So: What would YOU do.

You think your gov't is anything less than a deferred monarchy? People, average Joe Sixpack, aren't equipped to deal with leading. Look at your schools, businesses, cities ... damn few people who even want to know anything more than the next meal is safe.

like the rest of us here, you aren't gifted with special knowledge or motivation.
you are everyday guy. you ARE joe six pack.

are you as passive, dumb, and short-sighted as you make most everyone else out to be?


i didn't think so.

i'm not sure from where your particularly charming form of "the masses are asses" springs, but it's pretty silly, and pretty transparent.
the gun is from firefly.

mad max had a shotgun.

Actually, the firearm is from "Wanted: Dead or Alive" a 1960's Steve McQueen bounty hunter series. He wore the firearm, referred to as a "Mare's Laig" in firearms parlance, as a sidearm with a swivel rig.

You can purchase a working reproduction of Josh Randall's "Mare's Laig" for about $3,000 from this site:

They also manufacture non-firing reproductions for about $900.

Non-firing replicas are also available from:
Agree with Peel on the ideas.

As for the 2nd...just as long as you must give your persoanl info in order to purchase a weapon, the 2nd is not in effect. Go ask the folks in new Orleans.
like the rest of us here, you aren't gifted with special knowledge or motivation.
you are everyday guy. you ARE joe six pack.

are you as passive, dumb, and short-sighted as you make most everyone else out to be?


i didn't think so.

i'm not sure from where your particularly charming form of "the masses are asses" springs, but it's pretty silly, and pretty transparent.

Dumb, passive and shortsighted? Not hardly. But then, I am also aware of my limitations, unlike many others who dream of being president when they can hardly manage to write their own name legibly. I've been a boss, even run my own business for a time. Am I capable .. sure. Do I like it? Nope. And I'm honest enough with my self to admit that instead of living the delusion that I'm more than I am. I'm an artisan. More than a peasant, less than a lord, and more than happy with that position.
i would make sure it had a ghost ring sight at the rear, regardless of whether it's a lever action or shotgun. ghost rings are soooo fast.