So: What would YOU do.


Well-Known Member
Let's all get past the post-other-people's-opinions bit for a sec.

*You* are now the president of your country. You have a massive debt and a crumbling market. Each job loss falls on your shoulders, each dollar spent comes from your pockets.

Your job: Stop the economy from crumbling and please all sides of the population.

DO anything to create, and keep jobs, even if it means more debt, try to stabilize the economy, at all costs. Then regulate the FUCK out of banks etc. so it does not happen again.

That, or hope germany gets uppity again, cause war is hell, but a wartime economy is damn solid.
oh hell no!
that's what they Are doing.

Get the gov. out of the market!

It's what I would do, as per the question.

I would also dissolve the automotive unions, or force them to take pay cuts via legislation, so the big 3 stay open.

I would be villified, and only serve one term, but history would remember me as the one who saved the economy.
The problem is..
The gov. turn our market into casinos, and are play with our money, and future.

I'm a betting man, but never with OPM.
Out of respect I would stop short of turning you all into Canada jr.



to answer the original question, two things come immediately to mind:

1. invest heavily in infrastructure. massive government works projects (e.g. WWII, the highway system, rural electrification) have helped bring the economy back many times before. they put people to work. and they spend money in smarter ways than just giving timmy and suzy a $300 stimulus so they can go out there and put it toward a chinese-manufactured TV set. periodic, massive infrastructure projects are needed from time to time anyway in a capitalist society, because no businessperson in their right mind would invest in such project by themeselves, but infrastructure is key to enabling private companies to be competitive in the world economic system.

2. provide tax CREDITS for alternative energy development, NOT because i want people to hug trees, but because we need to stop spending trillions on being world cop so's to keep the oil flowing. tell saudi arabia to go fuck itself. (do i hear applause all around?) review regulations on nuke plants to make it easier to build them, and provide tax incentives and/or government backed loans for construction.
I like that #2 idea.

but, with #1, you have to consider the government in place now, not like the old days.
That money won't go where it's supposed to.
Let's all get past the post-other-people's-opinions bit for a sec.

*You* are now the president of your country. You have a massive debt and a crumbling market. Each job loss falls on your shoulders, each dollar spent comes from your pockets.

Your job: Stop the economy from crumbling and please all sides of the population.


Never happen.
Wall Street has spent an the order of 5 billion bucks in the last fifteen years buying deregulation. Looks to me like that got a pretty good return on their investment, huh. We, however, got fucked. I'd put a lot of that stuff back in place, pull the teeth of the supra-corporate unions and put regulations in place to stop the exporting of jobs. If I managed to get that through without being assassinated I reckon I'd shoot for a coherent health care system. Since virtually no one would vote for me after that, I guess I'd then retire from public life and do speaking engagements for 200 gees a pop.

Edit: Oh yeah, I'd also legalize drugs.
yeah, I like...
pre-barney frank, and chris dodd style.

not to mention the previous, and current admins.
I like that #2 idea.

but, with #1, you have to consider the government in place now, not like the old days.
That money won't go where it's supposed to.

and all of it never would have, really. i have seen nothing that would distinguish the current administration from previous ones with respect to basic honesty and uprightness in either a positive or negative way. so some of it, yes, will go down the rathole.
I'd pile serious moneys in infrastructure..especially coast-to-coast faster transport for goods and people. Bullet-train comes to mind. Toss some serious ky on products coming in from the NAFTA family... remove trade imports/exports and tariffs on the full range of products and services to boost manufacturing from 'local' companies. Bully up trade tariffs from overseas (especially China and India) - in order to help companies to make the right choice in buying locally and hiring locally.

Reinforce the power-grid - sink it underground and increase it's capacity for future consumption. Close 80% of coal-fired and oil-fired power-plants within 4 years... replace them with imported power at first, until the nuclear and other alternative power structures come on-line. Clear the field of 'green objectors' that step in the way of wind/solar/hydroelectric power-projects. Fuck the painted-turtles...we'll use stem-cells to bring'em back from extinction once we're done.

Close off the law-suit hemmorage for corps and hospitals from individuals. No more suing for $12mil for a papercut...sorry. Spill your coffee on your lap at McD's - we'll buy you a new coffee...have a nice day.

Let one of the big-3 car makers sink..hard! Give a message to the other two to toe the line or face the same medicine.

Cut a lot of golden-parachute strings. You helped fuck the system, here's your dividend of 'fuck' - enjoy your retirement.

Banks - they're the money people. Can't let them sink...but a couple of ball-gags and leg-cuffs and the whip to keep'em in line. Don't want to play...we'll help you sell your assets to a bank that does..what assets you do have after you've paid back your customers FIRST.
the first thing I guess I'd really do is get all the, as of yet, unspent moneys
back in the treasury, AMAP.
Theeeen start.
Close off the law-suit hemmorage for corps and hospitals from individuals. No more suing for $12mil for a papercut...sorry. Spill your coffee on your lap at McD's - we'll buy you a new coffee...have a nice day.

no one has ever successfully sued for a $12mil paper cut. sometimes juries do award absurd amounts... when it is clear that the company in question is a bunch of shits, and deserve it. juries are made up of everyday people. show them you are a raging cock, and they'll reward you accordingly.

i can't believe you're siding with the man here.

but it's cool. you're canadian. you think we're all sue-happy in the US. of course i happen to know very well that ya'll are pretty quick to formalize complaints, too. :circle: