So: What would YOU do.

Talk of butchering it? Obviously you haven't been paying attention. Since when did you need a permit to exercise a right? It's long since been gutted, cleaned and hung on a hook, along with most of the rest of your so called rights. I hate to break it to you, brother, but you've been had.

I still have a gun atm.
I'm not saying they haven't already messed with it, but that's different than
effectively doing away with it.

We still have enough freedom atm to be dangerous, if warranted.
Talk of butchering it? Obviously you haven't been paying attention. Since when did you need a permit to exercise a right? It's long since been gutted, cleaned and hung on a hook, along with most of the rest of your so called rights. I hate to break it to you, brother, but you've been had.

um, right.

any non-felon can LEGALLY buy an ar15 and as many 30 round magazines as they want at a local shop or three. with an extra evil flash hider AND bayonet lug. plus some of that real neat military ammo that fragments inside the human body! yay!

so, um, what are you talking about?
Carry it over your shoulder walking down any street of any major city. Wear a pistol of any kind inside a gov't building. Carry a .22 in your pocket. Convert your AR15 to full auto.

You're being hedged in at every turn ... in the name of the public good. Seems they forgot that you are the public.
Carry it over your shoulder walking down any street of any major city. Wear a pistol of any kind inside a gov't building. Carry a .22 in your pocket. Convert your AR15 to full auto.

um, yeah.

at least, now, i understand where you are coming from.

post-apocalyptic australia.

um, yeah.

at least, now, i understand where you are coming from.

The right to bear arms. Not to own them. Not to buy them. To carry (bear) them anywhere, anytime. Not with a permit. Not "anywhere except where we tell you". There's a reason your forefathers put that so promenantly into your treasured document. Because they knew damn well that the only way the gov't they proposed would work was if the 'rulers' were looking down the barrel of a gun everytime they made a decision. Seems like the shoe is on the other foot. You're the one looking down their barrel every time they make a law demanding more of your money, time, effort,
The right to bear arms. Not to own them. Not to buy them. To carry (bear) them anywhere, anytime. Not with a permit. Not "anywhere except where we tell you". There's a reason your forefathers put that so promenantly into your treasured document. Because they knew damn well that the only way the gov't they proposed would work was if the 'rulers' were looking down the barrel of a gun everytime they made a decision. Seems like the shoe is on the other foot. You're the one looking down their barrel every time they make a law demanding more of your money, time, effort,
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Twas a necessary aspect considering that people needed to protect themselves from natives whose territory were being taken, and from the very large slave population.

Also usefull in avoiding Posse Comitatus violations - where common folk could come to the defence of their country in case of invasion or attempts to overthrow the GVT in place....civil war.

It wasn't there to keep those in power honest - historically nor currently.
yeah we want our country back so we can breed with our cousins, keep them and our other multiple wives chained up at home, and carry shotguns at biker bars.
okay prof. it's your option not to recognize certain fetters of living in a civilized society.

I certainly do recognize them. That's why I support a Monarchy as opposed to a popularity contest by a group of professional liars every 4 years.

BTW, anyone posting that photos really needs to spend some time in the kiddy pool
I certainly do recognize them. That's why I support a Monarchy as opposed to a popularity contest by a group of professional liars every 4 years.

BTW, anyone posting that photos really needs to spend some time in the kiddy pool

and anyone who thinks regressing to monarchy is a good idea needs to spend less time in a cave.

photo deleted.
and anyone who thinks regressing to monarchy is a good idea needs to spend less time in a cave.

photo deleted.

You think your gov't is anything less than a deferred monarchy? People, average Joe Sixpack, aren't equipped to deal with leading. Look at your schools, businesses, cities ... damn few people who even want to know anything more than the next meal is safe.