So...what would YOU do?

Nobody touches my kids but me...period. It's not a macho statement, BoP. My reaction is based on the action of the 'toucher'.

This fuck-nut slapped a 2 year old 4 times! Fair's fair...I get 4 hits back.

Gonz: The kid didn't shut up..she screamed louder still.

see above. It wouldn't solve a goddamned thing.
Nobody touches my kids but me...period. It's not a macho statement, BoP. My reaction is based on the action of the 'toucher'.

This fuck-nut slapped a 2 year old 4 times! Fair's fair...I get 4 hits back.

Gonz: The kid didn't shut up..she screamed louder still.
Your reaction is based on your inability to control yourself. I don't see how you think that getting yourself charged and in jail or prison is going to make this situation better for your child.
What a dumbass comment. Call the cops & put yer weiner away.

Occasionally I act first and consider the consequences afterward. Always have. It's only gotten me arrested once. Besides, I like my wiener. It's my friend. We have had many interesting adventures and a whole lot of fun together.

Your reaction is based on your inability to control yourself. I don't see how you think that getting yourself charged and in jail or prison is going to make this situation better for your child.
You are, of course, correct. I doubt that this in any way alters the likelihood that it will happen again. ;) In fact, I can think of two or three people right off hand that need a poke in the nose. Typically though, I have to be at least moderately irritated with someone to do it.

Re the OP, perhaps he shouldn't be punishing the child for the parent's stupidity. I probably would have stopped him by whatever means necessary.
Kinda late for the direct emotional response...buddy would've already fucked right off, and it's not like I could've chased down someone I could't identify.

The 'someone sitting with my kid' would have questions of their own to answer.
First, I think you all ought to lay off Bish. I think I understand where he's coming from in wanting to protect his kids from violent adults.
Second, I don't think Bish's kids would have acted up like that in public or he'd have done the right thing and taken the kid/kids straight out of the store. (I've read posts on the subject and Bish seems to be on the right track as far as responsible parenting, which I think some of you have forgotten.)
Third, I would have clocked any adult that slapped my offspring, just like Bish was saying here... again, not that I think Bish's kid/kids would have acted like a brat in public.
Whatever happened to "it takes a village to raise a child"? This man was part of the village and helped raise the child by disciplining it, right?
I'd say that guy is more like the village idiot. We may disapprove of how someone parents, but this is none of our business, and for anyone to be stupid enough to do what he did, well he ought not be surprised when there is outrage.

It is one thing to disapprove and say so, and quite another to take matters into your own hands.
We may disapprove of how someone parents, but this is none of our business,

Unless acts, or lack thereof, make it our business. How you handle matters in your home is your business. Having your brat disrupt or irritate a whole store, plane, train, mall full of people becomes our business.

It is one thing to disapprove and say so, and quite another to take matters into your own hands.

He (she) needed killing.
Whatever happened to "it takes a village to raise a child"?

yeah, that phrase is from west africa.

some dumbshit brought it back here and used it for sloganeering.

our society is not all that like thems bantu's. they're all backwards, irrational, and superstitious.


oh, right.

i guess we can use it here.
yeah, that phrase is from west africa.

some dumbshit brought it back here and used it for sloganeering.

our society is not all that like thems bantu's. they're all backwards, irrational, and superstitious.

oh, right.

i guess we can use it here.
That phrase "it takes a village to raise a child" is appropriate here as well, just applied differently.
  • We have public (and private) education and our children are educated together with other kids. (Barring those freaks who keep their children home so they don't race-mix or learn themselves up the unrighteous lessins of evilooshin and anger the lord.)
  • Many people enroll their children in sports or other group activities (including religious education) outside of their secular education.
  • Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts are other group activities in which children are influenced.
All of these exposures help to "raise a child". Before you all burn effigies of Hilary Clinton think about what this phrase means. I don't think anyone thinks that children are raised in a bubble with no exposure to the "village" (unless they're kept in a basement and I believe that's against the law).
"I think I understand where he's coming from in wanting to protect his kids from violent adults".

Well, who protects adults from violent children? And pets, for that matter.
Want to know one reason retail sales are down? People like me are staying home. You can't go out in public anymore without being harrassed by someone else's psychotic brats or slobbered on, growled at or bitten by their big, goofy dogs.