I do tend to reciprocate the stuff tho'...........
IDLEchild said:
It is such an elementary school function....

"ohhh I don't like what you have to say...I shall proceded to show my anger with negative red dots."

but you have enabled your karma in the profile...isn't "oh I DO like what you have to say...I shall show my sympathy with positive green dots" elementrary school style as well? :p
I've only given negative Karma to A13....but he likes it

I would only use it if someone went over the top disrespectful or something
I don't do the karma thing a bunch, I forget about it lots of times. I would do negative if the post was actually bad karma for the board-i.e. trolling. I try to give positive karma for positive contribution to the board.